LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Cadillac's sig:
[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15 death 16 of 23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 9/22/04 8:15 PM. Edited 108 times.
at your sig.


Personally, I think... ... ...

[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15death 16 of23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 4/8/15 4:23 PM. Edited 42 times.... ... ... would be better.
In honor of all the theories posted, I wrote one down because I was so bored in class.

A few ideas about the smoke monster...

Lost has recently been giving handfuls of indirect clues that relate to the smoke monster that may have been tough to pick up without looking at it from theright angle. It's still impossible to come up with a good guess as to its main purpose and role in the show, but a lot can now be inferred about itsorigins and functions.

The show has been giving us little pieces about the function of the monster, and it's more than just kill and chase people through the jungle. WhenDanielle's crew goes into the temple after one of their own, they come out possessed (which Danielle calls the sickness). It's very likely that thecrew was killed and then taken over by the monster while they were underground. It's always been believed that the monster is responsible for Yemi,Christian, and other apparitions of dead people on the island, and showing what happened to the French crew was almost a confirmation.

A random thought - think back to the pilot, when the survivors could hear the monster crashing through the jungle from the beach (nobody ever heard it fromthat far away again); was it searching for Christian, then stopped making such a ruckus when it found his body?

Through the course of the show, the monster has presumably taken hold of Yemi, Christian, and the French crew - all images that it could use tomanipulate Eko (into pushing the button), Jack (into finding the water so that everyone could survive), and Danielle (to kill her), respectively. Alsorecall some of the other apparitions. Hurley saw Dave, who almost convinced him to jump off a cliff. Why doesn't the monster want Hurley around? Does hecounter whatever it is that the smoke monster does or wants to do on the island? Was it trying to keep him from seeing Jacob? Think about the targets thatit's killed without hesitation, including the pilot of 815, Eko later on, and Keamy's men - it could be that it has no one to use their likenessesagainst.

The show has also shown us the outside of the monster's home, which is covered in hieroglyphs. It's possible that the monster is an ancientrelic with ties to the native people (likely Egyptians) of the island. Richard Alpert is likely one of these people, at least in some form. Perhapsthe reason why he doesn't age is because he's some sort of walking "spirit" or Egyptian god. His people in the ragged clothes are probablyspecial too; he comments that the sonic fence can keep some things out, but "not us."

The one thing that's more striking than his age is his interest in the dead body of Amy's husband, Paul. The ankh (which symbolizes eternal life)around his neck was almost too obvious of a clue. Richard obviously has a use for the body, probably in conjunction with the monster. Could it be that themonster will reanimate Paul to later use against Amy and DHARMA?

Now, think of what it was doing to Locke and Eko. It scanned them both without attacking either one. It was probably deciding whether or not these two would beuseful in manipulating other people. The reason why it tried dragging Locke through its underground hole was because it wanted to take over his body - asopposed to just smashing him into a bloody mess. It was also trying to get Eko to accomplish something, but when he gave that speech about asking for noforgiveness for his sins, the monster changed its mind and killed him. I think that when Eko whispers his last words to Locke ("you're next"),it's the monster taking over his body to issue John a dramatic threat.

Who was the monster trying to use Locke against? It could be Ben, Jack, Sawyer, anyone. Maybe it even got its wish with Locke's dead body, although hestill seemed very Locke-@@%.

Now what is the monster trying to accomplish? Is it on the same side as Jacob? Is it good or evil? Who's exactly good or evil? These are things that haveyet to be answered about it.

Any other connections?
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

In honor of all the theories posted, I wrote one down because I was so bored in class.

A few ideas about the smoke monster...

Lost has recently been giving handfuls of indirect clues that relate to the smoke monster that may have been tough to pick up without looking at it from the right angle. It's still impossible to come up with a good guess as to its main purpose and role in the show, but a lot can now be inferred about its origins and functions.

The show has been giving us little pieces about the function of the monster, and it's more than just kill and chase people through the jungle. When Danielle's crew goes into the temple after one of their own, they come out possessed (which Danielle calls the sickness). It's very likely that the crew was killed and then taken over by the monster while they were underground. It's always been believed that the monster is responsible for Yemi, Christian, and other apparitions of dead people on the island, and showing what happened to the French crew was almost a confirmation.

A random thought - think back to the pilot, when the survivors could hear the monster crashing through the jungle from the beach (nobody ever heard it from that far away again); was it searching for Christian, then stopped making such a ruckus when it found his body?

