LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Ohhh #*%@! He killed shot little Ben!


Time to read the thread and see what ya'll noticed.
Past and/or Future Ben is not dead...

Spoiler [+]
a simple look at the upcoming episodes would reveal that he's still an integral part of the show and not just in flashbacks

Screw Bernard/Rose

Where the heck are LOCKE and DESMOND THE BROTHA?

but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out...
I don't think Benjamin is dead. I think dude survives probably because the island/Jacob does not allow for him to die. He needs to do what he does forthe island.

It looks like the Losties get into trouble.. probably because Ben heard what Sayid told Jin and proceeds to inform Horace and Dharmaville.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

I don't think Benjamin is dead. I think dude survives probably because the island/Jacob does not allow for him to die. He needs to do what he does for the island.

It looks like the Losties get into trouble.. probably because Ben heard what Sayid told Jin and proceeds to inform Horace and Dharmaville.

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Not important, but didn't it appear that Sawyer tazed Sayid in the balls?
I thought the same thing, but I also thought I saw 'Yid kill Jin

-But, I thought it was a very good episode last night. 'Yid is a KILLER, and finally came to grips with it. It's about to get ugly.

-But, I wonder why he went into the woods with Ben, only to kill him when he saw Jin. I guess he wanted Ben to lead him to the Hostile's. And I still thinkhe might not be dead, like other's have said the island isn't done with him, and to 'Yid.....1 bullet?!?!?! Should've filled him up with lead.

-Now, if it's not a parallel universe they are in, and young Ben didn't die, future Ben would have to remember the guy that tried to kill him (Sayid).And knowing Ben he's not gonna let that slide. So, did this already happen, are they creating new memories for those that were there in 1977, is it aparallel universe, fake reality/dreaming, or....nevermind I'm confusing myself again. This is going to have to be explained so, I'm just gonna let theshow do it.

Again..... BEST. SHOW. EVER.
The episode was so crazy, Sayid is one of my fave characters.

Some things I noticed:
-Sayid getting questioned about being a spy, in handcuffs and all that reminds me of Ben pretending to be Henry Gale...thought that was cool
-Did the sky get darker when Sayid was chained and they were asking him questions? When he jumps at Oldham? I might be looking into things too deep, but thisis when Sayid realizes ala going to the dark side, that he was "sent back" to kill little Ben.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok...Here are my thoughts on the week:

2. Gotta give the casting department some sort of award for the casting of young Ben. That kid is creepy as hell, and it's not that he's trying to be creepy. It's the close up camera angles and hoody that do it for me.
Yeah I thought the same thing. Isnt he the kid from X2? the one that changed the channels by blinking w/those same big creepy eyes.

3. They didn't show us that book for nothing. Like I mentioned earlier. Something kinda clicked for me. Faraday says you can't change the past. So if Sayid shot Ben, it shouldn't effect grown up Ben because he's in "A Separate Reality" in future times.

Im thinking the same thing. I dont want to say Faraday by saying what happened happened is wrong. But it makes it look that way. Maybe they are trying to mislead us, just to surprise us later.
I see it 2 ways. The complicated version is that Faraday is wrong. And that by making a change in the past. It becomes like the road not taken. Sun and Frank have to be in some alternate future. Remember what Faraday did say about the record was not skipping anymore just not the song they want.
The easy version is that Island wont let Ben die and then be brought back to life.

5. I'd love to see the smoke monster ravage Radzinsky in a wide open stretch of land. That guy is a certifiable douche bag.

Doesnt he shoot himself in the head at the hatch? Or I am thinking of someone else?

9. That was very ballsy of the writers/producers having a character shoot a child in cold blood during primetime TV. What was PC even 10 years ago, is not the same now. Anywho, it was the payoff for the chicken scene being included. Sayid is a stone cold killer and he did what he had to do with both Ben and the chicken.
I thought the exact thing. I think thats why they didnt have sayid pump several rounds into him.
Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok...Here are my thoughts on the week:

2. Gotta give the casting department some sort of award for the casting of young Ben. That kid is creepy as hell, and it's not that he's trying to be creepy. It's the close up camera angles and hoody that do it for me.
Yeah I thought the same thing. Isnt he the kid from X2? the one that changed the channels by blinking w/those same big creepy eyes.

3. They didn't show us that book for nothing. Like I mentioned earlier. Something kinda clicked for me. Faraday says you can't change the past. So if Sayid shot Ben, it shouldn't effect grown up Ben because he's in "A Separate Reality" in future times.

