LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Anubis=Jacob, maybe?

That's what I'm leaning towards.

So then the island = The underworld/hell?
or purgatory
Great ep. Its probably THE best Ben centric of the series. I had to watch it 3 times on all possible regional times

I think its amazing how Ben still fits in a lie when telling the truth. Dude is being honest to Sun about Locke being dead and that he scared that he's alive but says this is the first time the island has done this. AFTER Sun telling him Christian told them to wait in Ben's house, Ben knows who Christian is
he has to off of Jack's files alone.

I was scared for Ben though the whole time Smokey/Alex pinned him to the pillar I'm thinking any minute she just gonna thrust her arm through his stomach on some gruesome shhh. Ben basically got told what to do; follow Locke's orders or you gonna get destroyed. I also like how this being the first ep Locke had the upper hand over Ben the whole time.

After watching it the first time I don't know how anybody can still think Penny is dead. They wouldn't not show that. Ben got soft do to baby Charlie and somehow Des managed to give him a one arm beating(I didn't see in all 3 times I watched how he managed to break or dislocate his arm since it ended up in a sling later). Penny has to be alive I'm expecting her and Charlie to end up on the island with Des.

The tablet of Anubis and Smokey was interesting. I don't think Jacob is him though, I think his human representative is Richard or possibly they both can represent two different sides of Anubis. I'm basically sold that the statue is Anubis now though. Unless the series is gonna take a left turn down Egyptian GODs and religion.

@ the young gung-ho Ethan. I think he would've murked Rousseau and the kid.

This was a great bday present almost beat out the pum pum I got.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Anubis=Jacob, maybe?

That's what I'm leaning towards.

So then the island = The underworld/hell?
or purgatory

That was debunked by the producers tho...

Also, I think we can safely rule out the smoke being some sort of man made machine, Just because of how damn old it is.

It's got to be mystical/supernatural...
- Ben offing Ceasar was pifff

- What's this Widmore having a daughter with an outsider stuff? I mean, I know it's Penny...but there's gotta be something more to thatconversation and topic. Who's the woman?

- Why did Penny say she's not related to Charles Widmore? (Or maybe she just said that to save her life?)

- And in typical Lost fashion, I have to ask why the Risk game? Something Hugo and Miles were playing in the past?

Good episode though. Sad to know the season is over in a matter of weeks though
I'm leaning towards Jacob being the Anubis figure too.

What I want to know is, what was that eye was underneath the smoke monster and Anubis on that wall? Was it the Eye of Horus?

Oh and Lockes not the same. This episode he just had a swag that not even Ben can touch. Big turnaround from the guy who was defeated and scared, standing on atable with a cable around his neck. I'm feeling that he's on that Christian tip, whatever it is. Dead or not dead, who knows. I doubt John even knows.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

- Ben offing Ceasar was pifff

- Why did Penny say she's not related to Charles Widmore? (Or maybe she just said that to save her life?)
- It was. That was hilarious the way he just pulled it out all nonchalant.

- I thought she said she doesnt have any sort of relationship with him. But either way, I think it was to save her life.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Mastamind89 wrote:

Anubis=Jacob, maybe?

That's what I'm leaning towards.

So then the island = The underworld/hell?
or purgatory

My mom and sister had this theory near the end of season 3.... this was long before I started watching

And yes penny didnt say shes not related... she said they have no relationship
I went back and looked, Odrama's right. Cuse and Lindelof said in a podcast that they're not in any type of underworld or purgatory.
Does this mean boone locke conversation in the sweatlodge was legit like boone is still walking around the island?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I went back and looked, Odrama's right. Cuse and Lindelof said in a podcast that they're not in any type of underworld or purgatory.

They've also said that there's no time traveling element. I wouldn't take their word for anything. They just don't want fans to get ahead ofthemselves.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

18Key's avy
I think I'm keeping this one for a while.

Maybe the island isnt purgatory, or hell, or anything like that. Maybe its just the gate to the underworld. The temple, the Cerberus smoke monster, thestatues, ect.
Anubis being the god of the dead could mean he watches the portal to hell, and uses the smoke monster to judge who goes to hell and who doesnt (Ben saying heneeded to be judged... for what?).
The temple could be sealed off from people so they dont stumble into hell.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I went back and looked, Odrama's right. Cuse and Lindelof said in a podcast that they're not in any type of underworld or purgatory.

They've also said that there's no time traveling element. I wouldn't take their word for anything. They just don't want fans to get ahead of themselves.