Through the course of the show, the monster has presumably taken hold of Yemi, Christian, and the French crew - all images that it could use to manipulate Eko (into pushing the button), Jack (into finding the water so that everyone could survive), and Danielle (to kill her), respectively. Also recall some of the other apparitions. Hurley saw Dave, who almost convinced him to jump off a cliff. Why doesn't the monster want Hurley around? Does he counter whatever it is that the smoke monster does or wants to do on the island? Was it trying to keep him from seeing Jacob? Think about the targets that it's killed without hesitation, including the pilot of 815, Eko later on, and Keamy's men - it could be that it has no one to use their likenesses against.

The show has also shown us the outside of the monster's home, which is covered in hieroglyphs. It's possible that the monster is an ancient relic with ties to the native people (likely Egyptians) of the island. Richard Alpert is likely one of these people, at least in some form. Perhaps the reason why he doesn't age is because he's some sort of walking "spirit" or Egyptian god. His people in the ragged clothes are probably special too; he comments that the sonic fence can keep some things out, but "not us."

The one thing that's more striking than his age is his interest in the dead body of Amy's husband, Paul. The ankh (which symbolizes eternal life) around his neck was almost too obvious of a clue. Richard obviously has a use for the body, probably in conjunction with the monster. Could it be that the monster will reanimate Paul to later use against Amy and DHARMA?

Now, think of what it was doing to Locke and Eko. It scanned them both without attacking either one. It was probably deciding whether or not these two would be useful in manipulating other people. The reason why it tried dragging Locke through its underground hole was because it wanted to take over his body - as opposed to just smashing him into a bloody mess. It was also trying to get Eko to accomplish something, but when he gave that speech about asking for no forgiveness for his sins, the monster changed its mind and killed him. I think that when Eko whispers his last words to Locke ("you're next"), it's the monster taking over his body to issue John a dramatic threat.

Who was the monster trying to use Locke against? It could be Ben, Jack, Sawyer, anyone. Maybe it even got its wish with Locke's dead body, although he still seemed very Locke-@@%.

Now what is the monster trying to accomplish? Is it on the same side as Jacob? Is it good or evil? Who's exactly good or evil? These are things that have yet to be answered about it.

Any other connections?

I love how the lack of Lost this week is forcing us to really stop and think...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cadillac's sig:
[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15 death 16 of 23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 9/22/04 8:15 PM. Edited 108 times.
at your sig.


Personally, I think... ... ...

[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15 death 16 of 23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 04/8/15 4:23 PM. Edited 42 times. ... ... ... would be better.


Roboto- Nice Theory!! The smoke monster is one thing on Lost, that I have no theory about. The only 2 thing's I know about it is some people see it aswhite and some see it as black (like the viewers). And Ben seemed to "sick" it on Keemy and his crew, but most (or was it all) of them lived.

And as far as the Temple being the smoke monster's home, the only thing is it went in thru a "crack" in the outside corner. Did it escape? Didthe other's break it out? Was it just using a short cut? Or did it just make that it's home?
I think for us to really get to the bottom of what "smokey" really is we have to use the info we already have on it to further develop our theories.One being that it was said to be an ancient security system ( funny how "smokey" is a security system possibly for the Others/Ben, but it's keptin check through another security system being the sonic fence...which would indicate that it may possess it's own free will to act. The other is thenotion that "smokey" is employed by time or the course of time to course-correct maybe mistakes or events from happening that would change apredestined past, present, and future from happening.

It's nice to develop theories on certain things within Lost and try to figure things out but at the same time imo I kind of want me/us to be wrong and hopethat the real truth behind these mysteries is something none of us would guess.
Okay so I'm watching the re-run of last weeks episode and at the point where Sawyer ambushes the two hostiles who killed Paul, one guy looks like he shootsdirectly at Sawyer and it can be looked at in two ways, after being shot at Sawyer looks at his gun to see if he fired his gun which shot the guy then he pansover to Juliet who really did the shooting, OR Sawyer looks down at his body wondering why the bullet didn't touch him.

So what I'm saying is are Losties who traveled back to Dharma time not able to be killed? Which would kind of kill my theory that some of the Losties whocome back to Dharma time in the 70's wind up in the Purge pit.
^ It could, but at the same time, if a Lostie dies, they will still be born, crash on the island, travel back in time, then die again. I think the show willclarify this as we approach the season finale.

I think one character will wind up dying, maybe in the Purge pit.

As for smokey, I forgot that it was described as a security system. I think that it's patrolling a certain area in the jungle because the temple orwhatever it resides in has something special in it. I think Jorge Garcia said that they had built one of the most amazing sets that would play a key part laterin the season. I'm hoping it's the inside of the temple.