Im thinking the same thing. I dont want to say Faraday by saying what happened happened is wrong. But it makes it look that way. Maybe they are trying to mislead us, just to surprise us later.
I see it 2 ways. The complicated version is that Faraday is wrong. And that by making a change in the past. It becomes like the road not taken. Sun and Frank have to be in some alternate future. Remember what Faraday did say about the record was not skipping anymore just not the song they want.
The easy version is that Island wont let Ben die and then be brought back to life.

5. I'd love to see the smoke monster ravage Radzinsky in a wide open stretch of land. That guy is a certifiable douche bag.

Doesnt he shoot himself in the head at the hatch? Or I am thinking of someone else?

9. That was very ballsy of the writers/producers having a character shoot a child in cold blood during primetime TV. What was PC even 10 years ago, is not the same now. Anywho, it was the payoff for the chicken scene being included. Sayid is a stone cold killer and he did what he had to do with both Ben and the chicken.
I thought the exact thing. I think thats why they didnt have sayid pump several rounds into him.
I def. think it's an alternate reality during that Sun/Frank/Christian scene where the world ends and/or everybody on the island dies. Theygave small context clues...No way that the Dharma village should look that way in 2007.

Radzinksy blows his brains out for sure, But he can't die soon enough IMO...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Radzinksy blows his brains out for sure, But he can't die soon enough IMO...
That bothers me for some reason.
Ok so Radzinsky is in the hatch with the guy that "mentored" sayid.

At the time they are busy pressing the button isnt the Dharma Iniative killed off already?
Why are they still doing it? How did he lose his mind? To make him draw the map on the emergency wall.
He knows the purpose of the stations and where they are located. Maybe the stations arent as pointless as we think.

The only thing I can think of is that he was hiding out there before the purge and Ben didnt know where the swan hatch was. And while he was there he wastrying to figure out the meaning of everything. The question mark in the middle may not have been a mystery station maybe it was like "what does it allmean?"

What yall got on that?
Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Radzinksy blows his brains out for sure, But he can't die soon enough IMO...
That bothers me for some reason.
Ok so Radzinsky is in the hatch with the guy that "mentored" sayid.

At the time they are busy pressing the button isnt the Dharma Iniative killed off already?
Why are they still doing it? How did he lose his mind? To make him draw the map on the emergency wall.
He knows the purpose of the stations and where they are located. Maybe the stations arent as pointless as we think.
It shouldn't bother you that much. What or who would have told these people in the Hatch to stop pressing the buttons? They were obviouslyscared into staying inside and given a task they were lead to believe they could not ignore.

I mean, the inside of the Hatch door said "Quarantine", didn't it? And Desmond was let to believe that he shouldn't leave the Hatch without aHaz-Mat suit.

And I think it's pretty clear that the purpose of the Swan was far from pointless.
The whole separate/alternative realities can bear a resemblance to comic book realities. Maybe there might be a "Crisis on Infinite Earths" orsomething of that nature. Time travel is tricky to deal with, especially with the inclusion of 'other' realities. I think the concept of"hypertime" could explain paradoxes, as it does with comic book continuity.

From wiki:
Hypertime works like this: the main, or "official" timeline is like a river, with a nearly infinite number of distributaries-alternate timelines-branching off. Most of the time, these alternate timelines go off on their own and never intersect with the main timeline. On occasion, the branches return,feeding back into the main timeline - sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily.
Barack 0drama wrote:

I def. think it's an alternate reality during that Sun/Frank/Christian scene where the world ends and/or everybody on the island dies. They gave small context clues...No way that the Dharma village should look that way in 2007.

Radzinksy blows his brains out for sure, But he can't die soon enough IMO...

I don't think its an alternate reality. The 2007 island events is the primary time line. No one has been on the island since Locke turned thewheel. That's three years. There could have been a storm, like a hurricane, that destroyed the buildings. No one was around to clean it up and fix it up.

Ben getting shot in 1977 will affect Ben in 2007. He probably will wake up with the memory of getting shot as well as the physical wound. He will die withoutproper medical treatment. But one of the Ajiar passengers will provide medical help and Ben in 2007 survives.

What's more interesting is who Alpert will select next. With young Ben dead, he has to turn to someone else.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Radzinksy blows his brains out for sure, But he can't die soon enough IMO...
That bothers me for some reason.
Ok so Radzinsky is in the hatch with the guy that "mentored" sayid.

