Watching The Constant right now. One of my fav episodes. I really hope something worthwhile happens in the alt. timeline or whatever you would like to call it, because the stories in that line have been kind of dull. 95% of the stuff I've enjoyed so far has been on the Island in S6.

And Desmond and Faraday were 2 of my favs.

Looks like this latest episode will get the ball rolling for some serious fireworks.
The last 15 mins of 'Sundown' got the fireworks started IMO, things are just gonna get serious from here on out. Sides are bein choosen, people gettin' offed, the alt timeline losties runnin' into eachother, it's all settin' up for a big finish. If the producers drop the ball with the ending of this great show now, A LOT of people are gonna be on suicide watch.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I'm still HEATED Faraday was killed. He would've had a lot of answers.

Who's to say he still can't? Anything is possible in Season 6.

And to what Banks said, honestly 90% of what I like about LOST is the on-island stuff. Very rarely have I enjoyed the flashes unless it's with my favorite characters. The on-island stuff is always so much more mysterious and interesting to me.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I'm still HEATED Faraday was killed. He would've had a lot of answers.

I think the producers said we would see him again, don't know if its on/off the island though.
So I was re-watching "Sundown" and I'm just throwing this out there but it seems as if Flocke's offers to Claire and Sayid are selfish in nature. Claire is to be reunited with her son rather than assure his safety and well being and Sayid is to be reunited with Nadia/Shannon. Jacob's offer to Dogen is to rescue his son but Dogen must sacrifice himself.
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

So I was re-watching "Sundown" and I'm just throwing this out there but it seems as if Flocke's offers to Claire and Sayid are selfish in nature. Claire is to be reunited with her son rather than assure his safety and well being and Sayid is to be reunited with Nadia/Shannon. Jacob's offer to Dogen is to rescue his son but Dogen must sacrifice himself.
I like that observation. Nice thinking. Will probably come into play.

And to EBW, now that you mention it, that has been the case for me as well for all seasons. It's just more noticeable now that I really only love the island stuff because it is the first season that I have been watching live. You just know there will be a
x1000 moment in that alt timeline soon enough...or will it wait til the finale?
Crazy EBW wrote:

And to what Banks said, honestly 90% of what I like about LOST is the on-island stuff. Very rarely have I enjoyed the flashes unless it's with my favorite characters. The on-island stuff is always so much more mysterious and interesting to me.


so mysterious that they won't answer 50 % of the mysteries

the more i think back to the first couple seasons of lost, the more i realize that theres a good chance i won't get an explanation for a lot of things. every other day i think of stuff that happened for no apparent reason. it just feels like the writers didn't know where they were going. it feels like stuff happened for no reason in teh first two or three seasons.

how the hell was charlie and ecko getting all those visions? john and boones visions? kates horse?  how the hell did that question mark get there (the one john saw),  the funny thing is i bet they attempt to explain everything by saying "oh it was jacob" or "oh it was smokey". walt. why put a statue with 4 toes on it, if you won't ever explain why? what's with the egyptian stuff?

but there is so much season left that i could be wrong. hope i am.

and the pregnancy thing. but i think that will be explained
When Flocke was talking to Sayid about bringing that person back.......my first thought was temptation. They way the black smoke, is rather serpent like.
After thinking about it, I really don't like what they are doing with the GOOD vs. EVIL deal.

Here is what I mean:
-We have spent 5 amazing long seasons learning about the ins and outs of these great characters, only to have them reduce to a good vs. bad standoff in the final season? The entire show goes AGAINST the grain in that sense.  The "others" initially are bad, but then are on the fence.  Later some of the Losties become part of the Others.  Everyone of the main cast has made GOOD and BAD decisions throughout the show, showing the complexity of the characters.

-It just seems like all of that character development was unnecessary and time wasted. To reduce everything to that just seems like a cop out, doesn't it?  I mean since we know so much about these characters, they had the opportunity to come up with something much more involved and creative, as they had maintained throughout the first 5 seasons.

I could be wrong. Who knows, maybe they won't maintain the standoff plot throughout the final season.
^ That's how you know we are gonna get a good reason to empathize with Flocke pretty soon. Cuse/lindelof are pretty smart dudes. I think they have something good figured out. I'm just going along for the ride at this point.
yeah i agree it would be a copout that after all the character development it ends up with the "infected" evil side vs the good jacob side.
*wakes up calmly on a nice sunday morning*

*flicks on TV*

W.T.F. They really took ABC off the air here!
This #%%$ better be fixed and back on by Tuesday night.

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

*wakes up calmly on a nice sunday morning*

*flicks on TV*

W.T.F. They really took ABC off the air here!
This #%%$ better be fixed and back on by Tuesday night.


Unbelievable.  In such a major market... I don't understand it.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

*wakes up calmly on a nice sunday morning*

*flicks on TV*

W.T.F. They really took ABC off the air here!
This #%%$ better be fixed and back on by Tuesday night.


WHAT?! Cablevision?!
I blame Cablevision for this, not Mickey Mouse. It no coincidence that this has happened to Cablevision with two different channels this year.

If they don't fix this by Tuesday, so help me..
Won't channel 7 still show on basic television? Just get your antennas out the basement/attic.

That's what I did in one other room and I had to take out the cablevision box and put the illegal satellite box back in the living room (now I can watch LOST in 3 different time zones again)
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Won't channel 7 still show on basic television? Just get your antennas out the basement/attic.

That's what I did in one other room and I had to take out the cablevision box and put the illegal satellite box back in the living room (now I can watch LOST in 3 different time zones again)

Yeah, I guess we could probably do that, but it is the basic principle of us paying $120 a month for so-so internet, no movie channels in a basic package, etc.; and they have the audacity to allow a top broadcast network to pull their programming off the air.

That should not happen.
To those that lost ABC:

veetle.com is the best streaming site out. People always put up Lost on Tuesday nights.

Yeah you have to install some software but believe me, there's nothing better.

If you have a decent connection, you can get the HD stream and it's just as good as watching it on tv.

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