In Egyptian mythology, Apep (also spelled Apepi, and Aapep, or Apophis in Greek) was an evil demon, the deification of darkness and chaos
As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake, crocodile, serpent, or in later years, in a few cases, as a dragon, leading to titles such as Serpent from the Nile, and Evil lizard. Some elaborations even said that he stretched 16 yards in length and had a head made of flint.
Tales of Apep's battles against Ra were elaborated during the New Kingdom[sup][4][/sup]. Since nearly everyone can see that the sun is not attacked by a giant snake during the day, every day, storytellers said that Apep must lie just below the horizon. This appropriately made him a part of the underworld, which attacked the sun each night. In some stories Apep waited for Ra in a western mountain called Bakhu, where the sun set, and in others Apep lurked just before dawn, in the Tenth region of the Night. The wide range of Apep's possible location gained him the title World Encircler. It was thought that his terrifying roar would cause the underworld to rumble. Myths sometimes say that Apep was trapped there, because he had been the previous chief god and suffered a coup d'etat by Ra, or because he was evil and had been imprisoned.
In his battles, Apep was thought to use a magical gaze to hypnotise Ra and his entourage, attempting to devour them whilst choking the river on which they travelled through the underworld with his coils.


so anyone have any sort of explainable grasp on any specific allegorical theme behind the full series?
yea that's true.

how bout like symbolism aside from general themes of the show....for example: characters (+ names, relationships, positions, etc.) Im asking because I see youguys have opinions/are trying to figure out exactly what the "smoke monster" is/represents, so maybe people have some thoughts on the bigpicture---particularly stuff they put together concerning allegory, etc.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

My thoughts this week:

1. "DEAD IS DEAD"....I think that's one of the biggest things we should take away from this week. John Locke is dead and the fact that that scares the hell out of Ben actually scares the hell out of me a little...lol.

2. I have two theories about the actions of the Ajira crew. They're either possessed by the same thing that Russeau's crew was possessed by. (She was asked a pretty off the wall question). OR...If it's not that, the remainder of the Ajira crew are people Widmore planted on the plane and that question was the "secret code" that let them know who was a Widmore plant and who wasn't (why Lapidus got whacked). Also, there wasn't a cargo box of weapons and supplies on that plane for nothing.

3. As for the question mentioned in #2, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Is it the four toed statue that was on the island? Or a secret question/answer for Widmore's peeps?

4. On the wall in Smokey's lair, it appeared that the heiroglyphs showed smokey "eating" out of Anubis' hand. Of course, Anubis seems to be the popular choice for the identity of the large statue on the island that we saw a few episodes back.

5. I'm pretty sure "Tell Desmond Hume I'm sorry" means "I'm sorry for shooting you" and not "I'm sorry for killing your wife."

6. Smokey has been referred to as Cerebrus a few times on the show and the writers as well. In mythology, Cerebrus was the guardian to the gates of the underworld. So, Cerebrus = guardian to underworld. Smokey = guardian of the island....perhaps?

7. On the preview for next week, for a second or two, there is a scene of Jack standing in a classroom of some sort with writing about ancient Egypt on the blackboard behind him. I wonder why the Dharma people would want to keep up on Egyptian history???

8. It's pretty evident that Smokey took the form of Alex down in the lair. We've seen it take the form of Yemi (Ecko's brother) as well. This makes me wonder how many other times we've seen Smokey in someone else's form???

9. Since last season when he first unleashed the smoke monster, I've always wondered how Ben did it....well....now we know that he went and pulled the plug on Smokey's bath water and that pissed Smokey off so he came out to put the plug back in. Ben is just a prank playing #%!#*%!.

2. Doesn't sound too far fetched
4. In Egyptian mythology Cerberus was sort of a "pet" that belonged to Anubis.
5. Yeah
Spoiler [+]
Penny is not dead
6. Right
8. I can name a few more times actually. Hurley even ran into smokey and so did Jack.

I think I've said this as well. WE HAVE SEEN JACOB BEFORE.

Here is a nice spoiler for you guys too

Spoiler [+]
Anubis isn't Jacob. Jacob will show his face again in a few more episodes.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Anubis=Jacob, maybe?

That's what I'm leaning towards.

So then the island = The underworld/hell?
or purgatory

That was debunked by the producers tho...

Also, I think we can safely rule out the smoke being some sort of man made machine, Just because of how damn old it is.

It's got to be mystical/supernatural...
Odrama, what exactlydid they debunk?? Did they debunk the island being any sort of representation of hell?? If so, I don't know where this could be leading us. Everytime Ithink I'm understanding something, it's proved wrong. Also, since Locke has returned on the island, he looks a little funny. I don't know ifit's just my HD but it looks like Locke has some sort of glow about him. Especially in the first scene, when Ben wakes up and finds Locke on his bed. MaybeI'm going crazy or it could just be because he's clean all of a sudden. I'm so used to seeing him dirty.

