locke is hating the sand though
One thing that got me was why did Jin and Sun suddenly speak perfect English, like with no accents at all. Jin was speaking like Daniel Dae Kim.

To all the people who keep complaining about not getting answers about the island and all its wonders need to know that LOST has always been about the characters. They could give us scientific explanations or even mythical explanations on how the island worked but at the end of the day the show was a character study of these individuals and their journeys through life.
Closure-wise, the finale was

But when taking into account the whole series, I don't feel that satisfied. Way too many questions left unanswered, or, things that never panned out. Aaron was supposed to be special? Walt? You can go down the list.

I honestly think the writers just took bits and pieces of all the fan's theories and rolled with that. Purgatory, it being a game, mythology, etc
Originally Posted by eddiee21

One thing that got me was why did Jin and Sun suddenly speak perfect English, like with no accents at all. Jin was speaking like Daniel Dae Kim.

They had the memories of the island transfer over when they had their flashes. The memories brought upon the ability to speak English.

I just choked on my water when Kimmel said Nestor/Alpert was 1/4 raccoon
We all love Richard, but this dude was useless this season. Like really, his storyline was a waste. Goes from supposedly being the key to killing the smoke monster (according to Illana) to basically holding duck tape for Miles.
We all love Richard, but this dude was useless this season. Like really, his storyline was a waste. Goes from supposedly being the key to killing the smoke monster (according to Illana) to basically holding duck tape for Miles.
They're just keeping open the possibility of a future 2-hour TV movie or something...like a prequel that explains the island's history and all of the technical answers that we want. It's all about $$$$

Desmond to Jack "See ya in another life..." makes sense now and having Desmond be the guy to be the one to reunite everyone in that afterlife is fitting.

Why does Ben get a chance at a good afterlife though, even despite all the bad $+*# he did, but Michael is permanently on that island as a whisperer
Mike was never a bad guy, he was just doing what a father does while Ben lusted for power and was selfish, killing many people in the process. Michael is probably the biggest loser in this whole thing
Awesome show and great ending reminded me of Evangelion's ending.

cant wait to get the complete box set most likely the extras will answer other questions.

for people who keep asking what happened to eko ,Ana Lucia and Daniel it could of been they were not ready to move on. Same with Ben, he just chose not to move on yet

it has been cool to hear all of your theory's im going to keep my lost Sig for a long time it was fun guys

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Awesome show and great ending reminded me of Evangelion's ending.

Man, that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. We kinda got both the EVA tv ending and the movie rolled into one. [That flying punch 
Uptempo kid wrote:
jrdnkiks213 wrote:
Claire on Kimmel.. 

She can have my black baby...Kate too if she wears that black dress she had on at the concert
I swear, how much I wanted her to get popped, I forgot how banging she was til the last ep. When did they forget how to get her into better (or less) clothing?

I was thinking of doing a rewatch of the show, but that ending was too damn heavy. I need a 6 month sabbatical. 
Ben didn't wanna move on yet because he's weighing the fact that he has a high chance of going to Hell lol
Originally Posted by DubA169

oh I understand the ending. it was ++%@#+@ terrible. I wasn't surprised once the entire season. we didn't learn ANYTHING about eloise Hawking or anything i general. these people had no clue what the hell they were doing with this show.

the long con was lost itself. the most incoherent show ever made. It is impossible to re-watch the series without getting angry at the wasted potential. i've read fan fiction 10 times better than the crap that the last season was.

they made the episode super emotional and threw in a bunch of old cast members to make you forget about how the entire series is fundamentally flawed.
I agree exactly. The majority of fans who followed this show from the beginning loved this episode. It was like a reunion show with past returning, favorite characters,  some blatant emotionally manipulation, and smart wink-winks to fans, so people can cry and declare this the greatest ever.

I watched every episode straight since Jan of this year, and so I don't have the emotionally attachment everyone on this thread does. But this episode SUCKED BIG TIME. It was beautiful visually, well scored musically, and acting was amazing. But I was bored and confused, not about the storyline, but incoherence of the show. I can going on and rant, but I don't want to be a Debbie Downer.

BTW, where's Miles, Richard, and Frank???Why aren't they at the church with Jack???

Hopefully, 24 kills it tomorrow and makes me forget about this episode.
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

BTW, where's Miles, Richard, and Frank???Why aren't they at the church with Jack???

They arent dead. Or at least they're not important enough to that group that they need to move on with them.
It was very reminiscent of the Evangelion ending. I like the fact the finale allows for closure, but I was expecting more with the alternate timeline after so much time was spent on it this season.
I was invested in this thing for less than a year and it had a huge emotional impact on me. Didn't see the purg/sideways thing coming and it was probably the best way to end the show. Just amazing.

Emotional manipulation? More like character growth and evolution coming to fruition. There were a lot of ways to screw this thing up, but they sure didn't.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I was invested in this thing for less than a year and it had a huge emotional impact on me. Didn't see the purg/sideways thing coming and it was probably the best way to end the show. Just amazing.

Emotional manipulation? More like character growth and evolution coming to fruition. There were a lot of ways to screw this thing up, but they sure didn't.

exactly. I've been watching since...last August or October and loved the episode. I guess I grew attached to the characters that fast. Wish it wasn't over...
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by DubA169

oh I understand the ending. it was ++%@#+@ terrible. I wasn't surprised once the entire season. we didn't learn ANYTHING about eloise Hawking or anything i general. these people had no clue what the hell they were doing with this show.

the long con was lost itself. the most incoherent show ever made. It is impossible to re-watch the series without getting angry at the wasted potential. i've read fan fiction 10 times better than the crap that the last season was.

they made the episode super emotional and threw in a bunch of old cast members to make you forget about how the entire series is fundamentally flawed.
I agree exactly. The majority of fans who followed this show from the beginning loved this episode. It was like a reunion show with past returning, favorite characters,  some blatant emotionally manipulation, and smart wink-winks to fans, so people can cry and declare this the greatest ever.