At the time they are busy pressing the button isnt the Dharma Iniative killed off already?
Why are they still doing it? How did he lose his mind? To make him draw the map on the emergency wall.
He knows the purpose of the stations and where they are located. Maybe the stations arent as pointless as we think.
It shouldn't bother you that much. What or who would have told these people in the Hatch to stop pressing the buttons? They were obviously scared into staying inside and given a task they were lead to believe they could not ignore.

I mean, the inside of the Hatch door said "Quarantine", didn't it? And Desmond was let to believe that he shouldn't leave the Hatch without a Haz-Mat suit.

And I think it's pretty clear that the purpose of the Swan was far from pointless.

Yes...I agree the swan wasnt pointless. someone had said something to that effect seveal pages back.
My thoughts werent really related to Desmond. He came into things late.
Radzinsky was well informed. He helped design the swan it seems.
He would know if the hazmat suit was a ploy or not. Their assignments in the station were only temporary until there
replacements came and solved the riddle. Even as a D-bag he wasnt stupid and was quick to act.
Eventually he would have made or at lease attempted contact with someone on the outside. He knew to call AnnArbor.
He knew the island was "fine" before the hatch.

I just thought it interesting, that he must have survived sometime after the purge or so it seems.
vector23 wrote:

I don't think its an alternate reality. The 2007 island events is the primary time line. No one has been on the island since Locke turned the wheel. That's three years. There could have been a storm, like a hurricane, that destroyed the buildings. No one was around to clean it up and fix it up.

Ben getting shot in 1977 will affect Ben in 2007. He probably will wake up with the memory of getting shot as well as the physical wound. He will die without proper medical treatment. But one of the Ajiar passengers will provide medical help and Ben in 2007 survives.

What's more interesting is who Alpert will select next. With young Ben dead, he has to turn to someone else.
If it works anything like it did for Desmond (remembering the day Faraday knocked on the hatch door) or Widmore (remembering Locke) then Benisn't gonna die as a kid. He'll likely have the memory of being shot and a scar, but the fact that he's grown to the age he's at in 2007 provesthat he doesn't die, otherwise you have a paradox. The way they've explained or displayed it to this point, you can influence the future but youcan't change what's going to happen.

Then again, this all goes out the window if you have alternate timelines and universes, in which case nothing we know to this point about the rules (alaDesmond and Widmore's memories) makes any sense because they wouldn't have those memories.
ArsnalJ23 wrote:

He'll likely have the memory of being shot and a scar, but the fact that he's grown to the age he's at in 2007 proves that he doesn't die, otherwise you have a paradox. The way they've explained or displayed it to this point, you can influence the future but you can't change what's going to happen.

The point is that you can't change what has already happened. Sayid killing young Ben doesn't prevent the Purge, because the purge alreadyhappened. Sayid killing young Ben occurs after the Purge. It's relative to the primary time line. Plus, the event occurs at one point in time and effectsboth time periods, 1977 and 2007, at the same instant. Meaning, IMO, the second young Ben got shot in 1977, is the same instant old Ben remembers and iswounded in 2007. He should die in 2007, if there isn't any intervention.
Ben isn't dead. I'm not sold on that.

When Sayid shot and Little Ben just stood there .. I thought it was gonna be on some Last Dragon %#%% and he was gonna be like "AHHAHA, can't killme."

but damn.
Pretty good episode IMO. I don't like ANYONE from Dharma.

I've been looking at the pages and one comment stood out. Can't remember who said it but I definitely thought I saw the sky change colors too whenSayid was being "tortured". Gotta check it out again.
Spoiler [+]
Radzinsky does know whats up. They will explain everything in full detail. They sort of already did in the last episode when Sayid was given the truth serum. There is also a greater purpose for the stations as well, which will be explain in 2 more episodes I believer

I really don't know if this is a spoiler or not, so I did it just in case.
Originally Posted by vector23

ArsnalJ23 wrote:

He'll likely have the memory of being shot and a scar, but the fact that he's grown to the age he's at in 2007 proves that he doesn't die, otherwise you have a paradox. The way they've explained or displayed it to this point, you can influence the future but you can't change what's going to happen.
The point is that you can't change what has already happened. Sayid killing young Ben doesn't prevent the Purge, because the purge already happened. Sayid killing young Ben occurs after the Purge. It's relative to the primary time line. Plus, the event occurs at one point in time and effects both time periods, 1977 and 2007, at the same instant. Meaning, IMO, the second young Ben got shot in 1977, is the same instant old Ben remembers and is wounded in 2007. He should die in 2007, if there isn't any intervention.

I agree with this and it makes perfect sense to me.
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