LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by ghettoeinstein
I'm 100% sure someone in here has said that. I'm not gonna look for the post, obviously, but I know it's been said.

And I'm sticking to the background person being Claire. Her hair might look redish from the lighting?

Also, is that camp one of the Dharma stations? Like the submarine processing center?
Originally Posted by ghettoeinstein


So I think that my theory of the Polar Bears is pretty close to the reason why the actual polar bears are there: So as we know that whenever you move the island you can't come back, well that's what Ben or someone said to Locke, ok. And every time you move the island somehow you end up in Tunisia. Well the Dharma Initiative trained the polar bears to move the island and turn the wheel. Remember the cages in Season 3, the man said that "The Polar Bears learned in 2 hours" to Sawyer, they were training them to be smart and getting strong to move the wheel. In Charlottes' flash back we see her discovering a Polar Bear in Tunisia with a Dharma collar around it's neck....! So I'm basically 95% sure that Dharma used the Polar Bears to turn the island so they could keep all the people of Dharma and just have some animal do it! Does anyone agree with me?
That's not a new theory/idea.

And it's def the lighting, Y'all reaching thinking it's a redhead.
This is the clearest picture I've seen. It may not be a readhead. It also looks like there's another person right behind her. I think it could possiblybe a production error. I didn't think that was possible with this show.
LOST has clearly taken over my life

I had a fortune cookie and saw the number 18 on the back and almost flipped out
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

This is the clearest picture I've seen. It may not be a readhead. It also looks like there's another person right behind her. I think it could possibly be a production error. I didn't think that was possible with this show.
i have a feeling its Claire
I don't think anything was a coincidence or mistake in that scene.

The door flying open with the black smoke...Claire...
I feel like wherever Christian is, Claire is going be somewhere close by. Just like how she was in the cabin with him.
I got to see it again...I think there was more there. Has to be right?
These "filler" episodes got one or 2 little things that pull things togeather.

Sawyer still has pent up animosity. Him making Jack a janitor was good because it puts him in a role
where people would not pay attention to him. But also sticks it to Jack.
He thought Jack would have been more up set about taking orders the way he was before. Jack personality
wise just outclasses him.
Sawyer has everything he wanted respect, a relative degree of power, the girl. Matter of fact both girls. And he still
sweating Jack. I did like the Churchill reference.

And the Losties still dont know how to talk to one another. Jack gets a private time with Sawyer and they have a tiff, like women.
I think that time could have been better used to fill him in on what the hell has been going on the last 3 years. Sawyer had to have learned a lot about theIsland, current experiments, upcoming projects. Anything to reveal their real agenda on the Island.

I think Faraday is back on the Mainland. Maybe building the "Lighthouse". I think thats what it was called.

So Gradinsky designed the Swan Station? Does this mean that the "Magnetic force" is currently being left unchecked? If it is so powerful that doesntmake sense.

This is the second time they have shown Smokey and then Christian right after. It seems that who ever joins
him becomes like him, part of smokey?
What if the psyhic that spoke to Claire was just trying to force her in a specific direction? The way Eloise made Desmond. The whole "You are supposed toraise him and the dream of John telling her its her fault cause she gave him away." Then Christian comes and convinces her to do just that.
Just another thing I dont get, There are people off the Island guiding you to a specific direction then you come to the Island and someone flips the script.

Im just rambling, but if it helps someone else to get a better idea itd be great.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon


Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

1. I hope everyone noticed how fast Ben healed.

2. As the plane is going down, you can hear over the radio in the background someone saying "4.......8......15.....16.....23......42"

6. I think Sawyer mentioning that Faraday was "gone" was very important.

1. I thought maybe Ben didn't actually get hurt until Sun hit him. That's why he was laid up when Locke saw him and said he's the one that killedme. They also said then that a man and a woman (Frank and Sun) ran off.

2. Nice catch I didn't hear that.

6. That's the one thing on this episode that had me

Originally Posted by ddizzle

sawyer was showin jack who the boss is now
Exactly. Sawyer is that Dude now.

Originally Posted by NT OG


That does kinda, sorta, maybe, possibly, look like Charlotte in that pic.

Also, I think they are doing a GREAT job of explaining things and answering questions this season.

Now, where is Faraday??

And they have got to answer the wispers??
Long vid, but the dude is smart. All the facts about smokey, writer's inside tidbits ect. Not an answer, but super informative. This guy's website iswww.lostvideorecaps.com

I think the whispers that they were hearing were the darma intitiave thats currently living there in the 1970's( Sawyer, jack, kate, etc). Since Sun andLapaduis (sp) were there in the same spot and at the same time as the people in the 1970's...

Hope that made since
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I think the whispers that they were hearing were the darma intitiave thats currently living there in the 1970's( Sawyer, jack, kate, etc). Since Sun and Lapaduis (sp) were there in the same spot and at the same time as the people in the 1970's...