I watched every episode straight since Jan of this year, and so I don't have the emotionally attachment everyone on this thread does. But this episode SUCKED BIG TIME. It was beautiful visually, well scored musically, and acting was amazing. But I was bored and confused, not about the storyline, but incoherence of the show. I can going on and rant, but I don't want to be a Debbie Downer.

BTW, where's Miles, Richard, and Frank???Why aren't they at the church with Jack???

Hopefully, 24 kills it tomorrow and makes me forget about this episode.
Been watching this show for 6 years and this ending kind of worsened the whole experience to me.
It almost seems like the writers just threw all kinds of #%%# and mysteries in before to keep people hooked. Never bothered to answer lots of those questions.
idk. i thought the ending was amazing. i felt so moved at the end. Thats really all you can ask for imo.

anyways. im thinking ben didnt pass on with everyone because he wanted to spend time with ALEX. he loved her and lost her, but here he could be with her in some regard.
I had a feeling this final episode was going to be like the fresh prince finale episode. But it is what it is. I enjoyed the ride.

But there were too many unanswered questions.

How did widmore and the others get to the island?
Why can't babies be born on the island? (they might have answered this, I missed it)

There is more but I can't remember. I got to thinks about all six seasons now. . . I be back later to post more questions.
I think the show is very different to people who caught up on it than it is to people like me who were there the first day. That's, because ABC are some abusive !+%+#*%#.

From the first season, they used to show a chunk of episodes then randomly just show reruns for a couple weeks. Show a few more, reruns for a month. No warning, no system. Then they did it worse in the 2nd season. They put all this pressure on the show where, we'd feel lucky to finally get an episode, and if it turned out to be a slow down filler one, how could we not get pissed off.

Then the 3rd season was more of the same. Just abusive as hell, but we at least saw it coming. The 2nd season they dragged +!% in the hatch until Ben showed up. 3rd season, they dragged +!% in cages until they went to the Barracks and Naomi showed up.

They finally stopped bs-in us and came back with a shorter season to show the whole way through. Then the strike happened and that was a lie too.

They finally got their stuff straight season 5, but by then a ton of people were either spent on the show or dropped from superfans to whatever bystanders.

We all know that almost every episode has at least one scene of quality Lost. (usually at the end)

Most of the superfans you find today, are ones who didn't watch it from Day 1. It's easy to not get why people hated Nikki and Paolo when you didn't sit through the rerun weeks in that season and the plot not moving at all, but the second it builds momentum...you get these new !+%+#*%#.

Most superfans caught on late after most of the bs-in was done with. They played catchup which is a lot better than waiting on Lost. It's easier to suspend your disbelief when you know that by the end of the day, you'll be a lot of episodes past whatever didn't work for you. It's easier to think people are just hating, when you just found the show and made it a part of your life for the long +!% time it took to watch what you missed. Or the long +!% time it took to catch up with the online community.

That's what makes new fans (around season 4 and on) different from us, who were [un]lucky enough to watch an interesting looking show from the premiere on.
I liked this finale, because I already gave up on most everything I thought was important my first 2 or 3 years watching the show. Especially after the 4th episode this season when I realized, this is their endgame. I gave up on them not being cornballs or them having a memory or a will to answer past the season they're in.

At least we got that Jack Tekken punch.
Ben isn't ready to move on yet. I think his test is to get everyone who he made suffer on the island have to forgive him in the alternate timeline. That's why he was so grateful that Locke forgave him at the church. Since Ben was so bad on the island, his task to prove himself is a lot more different than the other characters.

I still would have preferred for the alternate timeline to actually have meaning towards stopping Flocke. Like I said last week, I thought the island would end up getting destroyed, with Jack killing Flocke but then dying as the island crumbles, but Desmond would reunite everyone in the alternate timeline so that it would create some special energy so everyone that existed in the island timeline would end up crossing over to the alternate timeline. That way, everyone could live a happy life without the plane crash actually happening but still having memories from the crash/island.
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by DubA169

oh I understand the ending. it was ++%@#+@ terrible. I wasn't surprised once the entire season. we didn't learn ANYTHING about eloise Hawking or anything i general. these people had no clue what the hell they were doing with this show.

the long con was lost itself. the most incoherent show ever made. It is impossible to re-watch the series without getting angry at the wasted potential. i've read fan fiction 10 times better than the crap that the last season was.

they made the episode super emotional and threw in a bunch of old cast members to make you forget about how the entire series is fundamentally flawed.
I agree exactly. The majority of fans who followed this show from the beginning loved this episode. It was like a reunion show with past returning, favorite characters,  some blatant emotionally manipulation, and smart wink-winks to fans, so people can cry and declare this the greatest ever.

I watched every episode straight since Jan of this year, and so I don't have the emotionally attachment everyone on this thread does. But this episode SUCKED BIG TIME. It was beautiful visually, well scored musically, and acting was amazing. But I was bored and confused, not about the storyline, but incoherence of the show. I can going on and rant, but I don't want to be a Debbie Downer.

BTW, where's Miles, Richard, and Frank???Why aren't they at the church with Jack???

Hopefully, 24 kills it tomorrow and makes me forget about this episode.

i was really hoping they'd pull out the big guns and give us more answers than they did this season. The more I think about it, it would seem all of the questions were nothing more than bait. Get people watching....make money....and wrap it up. yes, this was a character piece but it was the twists  and countless unanswered questions that kept us watching. 'What's going on here?' 'How the hell are they going to explain this one?'...... oh, they aren't.
    like most of you I considered this MY show for 5+ years but damn....i'm dissapointed.
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