I think Sayid still has some good left in him and might do something positive in the future. Hopefully.
Biggest thing I think I learned is.. what happens in 1 timeline affects the other timeline.. Sun getting shot in the flash sideways and somehow losing the ability to speak English in the main timeline..
^ Possibly. Another thought I just had was, what if Sun and Jin aren't meant to be together? If they get back together in normal timeline (or are trying to at least), Sun gets shot in side timeline meaning they cant be together. Keamy's line "some people just arent meant to be together" or something like that is making me think that there was something deeper in what he was saying.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

I got chills when Flocke said "A wise man once said that war is coming to this island, I think it just got here."

yeah this was
Originally Posted by Rich Says

So, if the real plan actually is to fly the Ajira plane, assuming it's fully functional, then why the hell didn't the Ajira folk do that in the first place?

Cause the Pilot left remember? Lapidus was wondering with Sun since they landed. The average plane folk (not Illana's crew or the Losties) prolly was looking for him when they got murked. 
Originally Posted by certified hustler11

Originally Posted by franchise3

I just hope they don't try and cram all the answers and reveals into the finale. The flash sideways better start to lead up to something.
I think that's exactly what's going to happen in the last few episodes. Only I don't think its going to be "crammed."  All this build-up will let to a HUGE sendoff that flowed perfectly a la the Season 2 Finale "Live Together, Die Alone" , Season 3 Finale "Through the Looking Glass" and the Season 4 Finale "There's No Place Like Home." It was

Season Finale:

Season 3 > Season 1 >  Season 2 >  Season 4 > Season 5

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Rich Says

So, if the real plan actually is to fly the Ajira plane, assuming it's fully functional, then why the hell didn't the Ajira folk do that in the first place?

Cause the Pilot left remember? Lapidus was wondering with Sun since they landed. The average plane folk (not Illana's crew or the Losties) prolly was looking for him when they got murked. 

True, forgot about that. The co-pilot died right?
Anyway, Flocke said he needs all the candidates together to leave the island right? He probably can't leave until every candidate is dead, but he can't kill them himself. No candidates to replace Jacob = freedom.

My favorite two parts of the episode were Jin seeing pictures of Ji Yeon, and insecure little girl Claire getting told she could body Kate after she serves her purpose.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Rich Says

So, if the real plan actually is to fly the Ajira plane, assuming it's fully functional, then why the hell didn't the Ajira folk do that in the first place?

Cause the Pilot left remember? Lapidus was wondering with Sun since they landed. The average plane folk (not Illana's crew or the Losties) prolly was looking for him when they got murked. 

True, forgot about that. The co-pilot died right?
Anyway, Flocke said he needs all the candidates together to leave the island right? He probably can't leave until every candidate is dead, but he can't kill them himself. No candidates to replace Jacob = freedom.

My favorite two parts of the episode were Jin seeing pictures of Ji Yeon, and insecure little girl Claire getting told she could body Kate after she serves her purpose.
Co-pilot got iced by the tree branch upon landing. Episode wasn't as much of a filler as I thought. Need to watch it again tho
The biggest thing that got me this week was when widmore said "if he leaves the island...they all cease to exist" which to me means that if he does then they truly are in hell because everything they loved off island would cease to exist.
Originally Posted by hymen man

I think Sayid still has some good left in him and might do something positive in the future. Hopefully.

I think so too...

...as evidenced by him throwing Jin the razor in the flash sideways. 
did mikhail actually die on the island?

last i remember was him blowing up the window that caused charlie to drown
am i the only one that dont believe that was jack talkin to sun towards the end when he was talkin about trust and stuff?
Originally Posted by CasperJr

am i the only one that dont believe that was jack talkin to sun towards the end when he was talkin about trust and stuff?

who else would it have been...?  MIB/Flocke is the only character that can shapeshift and it was established that he's stuck as Flocke
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by CasperJr

am i the only one that dont believe that was jack talkin to sun towards the end when he was talkin about trust and stuff?

who else would it have been...?  MIB/Flocke is the only character that can shapeshift and it was established that he's stuck as Flocke
idk it just same alot like how mib/flocke has beening going about doing his thang

^ Maybe Flocke did something to her when she was knocked out. I mean, she lost the ability to speak English... and I dont think it's as simple as Jack explained. And Flocke just disappeared and said '**** it' after chasing her through damn near half the island? Nah I dont buy it.
Originally Posted by Noskey

^ Maybe Flocke did something to her when she was knocked out. I mean, she lost the ability to speak English... and I dont think it's as simple as Jack explained. And Flocke just disappeared and said '**** it' after chasing her through damn near half the island? Nah I dont buy it.
Naw that knock to the head can do that and Flocke more than likely left cause she was knocked out. So far as we know of Locke has to let them make up their own mind to come with him. If he didn't he would have black pillared dragged them a long time ago.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Naw that knock to the head can do that and Flocke more than likely left cause she was knocked out. So far as we know of Locke has to let them make up their own mind to come with him. If he didn't he would have black pillared dragged them a long time ago.

Yeah, he has to tell them whatever they want to hear, but he has to convince them.  (Jack, Hurley, Sun etc... )
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Naw that knock to the head can do that and Flocke more than likely left cause she was knocked out. So far as we know of Locke has to let them make up their own mind to come with him. If he didn't he would have black pillared dragged them a long time ago.

Yeah, he has to tell them whatever they want to hear, but he has to convince them.  (Jack, Hurley, Sun etc... )
I think that's one of the rules to the game him and Jacob play. I want a set of those rules by series end...AND I wanna know if those are the same rules Ben was mentioning to Widmore
Originally Posted by Hazat50

the rules will be answered

I pretty much figured that seeing as 
Spoiler [+]
supposedly MIB and Jacob are getting an episode for themselves
What if "the package" isn't Desmond and actually someone else locked away in the sub?

It seems too logical from all the plot twists and craziness we've seen so far.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

What if "the package" isn't Desmond and actually someone else locked away in the sub?

It seems too logical from all the plot twists and craziness we've seen so far.
I know that LOST is confusing but sometimes the answer is right in front of us. Well it could be possible that it's not a twist but who knows for sure...still waiting on a mention of WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!!!!!!!!!! tho
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