LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

at the Jackface.
I have been debating a friend over this. For the record Richard Alpret does not wear eyeliner. Crazy huh? (from http://voices.washingtonpost.com/celebritology/2009/02/catching_up_with_losts_michael.html)

Liz (Washington Post): Is Nestor Carbonell -- who plays Richard Alpert -- wearing eyeliner?

Michael (Ben): No. But he has a kind of genetic beauty that is a rare thing in men or women. No, that's what he looks like when hewakes up in the morning. It's hard not to study his face and admire it.

Liz: Well you've probably just put to rest several theories about Alpert being a transplant from ancient Egypt.

Michael: Ah. Well, hold that thought about Egypt. That's all I'll say.


Liz: Evangeline Lilly did an interview recently where she said she doesn't really buy into the whole mythology of "Lost"; that she'smore in it for the relationships created between the characters. What about you?

Michael: I like the day-to-day process of this work and I'm not sure that "Lost" contains a profound or life-changingmythology, but I think the show is complex and interesting enough to merit some puzzlement and reflection in the offhours. I do enjoy it and I enjoy the way it inspires conversation and meditation in others who don't work on the show -- viewers and such -- so Idon't make a study of it, but I do enjoy it. I admire and continue to be impressed by our writing staff and I think the show ends up meaning more than wethought it meant when it first came out.

Liz: Do you think it's possible that viewers read too much into the show?

Michael: We read a lot or too much into things we're passionate about or seem to speak to us. I suppose it's possible to gooverboard. It is a television show, not a world religion. But at the same time, it's kind of fun and the speculative part of our show is honest andintelligent. And at the end of the day it's entertaining. And the place people find for it in their lives is rather up to them.

What I think is good about "Lost" (if I may say so), there's something there for every level of viewing passion -- from light interest toobsession -- so you don't run out of stuff even for the obsessed viewer.
These people are jaded from being on the set for years. This is like the Pope saying that Jesus was just a nice guy. Kate should be
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

They'd be stupid not to...

Ben made it so everytime the botton was pushed the island jumped back in time:
In order to keep the island suspended in time, it would've been a great idea for Ben to reset the time machine every second, or minute. NOT every 108 minutes. That would provide more security on the island, as the island would only be "exposed" for a short period of time. Unfortunately for Ben, there are a few issues. Consider if you program a computer to "set a time machine back 108 minutes" - you'd be sending the computer back to a time BEFORE it was programmed. Therefore, the computer couldn't program itself to reset the time machine. So, it requires a Human, who can retain memories through time travel to continue to reset the time machine.
Good stuff...I enjoyed reading that.

Use the enter key/tab button next time tho...

Not sure if this is considered a spoiler or not....

Spoiler [+]
This will be revisited by the end of the show. This theory is VERY viable

One of two things: Be the Hero/Important person he wants to be. OR this is the biggest con of his life. I don't want to see this BUT he COULD be getting played by both sides. You are meant to think he is special and will save the day, but why would the very last scene not include him? (I know NY said that scene may or may not happen, but you get my drift). I like the dude too, but he wants to believe so bad I think he could be easily manipulated. I think fans would be dissapointed if he is getting worked by Ben/Widmore/The Island, but remember LOST isn't about "saving" or rehabilitating individual people, but rather using people for the good of the Island (which typically helps those folks along the way).

Spoiler [+]
Some of the stuff that was said about the significance of Locke and the island is true. I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually being used. Maybe even a bigger pawn than Ben/Widmore/and Richard Alpert
The ONLY thing I have found that might be key to this whole issue of being drunk that NY says is important. Hmmmmm

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was the warrior goddess of Upper Egypt. She is depicted as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians. It was saidthat her breath created the desert. She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare. Sekhmet also is a solar deity, often considered anaspect of the Goddesses Hathor and Bast. She also was seen as a special goddess for women, ruling over fertility, birth and menstruation.

Sekhmet became identified in some later cults as a daughter of the new sun god, Ra, when his cult merged with and supplanted the worship of Horus (the son ofOsiris and Isis, who was one of the oldest of Egyptian deities and gave birth daily to the sun). At that time many roles of deities were changed in theEgyptian myths. Her name suits her function and means, the (one who is) powerful. She also was given titles such as the (One) Before Whom Evil Trembles, theMistress of Dread, and the Lady of Slaughter.

It was said that her statues were protected from theft or vandalism by coating them with anthrax. Sekhmet also was seen as a bringer of disease as well as theprovider of cures to such ills. The name "Sekhmet" literally became synonymous with physicians and surgeons during the Middle Kingdom. In antiquity,many members of Sekhmet's priesthood often were considered to be on the same level as physicians.

