LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

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Avoiding this thread is so hard
This is just plain weird. Entertaining, but not sure WHY the scene was filmed. The reason to note it: notice who the two conductors are....Hmmm.

Faraday can get down with the beat

Edit: from a season 1 UK promo. The music is not the original.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

This is just plain weird. Entertaining, but not sure WHY the scene was filmed. The reason to note it: notice who the two conductors are....Hmmm.

Faraday can get down with the beat

Edit: from a season 1 UK promo. The music is not the original.

hmm.� Locke and Walt conducting.

S_ like this gives me theories that it prob isn't supposed to lol
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

The Other's in 2007 all went to another station on the island (can't remember which one).

Ben could end up being good, but not in a "Captain America" way. But, for right now he has something up his sleeve.
Ben told them to go to the temple....where Smokey lives. Rose, Bernard, and the other survivors are with them.

I'm gonna watch it again and then I'll post my thoughts. I had to go to another damn watch party tonight. The morons that were there watching it withme were asking questions like "so does time move forward 30 years when it gets dark outside?"....I'm like, no...Sun, Ben, Lapidus are in thefuture......."OOOOOOhhhh!
" Which leaves me
Other than the Christian/Frank/Sun scene I didn't catch any things that seemed important "lurking" in the background. Also during this sceneChristian was looking through the Dharma pictures and went from 1976, 1978, ahh here they are- 1977. That seemed kind of significant.

I found it interesting that Jack turned down the beer from Sawyer when he went to his crib. I didn't read about the Drunk people theory from the pastpages, would someone mind PM'ing me what the general gist of the theory is?

The Dharma dude who was questioning Kate and later had a short convo with Jack. This dude is definitely suspicious of something sketchy going on.

at Ethan and lil Ben. Even back that Lil' Ben was intrigued by the Hostiles.

I need to go back and read up on those Dharma stations. Which one was the Swan, was that the hatch?

I'll probably watch this episode again sometime tomorrow before the games start, but I thought it was solid and answered questions while opening up newquestions and moving the plot.

I think it deserves:
.5 out of
This season has been full of a lot of "Oh +$++" moments...2 weeks ago I assumed there would be a split...in time.

Now this means Locke will find Ben........and they will go back. Like I said before I'm done with theories.

I'm convinced the ending of this show will still leave many questions.
Didn't bother with the pics of the new Dharma recruits. They did a good $%! job of hiding the other pictures in the darkness.



Peep how there's a puff of black smoke in one pic, And not in the other...
What is that?

Good episode IMO. It was one of those set-up episodes and explained a lot as to how our losties ended up where they are.

Things I'm looking forward to:
-Switch in leadership in roles between Sawyer/Jack. Definitely gonna be a lot more conflicts there.
-Sayid about to go MAN ON FIRE on ben and anyone in his way.
I just remembered this. Jack's face was hilarious when Chang told him his aptitude test placed him into a janitorial position.


at those pictures. Jacob?
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I just remembered this. Jack's face was hilarious when Chang told him his aptitude test placed him into a janitorial position.


at those pictures. Jacob?
I thought it looked like a readheaded girl in the background.
Claire in that picture a few posts up?

I wonder if Sayid is the one who influences Ben to kill off the Dharma Initiative?

Episode was alright. It kept me entertained, but at the same time it was pretty much a filler episode that set up a couple relationship problems between Jack,Kate, Sawyer and Juliet.

OH, yeah! Faraday! Where the hell did he go? Did he just walk into the jungle by himself after Charlotte died?
Ok, I've got a couple things this week. Not a whole lot of easter eggs in this episode.

1. I hope everyone noticed how fast Ben healed.

2. As the plane is going down, you can hear over the radio in the background someone saying "4.......8......15.....16.....23......42"

3. I wonder if Jack being placed as a janitor wasn't Sawyer saying "!@@% you buddy" to Jack in a backhanded way.

4. Anybody else think that Sayid's "reason for coming back" from next week's preview is to kill little Ben.

5. I like how Radzinsky was designing the Flame station...aka...the original hatch.
Spoiler [+]
but of course, knowing what we know, it's all for naught

6. I think Sawyer mentioning that Faraday was "gone" was very important.
^I think its an obvious production error.

claire isnt even a redhead...is she? its been so long since i seen her lol.

So I think that my theory of the Polar Bears is pretty close to the reason why the actual polar bears are there: So as we know that whenever you move theisland you can't come back, well that's what Ben or someone said to Locke, ok. And every time you move the island somehow you end up in Tunisia. Wellthe Dharma Initiative trained the polar bears to move the island and turn the wheel. Remember the cages in Season 3, the man said that "The Polar Bearslearned in 2 hours" to Sawyer, they were training them to be smart and getting strong to move the wheel. In Charlottes' flash back we see herdiscovering a Polar Bear in Tunisia with a Dharma collar around it's neck....! So I'm basically 95% sure that Dharma used the Polar Bears to turn theisland so they could keep all the people of Dharma and just have some animal do it! Does anyone agree with me?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok, I've got a couple things this week. Not a whole lot of easter eggs in this episode.

1. I hope everyone noticed how fast Ben healed.

2. As the plane is going down, you can hear over the radio in the background someone saying "4.......8......15.....16.....23......42"

3. I wonder if Jack being placed as a janitor wasn't Sawyer saying "!@@% you buddy" to Jack in a backhanded way.

4. Anybody else think that Sayid's "reason for coming back" from next week's preview is to kill little Ben.

5. I like how Radzinsky was designing the Flame station...aka...the original hatch.
Spoiler [+]
but of course, knowing what we know, it's all for naught

6. I think Sawyer mentioning that Faraday was "gone" was very important.
one more thing...

7. Prior to Christian coming out of the Dharma house, you could hear the "whispers" like the others used to intimidate the Losties in the jungle inearlier seasons.
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