Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5
Let's get a list of mysteries left to be solved going then...
- Who was the musician that programmed the Looking Glass code?
- What is the Smoke Monster?
- What is the Temple?
- What is the four-toed statue?
- How did Locke show up out of nowhere to save Jack from falling off a cliff (when he was chasing after his dad)?
- What was the "magic box" that brought Locke's dad to the island?
- What are the whispers?
- What is the Incident?
- Annie?
- Who are Adam and Eve?
- Why do pregnant women die on the island?
- Where are Christian and Yemi's bodies?
- What did Eko mean when he told Locke, "you're next," before dying?
- What are the visions (i.e. Kate's horse, Sayid's cat)
- Who killed Nadia?
- Who is the Economist?
- Jacob?
- Why doesn't Richard Alpert appear to age?
- Why does Richard Alpert want Paul's dead body?
- How does Daniel have so much information in his notebook? (likely his time-traveling mother?)
- What are Walt's abilities?
- Who is on Jacob's list? What is Jacob's list?
- What is the exact nature of Miles' powers?
- What was the exact purpose of the button in the Swan station?
- What was the grey ash around Jacob's cabin?
- Hurley Bird?
- What happened to the stewardess and the two children from the tail section?
- Who was the musician that programmed the Looking Glass code? - Charlie. See Vozzek69's write up that I posted on pg 149
- What is the Smoke Monster?
A) Jacob or Jacob's will: his tool to see things go according to how he wants things played out.
B) The smoke monster is not a machine, nor is it man-made. The smoke monster is fate's "physical" means of controlling the universe andpreserving the timeline. The smoke monster exists only on the island because the island is existing in a past time, where there has already been apre-determined future - because the losties are technically from the future. Let's take Eko, for example. He was killed by the smoke monster at theinstant at which he had a fundamental change in character. In his flashbacks, he blamed himself for his actions; yet, on the island, he came to realize thathe had done nothing wrong. His realization would've caused him to make life-altering decisions in the future. Therefore, the smoke monster had to killhim, so that he would not make such decisions. The smoke monster also killed the pilot of 815. This happened shortly after the pilot realized facts about theplane that could potentially affect several people - these facts could've changed the perspective of everyone on the island, and thus had a huge impact oneveryone.
When the monster is "scanning" people, it is recording their future, and making sure that their current actions correlate with what they do in thefuture. If the monster sees a discrepancy, it takes action, and in most cases that we've seen - it kills someone. Luckily for Kate and Locke, the monstersaw that their state on the island wasn't contradictory to their future-counterparts - therefore, it left them alone.
Either way it is trying to get the Losties on the track it needs them to be on.
- What was the "magic box" that brought Locke's dad to the island? - Metaphor, plain and simple. The only magic is that Ben knows everythingabout Locke because he's been through this timeline before. He knows Locke's greatest fears and needs and has the ability to get his dad there.
- What are the whispers? Either the character's own voices trying to get them to follow the correct path (because those same voices had failed in aprevious time loop) or fate guiding them to do the same.
- Why do pregnant women die on the island?
Q: Sun conceived while on the island but she still gave birth - why?
A: Note that mothers can't give birth on the island while the island is in a time loop. That is because time is literally not passing on the island, sothe babies can't grow up in the womb. Also, fate physically can't allow for a birth to take place because if time on the island isn't moving,introducing a new entity to the world could potentially impact the will of others. However, Sun conceived while the island was in a time loop; then Desmondturned the key shortly after and the island started moving in real time again, from the year 1996. So, the baby had time to grow. Since we know that Sun getsoff the island, and Jin doesn't, we can make the assumption that Sun's baby was to replace Jin in the new timeline. Also, note the scene where Jin wasbringing a stuffed panda to the other lady while she was giving birth. That scene is from the parallel time in the original timeline, before Ben even went inthe time machine. In that timeline, Jin never even met Sun, yet Jin still ended up working for her father.
- Who killed Nadia?
Probably Ben or Widmore. The "players" are making sure the Losties have no ties to the mainland that would prevent them from going back. Ben tries tofool Kate about taking Aaron, Helen has a stroke (although my guess is that she was either killed or did not die at all- they staged it) and Nadia was mostlikely murked out by one of these sides too.
- Why doesn't Richard Alpert appear to age? - NYNicks shed some light on this a few days ago\
- How does Daniel have so much information in his notebook? (likely his time-traveling mother?)
Perhaps, but remenber Danny boy has been a time traveler for some years now. When he cries watching the 815 crash he cries because he knows he was responsiblefor some of that "in another life", brotha. We also see him working as a Dharma engineer back before LeFluer was ever created.
- Who is on Jacob's list?
The Oceanic 6 at least.
What is Jacob's list?
A list of people who are needed for the island to go in the direction that Jacob wants.
- What is the exact nature of Miles' powers?
Super-human sarcasm & he sees dead people
- What was the exact purpose of the button in the Swan station?
To keep the island hidden from Widmore & the outside world. Ben made it so everytime the botton was pushed the island jumped back in time:
In order to keep the island suspended in time, it would've been a great idea for Ben to reset the time machine every second, or minute. NOT every 108minutes. That would provide more security on the island, as the island would only be "exposed" for a short period of time. Unfortunately for Ben,there are a few issues. Consider if you program a computer to "set a time machine back 108 minutes" - you'd be sending the computer back to atime BEFORE it was programmed. Therefore, the computer couldn't program itself to reset the time machine. So, it requires a Human, who can retainmemories through time travel to continue to reset the time machine. The other issue that Ben faces is that he can't just go and tell someone that theyhave to do this. I mean, who would want to sit around pressing a button on regular intervals? So, Ben finds the Swan hatch, where testing used to take place- it was a convenient coincidence that the testing in that hatch involved the pressing of a button every 108 minutes. Ben decided that 108 minutes would be a"safe" amount of time in which to create the loop. And there you have it - Ben rigged up a contraption to reset time, while hiding its true purpose. It's the perfect scenario for a guy like Desmond!
- What was the grey ash around Jacob's cabin?
My guess is a way for Ben to keep Jacob confined to that area. Just a guess.
- Hurley Bird?
Didn't you know? The BIRD is the WORD
If you haven't read
www.timelooptheory.com and Vozzek69's write up:
http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2007/06/vozzek69s-theory-of-everything.html, doyourself a favor and read them. That is my word. Bird.