Hope that made since

I was thinking the same thing.

Cadillac..Ben got hurt at the docks when he went to see Penny.
He did seem to heal very quickly. Does that mean he is back in favor with the Island? That he did his job correctly?

I watched it again.
Did anyone catch the part where Christian was numbering the pictures. He pointed to the crooked picture said 78, then picked up the same crooked picture andsaid here we are 77?

And smokey def came in when that door opened and crept behind Sun.
And I just thought of something else. Since Ethan was born on the island, I'm assuming he was there during the Purge. The Purge killed Horace, did Ethanknow it was going to kill his father, did Ben let Ethan in on what was going on? Or does this just go to the father/child relationship (killings) problems onLost?

Nice find Abaddon. Nice info on the smoke monster.

But, one of his theory's about the origins of smokey has 1 major flaw due to NYC's MAJOR spoiler.



Spoiler [+]
Dharma is a sham
Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I think the whispers that they were hearing were the darma intitiave thats currently living there in the 1970's( Sawyer, jack, kate, etc). Since Sun and Lapaduis (sp) were there in the same spot and at the same time as the people in the 1970's...

Hope that made since

I was thinking the same thing.

Cadillac..Ben got hurt at the docks when he went to see Penny.
He did seem to heal very quickly. Does that mean he is back in favor with the Island? That he did his job correctly?
I agree with the whispers.

That's right forgot about him being banged up before he even got on the flight. Thanks.
Some things I noticed and/or had me confused ...

1. Sun. Why did she not transfer in the flash? I understand some of the others but she jumps out at me.

2. Anyone notice the plance flip while the light began? Thought that was kind of cool. Location of the island?

3. Christian and smoky. Proximity and smoky must have been outside the door when they were talking.

4. Faraday? Dead or just insane?

5. And why are they jumping around a little odd with those that did not time travel back to 1977? First ep. had Ben hurt with Locke looking at him. This mustof been after Sun bopped him as they said that a man and woman took a boat and went off. Why the order switch?
Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

^ Also, wasn't it night time before the flash and the middle of the day after??

yeah your right...

Faraday..not being here could mean mentally, Sawyer was saying since last episode that Daniel checked out.
But I think 3 years is enough time to get it togeather over a girl he had no actual relationship with. Besides the fact she aint all that.

I really think he's off the island.I dont want him to be dead. I still think he is one of the few people smart enough to figure everything out. Eloise didsay a really smart man built the lighthouse. Mothers love to compliment
their sons.
Didn't really check in much last night because their wasn't much to discuss. Last night's episode was a nice break from answering all thesemysterious questions, and I must say it flowed really nicely.

Best part of the episode imo was the Jack/Sawyer convo. I really liked the dialog, and when Sawyer was trying to stick it to Jack, but at the end of thatdiscourse Jack seemed happy he wasn't the leader anymore.

I think i'm also going to stop posting my personal theories or trying to read too much into the other theories/Lost specific websites that are around fromnow on. Mostly because I have more important business that needs my attention these days, but also with what Bastich said pages back about it taking away fromthe Lost experience. When all is said and done with Lost I want to go and get whatever season collection they come out with that will hopefully featurecommentary and easter-egg info and be sort of excited and amazed.
Originally Posted by schaefmp

First ep. had Ben hurt with Locke looking at him. This must of been after Sun bopped him as they said that a man and woman took a boat and went off. Why the order switch?
Yeah, Ben was fine on the plane and after the crash, a little banged up but Ok. That's why he was hurt was form Sun.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by schaefmp

First ep. had Ben hurt with Locke looking at him. This must of been after Sun bopped him as they said that a man and woman took a boat and went off. Why the order switch?
Yeah, Ben was fine on the plane and after the crash, a little banged up but Ok. That's why he was hurt was form Sun.

Yup. Because in the locke episode ceasar tells him that a man and woman ran off.....then we see an injured ben.

Anyone remember how many boats were left when the losties were jumping around when they got into a gun fight at sea? I think ben hid 3...minus the one suntook...that leaves two..I wonder who was shooting at them
Another thing to think about, how many members are being recruited off the island? They said the sub was going make going trip 6 months later. How many Dharmapeople are actually needed?

It's probably nothing but I felt like I had to say something insightful in this discussion
The writers said the identity of Adam & Eve could be found in an anagram in the ep where Carl is being brainwashed. One of the statements on the screen is"Only fools are enslaved by space and time" which forms this statement:

Spoiler [+]
"Bones of Nadlers may lay lost deep in cave". Nadlers=Rose and Bernard's last name.
Black & White, which satisfies NYC's statement that the Black/White thing would almost be funny.

Finally a damn answer.
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