Another thing that I findinteresting is when Ben finds the 1977 Dharma photo including the 815ers. He makes it seems as though he actually thinks they were past members of Dharma whenhe talks about it with Sun and Lapidus. However, he has to know that that simply isn't the case. The question I'm getting at is does Ben know that therest of the 815ers who are on the island are actually stuck in 1977??? Is he just putting on a front??? If he does know, why doesn't he just simply tellSun and Lapidus the truth about where the rest of them are?? Maybe I'm overthinking this.

nycknicks105 wrote:

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

My thoughts this week:

1. "DEAD IS DEAD"....I think that's one of the biggest things we should take away from this week. John Locke is dead and the fact that that scares the hell out of Ben actually scares the hell out of me a little...lol.

2. I have two theories about the actions of the Ajira crew. They're either possessed by the same thing that Russeau's crew was possessed by. (She was asked a pretty off the wall question). OR...If it's not that, the remainder of the Ajira crew are people Widmore planted on the plane and that question was the "secret code" that let them know who was a Widmore plant and who wasn't (why Lapidus got whacked). Also, there wasn't a cargo box of weapons and supplies on that plane for nothing.

3. As for the question mentioned in #2, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Is it the four toed statue that was on the island? Or a secret question/answer for Widmore's peeps?

4. On the wall in Smokey's lair, it appeared that the heiroglyphs showed smokey "eating" out of Anubis' hand. Of course, Anubis seems to be the popular choice for the identity of the large statue on the island that we saw a few episodes back.

5. I'm pretty sure "Tell Desmond Hume I'm sorry" means "I'm sorry for shooting you" and not "I'm sorry for killing your wife."

6. Smokey has been referred to as Cerebrus a few times on the show and the writers as well. In mythology, Cerebrus was the guardian to the gates of the underworld. So, Cerebrus = guardian to underworld. Smokey = guardian of the island....perhaps?

7. On the preview for next week, for a second or two, there is a scene of Jack standing in a classroom of some sort with writing about ancient Egypt on the blackboard behind him. I wonder why the Dharma people would want to keep up on Egyptian history???

8. It's pretty evident that Smokey took the form of Alex down in the lair. We've seen it take the form of Yemi (Ecko's brother) as well. This makes me wonder how many other times we've seen Smokey in someone else's form???

9. Since last season when he first unleashed the smoke monster, I've always wondered how Ben did it....well....now we know that he went and pulled the plug on Smokey's bath water and that pissed Smokey off so he came out to put the plug back in. Ben is just a prank playing #%!#*%!.

2. Doesn't sound too far fetched
4. In Egyptian mythology Cerberus was sort of a "pet" that belonged to Anubis.
5. Yeah
Spoiler [+]
Penny is not dead
6. Right
8. I can name a few more times actually. Hurley even ran into smokey and so did Jack.

1) Yeah I think the same thing. Dead is Dead. It just emphasizes I think that Smokie has control over the dead on
the Island. Using them to do its purpose. I said before that John when he came back would get Christian status.
So Christian = John = Claire = Yemi = Alex (sure im missing more). Im not saying that this is definite. The thing thats weird is that Christian, John, Claireall had a "good" glow to them. Yemi and Alex were very evil looking.
So if Smokie is evil why the difference. I noticed that NYC aint comment on #1 though.

2) Her question was definitely a code of some sort. Like the snowman question. She probably thought that since he raced to the island like that he was in on oraware of what ever they had planned.
Widmore could have quickly assembled a team to get on the plane. Especially since Ben bragged/told him he was going back.
But the fact that she mentioned the statue obviously means something. Yeah I realize I might be over analyzing.

3) My answer to the question. Smokie or death(dead people) lies in the shadow of the statue. When I first watched I thought that it was the temple. But Ithought that was too literal. Smokie being a black smoke would blend in perfectly to the darkness of a shadow. And death being darkness would fit to.

4) Yeah the glyphs on the wall did a good job depicting the smoke monster with its jagged lines of varying sizes, shows to me its form is not solid but cantransform.
Obviously Ben didnt know there was anything under the temple wall. I cant believe we havent seen the actual temple all this time it was just the wall. I cantwait to see that.

From 5 on I agree. Even 9 lol. Though I thought it was more like he put water out for the dog.

I been said that Charles Widmore was going on and off the Island. The part I picked up on was that 2 times he was challenged by Richard (saying that Jacobwanted Ben) and then when Ben questioned if Jacob wanted Alex to be killed. It shows that Widmore had lost favor or didnt speak with Jacob since at least the77. Probaly earlier since Jacob seemed to give them directions for upcoming/future events and because Penny is more than 30 y.o. He did not respond to Richardand say no he doesnt. And with Ben he just slinked off all defeated.

Did anyone catch or have the screen shot of that protrait in Bens house? Is it the same one from before?

Also something else is weird about Dharmaville. The processing station when Christian was there was extremely rundown. As if the Others never occupied thearea. Yet Bens house is his house it even still has alex's stuff in it.
So it was recently inhabited.
Just add it to the list of stuff I dont get.
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