To pacify Sekhmet, festivals were celebrated at the end of battle, so that the destruction would come to an end. During an annual festival heldat the beginning of the year, a festival of intoxication, the Egyptians danced and played music to soothe the wildness of the goddess anddrank great quantities of beer ritually to imitate the extreme drunkenness that stopped the wrath of the goddess-when she almost destroyedhumankind. These temple excavations at Luxor discovered a "porch of drunkenness" (Jacob's Cabin??)built onto thetemple by the queen Hatshepsut, during the height of her twenty year reign.

In a later myth developed around an annual drunken Sekhmet festival, Ra, by then the sun god of Upper Egypt, created her from a fiery eye gained from hismother, to destroy mortals who conspired against him (Lower Egypt). In the myth, Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quelled at the end of battle and led to herdestroying almost all of humanity.

She became Sekhmet, the "Eye of Ra" and began her rampage. The fields ran with human blood. However, Ra was not a cruel deity, and the sight of thecarnage caused him to repent. He ordered her to stop, but she was in a blood lust and would not listen. So Ra poured 7,000 jugs of beer and pomegranate juice (which stained the beer blood red) in her path. She gorged on the "blood" and became so drunk she slept forthree days.

One myth has Sekhmet traveling on a long journey to the west where she established her cult, a temple and a priesthood devoted to her worship.

Hmmm, these jugs of "liquid" are seen in Jacobs Cabin. They look like beer, pomegranite juice and a mixture of both giving theillusion of blood.


Sekhmet is often depicted holding an ankh in one hand. Being a feline/lioness entity she would have hindfeet similar to that of a dog.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon


One of two things: Be the Hero/Important person he wants to be. OR this is the biggest con of his life. I don't want to see this BUT he COULD be getting played by both sides. You are meant to think he is special and will save the day, but why would the very last scene not include him? (I know NY said that scene may or may not happen, but you get my drift). I like the dude too, but he wants to believe so bad I think he could be easily manipulated. I think fans would be dissapointed if he is getting worked by Ben/Widmore/The Island, but remember LOST isn't about "saving" or rehabilitating individual people, but rather using people for the good of the Island (which typically helps those folks along the way). I can't hold back my "Bromance" with Locke.
Sorry, I refuse to hold back my "Bromance" with Locke

But, I agree, Locke is easily manipulated, that's been proven time and time again. And about his "specialness".... was it because hewant back in time and told Richard he was special, or would he have been special anyway? Chicken or the egg.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

Locke: What's that?
Alpret: It's a compass.
Locke: What's it do?
Alpert: It points North John......
She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare.

Sekhmet who was seen as the Avenger of Wrongs, and the Scarlet Lady,http://www.iun.edu/~plath/vol1/dillon.pdf href="http://www.iun.edu/~plath/vol1/dillon.pdf"rel=nofollow>[1] a reference to blood, as the one with bloodlust.
Her name suits her function and means, the (one who is) powerful. She also was given titles such as the (One) Before Whom Evil Trembles, theMistress of Dread, and the Lady of Slaughter. (Jacob=Smokey=Sekhmet???)

Sekhmet was believed to protect the pharaoh in battle, stalking the land, and destroying the pharaoh's enemies with arrows of fire.

It was said that her statues were protected from theft or vandalism by coating them with anthrax. (Anthrax= "the sickness"??)

Sekhmet also was seen as a bringer of disease as well as the provider of cures to such ills. The name "Sekhmet" literally becamesynonymous with physicians andsurgeons during the Middle Kingdom. In antiquity,many members of Sekhmet's priesthood often were considered to be on the same level as physicians. (Richard claims to be a doctor when recruiting Julliet.Also shows medical skill when removing the bullet from Locke's leg)

a later myth developed around an annual drunken Sekhmet festival, Ra, by then the sun god of Upper Egypt, created her from a fiery eye gained from hismother, to destroy mortals who conspired against him (Lower Egypt). (Smokey wipes out Keamy and the crew)

Now, was all that effort in vain or not????

I'm a huge history buff, and ancient Egypt is absolutely my favorite thing to watch on tv (besides Lost) and learn about.... if Lost is tied to it (and allsign's point to the fact that it does)..... WOW!!! GREAT stuff Abaddon!!!
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

abaddon is goin' hard.

good stuff.



Only a Crackhead would still want Kate

Lunchtime. I'm gonna go have a PB & C.


Now I watch LOST and smoke rock so I can write about it all day long.
(I hope nobody's offended. For the record crack is a terrible drug and I do not endorse it in any way. I just think Tyrone Biggums is funny)
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Will Lost ever explain this??