I have no idea why the Others would want to go to the Temple to hide. I would get why Richard and the ragged-looking natives would go there, since they'renot exactly human or maybe even possessed by it already. But there were Others that lived in the houses, such as the dudes at Juliet's book club, thatprobably never had contact with smokey. Juliet never did.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

I think one character will wind up dying, maybe in the Purge pit.

Come to think of it nobody important has died in S5 yet. I don't know whether to be
My homie John Locke died.

Did you really just imply that Charlotte isn't important?...good. Her character sucked.
I cant wait for next week.
How good a liar is Sawyer? LOL
I cant wait to see/hear this explanation. Lafluer shipwreck story is believable. The only way I can see this working. Is if the submarine is
due back from a trip and he sneaks them off as if they came by the Sub.

I forgot this too...In the Pilot, when Smokey was chasing Jack, Charlie, and Kate. There was a portion of time that Jack was not
on screen. I dont think he eluded Smokey. I think Smokey got him just like he had Locke.

This is a episode of land of the Giants(1969) on time travel. I thouht it was a nice tie in.
Charlotte does have some importance well ehh, I'm sure we will see her again, her body did disappear and Faraday is on some other +%* now
I don't want to sound condescending in any way, but I think all the theories and speculation is going to ruin the end of this show for a lot of the people.

I like the factual explanations like the what the 4-toed statue is and things like that, but the deep speculation and the constant "why haven't theyexplained this yet?" is really going to lead to some let down.

It was just like being "smart" as a pro-wrestling fan. So many things were leaked out throughout the week that by the time the shows came on, youhad this set level of expectations. Like, "Aw, man, Triple H is holding everybody down int he locker room". Now every show I watch, I'm tintedto that color, ya know?

Don't get me wrong. I understand the excitement and the willingness to get out there and try to "figure everything out". It add a differentlevel of involvement and for some enhances the experience that is Lost.

I'm being really careful around this thread, myself. You guys are really doing a good job with the spoilers and what not, and I appreciate that. I'mjust trying to get through this in a more conventional way without many spoilers. I think I'll be better off come the finale.

P.S. Juliet is hot, even while under a car.
sheer boredom brought me back to watching the 13 missing pieces on abc.com. a few observations : -i saw a old lady in one of the juliet ones and she seemed tobe at least 65+. -vincent always comes in at the weirdest of times -jacob wanted walt. theories anyone?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cadillac's sig:
[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15 death 16 of 23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 9/22/04 8:15 PM. Edited 108 times.
at your sig.


Personally, I think... ... ...

[size=+2]the 4 life 8 and 15 death 16 of 23 jeremy 42 bentham[/size]
Last Edited By: Jacob 4/8/15 4:23 PM. Edited 42 times. ... ... ... would be better.

I pulled a ska.... It took me 2 days to figure out what was different between those 2 sigs.
^^^^wats the difference in the sigs?

And it's random, but is the new grown man Walt the same walt from season 1 or did they use a new person to play the part?

Just askin cuz I saw the big Walt in a Tyson commercial today
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

^^^^wats the difference in the sigs?

And it's random, but is the new grown man Walt the same walt from season 1 or did they use a new person to play the part?

Just askin cuz I saw the big Walt in a Tyson commercial today
Yea that's the same Walt...Lookin' like Lebron at St. Vincent St. Mary...
I miss the minor losties. I miss the snide remarks against the main losties like "oh off to the jungle to save the world again"

And i wonder, was the whole 3 yrs thing JUST to accomodate Walt's aging? if so thats huge.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

I don't want to sound condescending in any way, but I think all the theories and speculation is going to ruin the end of this show for a lot of the people.

I like the factual explanations like the what the 4-toed statue is and things like that, but the deep speculation and the constant "why haven't they explained this yet?" is really going to lead to some let down.

It was just like being "smart" as a pro-wrestling fan. So many things were leaked out throughout the week that by the time the shows came on, you had this set level of expectations. Like, "Aw, man, Triple H is holding everybody down int he locker room". Now every show I watch, I'm tinted to that color, ya know?

Don't get me wrong. I understand the excitement and the willingness to get out there and try to "figure everything out". It add a different level of involvement and for some enhances the experience that is Lost.

I'm being really careful around this thread, myself. You guys are really doing a good job with the spoilers and what not, and I appreciate that. I'm just trying to get through this in a more conventional way without many spoilers. I think I'll be better off come the finale.

P.S. Juliet is hot, even while under a car.
Agreed. Personally, out of Kate and Juliet, I think I'm taking Juliet. While I think Kate is slightly hotter, believe it or not, I thinkJuliet has a few less issues.
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