Originally Posted by airjordan05

dont know if this is mentioned yet but jack picked up a book in his sons room that had something to do with alice in wonderland, could the mirrors that he smashed with hurley be a looking glass?
Can someone elaborate on this? My memories of alice in wonderland are foggy at best.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

i think the cave was flocke den and the writing on the wall are the names of the people he wants to recruit, while

the light house is were the names of the people Jacob wants to recruit

I don't think I'd be unhappy if we don't see Walt. I'll be if a little upset if they don't at least explain him a little more. I'd settle for Ben saying why they captured him.

And I'm pretty much done trying to figure out what the flash-sideways are. My initial guess is that's it possibly the ending of the show, but I really don't think that's going to be the case.

And I still don't see Sawyer becoming the new MIB. As cold as he is sometimes, he still seemed to have people back's when it was really needed. But, that would kinda be a cool way to end the show.
I think, just opinion, that people need to let Walt go.
In real life, he outgrew his character before they wanted him to but they couldn't do anything to incorporate him into the story.
edit: yuku is actin up on me
I got a feeling one of Miles or Sayid is going to die next week. Jin is leading MIB and Claire to the temple, and they're the only two left in there like sitting ducks.
Originally Posted by Djoker33

I got a feeling that this season is going to end with that scene of Jacob and MIB on the beach watching the boat come in...where MIB tells Jacob he's going to find a way to kill him one day....

But instead it's going to be Jack and Sawyer...
I don't know man...

I just can't see Sawyer sitting there on the beach casually wanting to kill Jack, but not being able to do so because of some rules. I can see Sawyer saying "F all that" and try to off him regardless.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

I think, just opinion, that people need to let Walt go.
In real life, he outgrew his character before they wanted him to but they couldn't do anything to incorporate him into the story.


the kid was killing birds and disappearing and appearing all over the island. others asking questions specifically about walts powers....

don't let being a huge fan blind you from realizing that this would be one of the biggest plot holes in television history. they need to complete his story. honestly i'm sure that they know this and he will be explained. when they had 2 kids that looked like walt interact with locke in the substitute i was sure they were messing with us and walt will come into play

you telling me they can time travel and ressurect people but they can't finish walts story because they kid had a growth spurt
Dub - I agree. He was too important for them to not say anything. He don't need to actually be seen I don't guess, but they need to say SOMETHING about him and his "specialness".
iirc, there was a report out there that Matthew Fox and the character that plays Walt shot some footage way back because they didn't want him to outgrow his role too much for what they had planned.  I'm sorta on the fence if I want Walt to come back tho...

...On that note, I wonder if there are any scenes that they shot and didn't end up using that we might get in the DVD collection.  I remember those LOST "missing pieces" awhile back, but don't remember what the producers ended up saying about them.

Robz over at DarkUFO is reppin' UofM
Originally Posted by DubA169


the kid was killing birds and disappearing and appearing all over the island. others asking questions specifically about walts powers....

don't let being a huge fan blind you from realizing that this would be one of the biggest plot holes in television history. they need to complete his story. honestly i'm sure that they know this and he will be explained. when they had 2 kids that looked like walt interact with locke in the substitute i was sure they were messing with us and walt will come into play

you telling me they can time travel and ressurect people but they can't finish walts story because they kid had a growth spurt
Well certainly I expect his STORY to be explained somehow. I'm not expecting to see Walt on-island at all or even off for that matter.

I wouldn't even really care if we didn't hear another thing about him. I hate his stupid character. They shouldn't of focused on him so much in the earlier seasons. They set themselves up for failure with his character...
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I'm thinking that #108 is just a mind @%$# on the viewers because the conversation between Hurley and Jacob.

Jacob knew what Jack's reaction would be and knew that he needed some time looking out at the ocean by himself, so the #108 ploy was to mess with the viewers and to trick Hurley into doing what Jacob told him to do.
IMO, at this point, this is the best theory out there on this.  #108 doesn't matter, its just that Jacob needed Jack to get something done - smash the mirrors.

Answer IV DMX , I couldn't agree more and actually came here to post the same thing.  I think 108 and Wallace mean nothing at all especially since the name is crossed out.  If the name wasn't crossed out then maybe I would feel differently.  It is what it is that Jacob just used that to get Jack to see that he had been watching him and that he is "special".
Originally Posted by JinKazama

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
Seeing the numbers and name dial in the lighthouse now makes me think the names on the wall that Flocke showed to Sawyer are fake. Think about it why would Jacob have all these names and number on a dial that he can use to see the people he wants to use and then go and write them in a cave. Flocke is solely using the cave to manipulate Sawyer and I think that is even more confirmed in the fact that Kate is on the list in the lighthouse but not in the cave.
IMO both sets of numbers are real.  I think Jacob and black smoke guy want the same thing...to get off the island.  Jacob knows that in order to be able to do that he needs a replacement to "protect" the island.  Black Smoke knows this to but he doesn't want to believe it he thinks he can change the game.  So he's stopped trying to find "candidates" to replace him and has now set out to get off the island his way. 

Smoky showed Sawyer HIS cave to make his point/trick Sawyer that Jacob is the one who's the bad guy not him...plus him throwing the stone off the scale was symbolism of him not playing by the rules any more.  Jacob showed jack HIS lighthouse to demonstrate that this is his destiny...he's the chosen one...he has what it takes to be the island's caretaker 

This is all setting up that Jack becomes the new Jacob and Sawyer becomes the new black smoky who hates being on the island.  I think smoky is going to get off by long conning Sawyer into being trapped there just like he is.  Thus creating the Yin (Jack) and the Yang (Sawyer) that must exist on the island.  Then Jack and Sawyer will begin this whole thing all over again of bringing people there...trying to find candidates...

I agree with your reasoning for why both Flocke and Jacob used the places to show each person different things.  However, I disagree that both set of numbers are real at all.  Like I said why would Jacob have these numbers in a lighthouse along with mirrors where he can watch his "recruits" and then go an write it all unorganized in a cave?! Smokey probably was aware of most of the numbers and used it to attempt to exploit Sawyer.  Also the writing on the wall are nowhere nearly as expansive as the list of numbers in the lighthouse.  I think Smokey showed the Sawyer the numbers he believed that he needed to see. 

Its also interesting that Kate is not on the wall in the cave but is in on the list in the lighthouse although we know she is part of the oceanic 6.  Maybe Flocked did not want Sawyer to see that Kate is on the list because of his emotional attachment to her and knows that she can't be part of his plan. 
Probably been said before, but this new 'crazy' version of Claire could get slayed with the wraith of ten Smoke Monsters. I'll be her 'friend' any day.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW


Jack's up and down for me, but that view with him looking at the water realizing how important he was was pretty epic.

Jack IS LOST. Jack MAKES LOST go. No matter if you love him or hate him, dude is what this show has been about since day 1.
Sawyer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jake IMO

getting sick of the new family members popping up in bizarro-reality, locke's whatever and jack's kid...meh. gimmie some more island mysteries revealed.
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