Hmmmm, I don't think I want that one explained. Perhaps it should say "De Flamer" instead of "Defamer". No JackFaces there, justconfusion. Confusion about what's going on and serious confusion about his sexuality

NYNicks- Where U @?
I dont know about you guys but when I remember 1st watching this show like any other show. Looking at the Pilot episode like
oh this might be intersting.
After I watched I was hooked. But I didnt look at it right.
Looking back now. I see what they mean the answers were all there from the beginning.

I think Jack used the little vodka bottle as a reminder but also because he knew he needed it to mend his cut.
Just rewatched the Pilot and something hit me. John (leg), Ben(shoulder), and Jack(back) were all injured during their "journey".

And Sawyer looked really pissed not just of the crash. But he might have went into it skeptical and the fact that the "time travel" or
"reboot" worked pissed him off. I was looking at it online so the quality isnt the greatest but I tell you when that Tail section ripped off I swearI can see Sawyer or someone that looks and dressed like him fly off with the section. Someone with a good screen caption might be able to make it out better.

Then John with his Backgammon. Light -v- Dark. But also the game has been played for 5000 years. Possible age of Island and Richad.? thousands of years old?

What the hell is up with vincent? That dog is creepy. Not barking when people run by? what type of dog doesnt bark.
Originally Posted by quiktoflip

I dont know about you guys but when I remember 1st watching this show like any other show. Looking at the Pilot episode like
oh this might be intersting.
After I watched I was hooked. But I didnt look at it right.
Looking back now. I see what they mean the answers were all there from the beginning.

I think Jack used the little vodka bottle as a reminder but also because he knew he needed it to mend his cut.
Just rewatched the Pilot and something hit me. John (leg), Ben(shoulder), and Jack(back) were all injured during their "journey".

And Sawyer looked really pissed not just of the crash. But he might have went into it skeptical and the fact that the "time travel" or
"reboot" worked pissed him off. I was looking at it online so the quality isnt the greatest but I tell you when that Tail section ripped off I swear I can see Sawyer or someone that looks and dressed like him fly off with the section. Someone with a good screen caption might be able to make it out better.

Then John with his Backgammon. Light -v- Dark. But also the game has been played for 5000 years. Possible age of Island and Richad.? thousands of years old?

What the hell is up with vincent? That dog is creepy. Not barking when people run by? what type of dog doesnt bark.

Nice.. Maybe I'll watch the Pilot tonight since no new episode is on.

@ the Rose face
I find the theory of resetting the time loop every 108 minutes whenever Desmond or Locke pressed it very,very interesting...but if that is keeping the islandsafe from the outside world, then why did Ben in a way played a devil's advocate to Locke when he failed to input the magical numbers?


Of course, as I love to point out, ''Namaste'' is also an anagram for ''Me Satan.'' Spooky! And whenever I point that bit ofbusiness out, I always like to also point out that the logo for Station 3: The Swan doesn't really look so much like a swan to me but rather...a snake!I'm telling you, there's something sinister lurking in the Dharma subtext....

By the way, here's my Bernard and Rose theory. They were flashing through time along with the Sawyer group of castaways, albeit in a different part of theIsland. When the time travel ordeal stopped after Locke turned the frozen donkey wheel, Bernard and Rose landed in the 1970s - and were captured by RichardAlpert's ''Others.'' Or they died from the time travel sickness, and they became...the Adam and Eve skeletons. (I've never been madesadder by the prospect of an accurate theory. RIP Bernard and Rose - theoretically speaking.)
This is supported by NY. He said it had to do with Black and White and that it would be almost funny, not too serious.

That's all I have for you this week. Back next week with more Doc Jensen, more Totally Lost (big tease for next week'sepisode: ''Munchies!'')
and most important, more Lost. Until then: Me Satan - er, I mean, Namaste!
Damn Dharma Hippies with their pot brownies, booze and munchies

And I guess there are people who smoke rock all night long and write about Lost all day. From a dude on Lostpedia:

"Here is what the heck is going on with Horace. According to an inside source close to the show, The island was in ancient times home to a race of peoplerelated to the egyptians, only they highly valued pork. Much of their world centered around pork. We can see some of the decendants in season one of the largecontingent of pigs and hogs that once inhabited the island. The ancient island inhabitants used the island's properties to create a race of super pigsthrough reincarnation. They would stage elaborate rodeos in which these pigs took part. But something went wrong and the pigs started reincarnating as humans,which became part of the others and later the dharma initiative.

That is why the anagram of Horace Goodspeed is "Escaped Rodeo Hog" "


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