LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

^ that is awesome. If true, it opens up a lot of speculation of what order things are happening. And if they stick.
Nice episode...they are indeed trying to answer all the mysteries of lost.

Anyway, saw some "jackface" pic and Jack's .gif...anyone can post Sawyer's different "Son of a !@#$%" face in .gif too?
Last Edited By: Jacob 9/22/04 8:15 PM. Edited 108 times.


Originally Posted by truestt

Does it look like someone else is behind the supposed pic of Charlotte as well?
Yeah it sort of does, but who....

And I'm almost entirely sure that the person is Claire not Charlotte.
I have to watch this $+%* again.

IDK why but this episode felt like it was a total of 20 mins.
Maybe I was tired but it went by super quick and at the end I was like "blah."
I don't think Farraday is dead. I think what happened with him is he probably either left the island on the submarine to work on his formulas/notepad orhe was sent to work on the other island (where 316 landed) completely isolated from the Dharma campgrounds.

That would explain how Caesar finds what seem to be Farraday's drawings/notebooks inside that desk a couple EP's back.

Also, with young Ben asking Sayid what his name was.. I think at that point he had already made contact with Alpert & co. He seems to have met/known ofthe entire hostiles by name and I guess he would know whether Sayid was one by his name.

I'm intrigued how Ethan survives the Purge.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

I don't think Farraday is dead. I think what happened with him is he probably either left the island on the submarine to work on his formulas/notepad or he was sent to work on the other island (where 316 landed) completely isolated from the Dharma campgrounds.

That would explain how Caesar finds what seem to be Farraday's drawings/notebooks inside that desk a couple EP's back.

Also, with young Ben asking Sayid what his name was.. I think at that point he had already made contact with Alpert & co. He seems to have met/known of the entire hostiles by name and I guess he would know whether Sayid was one by his name.

I'm intrigued how Ethan survives the Purge.
Good thinking on all points!!

And, they have got to show how Ethan survived the Purge, or if he knew his Dad was going to die during the Purge.

James, all the episodes go by WAY to fast IMO. This wasn't the "deepest" episode, but I liked it. But, there isn't an episode I didn'tlike( including the Nikki & Paulo one
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

James, all the episodes go by WAY to fast IMO. This wasn't the "deepest" episode, but I liked it. But, there isn't an episode I didn't like( including the Nikki & Paulo one
yeah no doubt .. but this one seemed to end super quick. IDK.
I just watched the scene again, I dont think its someone holding a cue card. There's no lines at that point. Also what you're looking at is a filingcabinet

Christian says "I'm sorry you've got a bit of a journey ahead of you."
cue Sun doing her little look off camera and you see the red/blonde haired person in the background move their head a little.

If we caught that tidbit, don't you think the production crew/director whatever saw it too?
A cue card would make sense. I have to re-watch it again but from what I remember - the cabin/house was all tore up. I don't think a cabinet would justbe there perfectly in place while everything is all over...
Way to many questions... I waited 2 weeks for that?

Is there 2 Islands... are is the island simultaneously in the past and present?
Originally Posted by DieselG5


Anyone else think that's just someone holding up a cue card?

word, i dont remember any losties rockin big print tees like that. Would be hilarious though, but we will never know. Either it is a part of it, if itwasn't, it wont be addressed or it'll be included in the story.
Craig, yes there is the main island and a smaller one. I think they are both on the same timeline, because Sun and Frank went back to a trashed Others camp.

On that pic, if it is a crew member in the back, wait until Sun finds out. She's pull a Christian Bale on the set of T4 "Do you want me to go andtrash your cue cards? DO YOU WANT ME TO GO AND TRASH 'EM?"
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Craig, yes there is the main island and a smaller one. I think they are both on the same timeline, because Sun and Frank went back to a trashed Others camp.

On that pic, if it is a crew member in the back, wait until Sun finds out. She's pull a Christian Bale on the set of T4 "Do you want me to go and trash your cue cards? DO YOU WANT ME TO GO AND TRASH 'EM?"
That makes no sense....

Because that picture was from the Dharma Initiative pic they were taking.. I'm pretty sure Sun and Frank are in present day Island
Which part??

Maybe you misunderstood what I was saying, or the other way around. I thought you were asking if there was 2 islands

Frank and Sun are in the present along with the other people from 316. Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley are in the past. But, there are 2 different islands. A bigone that Frank and Sun went to, and the smaller one that flight 316 crashed on.

But, I'm not referring to the Dharma pic, I'm talking about the pic of Sun and what appears to be someone behind her.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Craig, yes there is the main island and a smaller one. I think they are both on the same timeline, because Sun and Frank went back to a trashed Others camp.

On that pic, if it is a crew member in the back, wait until Sun finds out. She's pull a Christian Bale on the set of T4 "Do you want me to go and trash your cue cards? DO YOU WANT ME TO GO AND TRASH 'EM?"
LMAO- Christian Bale is TOO MUCH. WARNING: Extremely funny. Extreme use of the F-Bomb. Not family/work/child friendly.

Edit: removed embedded video. If you want to see Bale's rant, go to youtube and search for "christian bale remix". It is the "bale out-video remix". The vid shows Bale with a chainsaw.

But, Abaddon you might want to delete that. The mods have been suspending people over profanity in the links/videos.
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