LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

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Zap2it: You just mentioned Michael Emerson. Have you two actually talked behind the scenes, trying to develop the character together? What advice has he given you about the role, if anything?
SB: Well, we really haven't. I mean, before I didn't know a lot about Ben, and he didn't give me any pointers. But this last time, since I'm a big fan of the show now, and watch it like an addict, I actually talked theories with him, and he had some pretty interesting ones.

Zap2it: OK, such as? Give me one.
SB: One that we both sorta think is true: Locke and Ben are brothers. Because their mom has the same name, so same mom and different dads…or maybe even the same dad, we don't know who Locke's father is!

Zap2it: Now you've got me intrigued. Have any other ones you can share with us?
SB: You remember Marvin Candle's kid in the beginning of Season 5? I believe that's Miles. And I know one of those [two theories] is true, because I once ran into Damon Lindelof, and asked him if any of these three theories is true. The first one is that Annie is Charlotte. And of course now we know that's not true because we saw Young Charlotte at the age of three when Annie would be my age. So the only two left are "Ben and Locke are brothers" and "Miles is Marvin Candle's kid," and Damon said, "One of those is true." But he never said that more than one of them isn't, so I think both of them are.

Press Release, already posted but I think this one has more.
In order to atone for the awful sins of his past, Ben attempts to summon the Smoke Monster ready to be judged.

As he seeks redemption, we learn more about Ben's terrible actions and meet some faces from the past. His relationship with 'daughter' Alex is revealed, as is the story of how he came to steal her from Danielle.

But what is the truth behind the enmity between Ben and Charles Widmore - and did he make good on his vow to avenge Alex's death?

Set Report - The Temple
They shot on another temple set. It's very Egpytian with large columns around a type of fire pit in the middle and torches on the wall. There's a tapestry on the wall with Egyptian figures on it. At the very top of it, some figures are kneeling to a sun with an eye in it and the sun's rays have hands on them. Next to the tapestry is a spinning wheel (maybe the donkey wheel's cousin?).

I couldn't stick around for shooting but I know I saw Terry O'Quinn (Locke), Michael Emerson (Ben), and some scruffy guy I didn't recognize in the distance.

There were some bloody clothes and a knife and a some fire extinguishers being used in the area, so I guess that means something was going to go down.
That's the theory
im pretty sure it has been talked over here already.. but im going to say it anyways..
since they are with the dharma initiative and the other kills them,
wouldnt that mean that jack,kate,hurley,juliet and sawyer would be dead too?
I thought the "purge" and the deaths weren't until the 90's. They are in the 70's now so they've got some time to get coursecorrected.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

im pretty sure it has been talked over here already.. but im going to say it anyways..
since they are with the dharma initiative and the other kills them,
wouldnt that mean that jack,kate,hurley,juliet and sawyer would be dead too?

Some people of the DI didn't die during the purge
I don't understand why people think that.

And yes, I know what the titles of all the remaining episodes are.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I don't understand why people think that.

And yes, I know what the titles of all the remaining episodes are.
I think they might have mentioned it in TV guide....

But here are some of the episode titles, I know that 13-15 weren't up before

[table][tr][td]95[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]"Dead is Dead"[sup][105][/sup][/td] [td]Stephen Williams[/td] [td]Brian K. Vaughan & Elizabeth Sarnoff[/td] [td]Ben[sup][105][/sup][/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]April 8, 2009[sup][105][/sup][/td] [/tr][tr][td]96[/td] [td]13[/td] [td]"Some Like It Hoth"[sup][106][/sup][/td] [td]Jack Bender[/td] [td]Melinda Hsu Taylor & Greggory Nations[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]April 15, 2009[sup][106][/sup][/td] [/tr][tr][td]97[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]"The Variable"[sup][107][/sup][/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]April 29, 2009[sup][107][/sup][/td] [/tr][tr][td]98[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]"Follow the Leader"[sup][108][/sup][/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]May 6, 2009[sup][108][/sup][/td] [/tr][tr][td]99/100[/td] [td]16/17[/td] [td]"The Incident"[sup][109][/sup][/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse[sup][109][/sup][/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]TBA[/td] [td]May 13, 2009[sup][110][/sup][/td] [/tr][/table]
All the other season finale's have been centered around a major event happening, the purge would be the most logical guess

but knowing lost you're probably right.
It can't be the Purge. Not only do the years not add up, but they already touched on it from Ben's perspective a few seasons ago. It would be lame touse it again as a centerpiece for this year's finale.
ok yall i dont know if you guys are guessin stuff or know it from spoilers but if its from spoilers try to put the tags on it
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