LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

So that means Penny is half an Other and with Desmond being special, that means their baby is on some other ++!%, no pun intended
So...... Ben was healed by the Others, then went back to/in/with Dharma until the Purge, then went with the "Others", then came back to Dharmaville?
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Whats the vent issue? I'm confused

what the hell is 'the vent' issue?

On the blast door map, several cryptic notations describe a "Cerberus system" along with four instances of the initials "CV". The producers of the show confirmed at Comic-Con 2007 that Radzinsky and Kelvin used the term "Cerberus" to refer to the Monster and that "CV" stands for "Cerberus Vents".

The Official Jigsaw Puzzles also revealed that the "CV" notations on the blast door map stand for "Cerberus Vent". It is assumed that the "vents" Radzinsky and Kelvin were referring to are underground passageways used by the Monster, such as the hole that Locke was nearly pulled into. ("Exodus, Part 2")

On the Lost Dashboard Theme for the Xbox 360, the words "Cerberus System" are in the background of the System Settings page alongside other various Lost-related terms, like Geronimo Jackson, Ben Linus, and Jacob.
In Greco-Roman mythology, Cerberus was the three-headed watchdog of Hades who permitted spirits to enter the lower world and prevented them from leaving. Only a few heroes ever got by Cerberus, including: Orpheus, who charmed him with music; Hercules, who, depending on the myth, either wrestled him into submission or charmed him with kindness; and, in Roman myth, The Sibyl (a prophetess travelling with Aeneas) drugged him and Psyche bribed him with a cake. Cerberus was the child of Typhon and Echidna.

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Whats the vent issue? I'm confused

what the hell is 'the vent' issue?

On the blast door map, several cryptic notations describe a "Cerberus system" along with four instances of the initials "CV". The producers of the show confirmed at Comic-Con 2007 that Radzinsky and Kelvin used the term "Cerberus" to refer to the Monster and that "CV" stands for "Cerberus Vents".

The Official Jigsaw Puzzles also revealed that the "CV" notations on the blast door map stand for "Cerberus Vent". It is assumed that the "vents" Radzinsky and Kelvin were referring to are underground passageways used by the Monster, such as the hole that Locke was nearly pulled into. ("Exodus, Part 2")

On the Lost Dashboard Theme for the Xbox 360, the words "Cerberus System" are in the background of the System Settings page alongside other various Lost-related terms, like Geronimo Jackson, Ben Linus, and Jacob.
In Greco-Roman mythology, Cerberus was the three-headed watchdog of Hades who permitted spirits to enter the lower world and prevented them from leaving. Only a few heroes ever got by Cerberus, including: Orpheus, who charmed him with music; Hercules, who, depending on the myth, either wrestled him into submission or charmed him with kindness; and, in Roman myth, The Sibyl (a prophetess travelling with Aeneas) drugged him and Psyche bribed him with a cake. Cerberus was the child of Typhon and Echidna.


thanks man..

whenever i think i have a handle on what i should be looking for.. i am reminded of how deep this show really is


Best episode in a while!!

Few things i'll touch on before bed tonight:
-Locke has a certain swag now obviously different than before. He's 100 "faith" commited again. He seems easy going like when they first got onthe island (pilot)
-%!# is going on with these Ajira cats trying to take over?
-Ben bucking shots IS (NO DEBATE HERE) one of the TOP 10 ZOMG LOST moments ever! SOOOO FUNNNNNNYYYY LOL

Next week looks awesome as well. I'm glad to see that steam is picking up here towards the end of the season.

Did Craigmatic say this was a filler episode?
John Locke and Ben Linus>>>>>>>>Dharma.
My two favorite charactersdoing work!

Sun still is lame. Damn she's the only character I HATE.
Ha ha... after letting it sink in for an hour it was definitely a dope episode... I didn't realize how much it really answered... I retract my statement...no way a filler episode
Ben with the sawed off was sick.

He is one of the best masterminds/plotters/schemers doing anything he can do to always put himself ahead than just about any other character I've seen on aTV series/Movie ever.

That whole scene with smokie, Ben, and Alex was nuts. That's crazy that Smokie/Alex knew that Ben was going to try and kill Locke again, but told him toslow his role and follow Locke.

Those Ajira losties are up to something sketchy. It's going to be fun seeing this unfold.

Another solid LOST episode.
oh +#@% dude just killed caesar(sp?)
sorry im a west coaster i thought he was gonna be a pivotal character guess not....
My thoughts this week:

1. "DEAD IS DEAD"....I think that's one of the biggest things we should take away from this week. John Locke is dead and the fact that thatscares the hell out of Ben actually scares the hell out of me a little...lol.

2. I have two theories about the actions of the Ajira crew. They're either possessed by the same thing that Russeau's crew was possessed by. (She wasasked a pretty off the wall question). OR...If it's not that, the remainder of the Ajira crew are people Widmore planted on the plane and that question wasthe "secret code" that let them know who was a Widmore plant and who wasn't (why Lapidus got whacked). Also, there wasn't a cargo box ofweapons and supplies on that plane for nothing.

3. As for the question mentioned in #2, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Is it the four toed statue that was on the island? Or a secretquestion/answer for Widmore's peeps?

4. On the wall in Smokey's lair, it appeared that the heiroglyphs showed smokey "eating" out of Anubis' hand. Of course, Anubis seems to bethe popular choice for the identity of the large statue on the island that we saw a few episodes back.

5. I'm pretty sure "Tell Desmond Hume I'm sorry" means "I'm sorry for shooting you" and not "I'm sorry for killingyour wife."

6. Smokey has been referred to as Cerebrus a few times on the show and the writers as well. In mythology, Cerebrus was the guardian to the gates of theunderworld. So, Cerebrus = guardian to underworld. Smokey = guardian of the island....perhaps?

7. On the preview for next week, for a second or two, there is a scene of Jack standing in a classroom of some sort with writing about ancient Egypt on theblackboard behind him. I wonder why the Dharma people would want to keep up on Egyptian history???

8. It's pretty evident that Smokey took the form of Alex down in the lair. We've seen it take the form of Yemi (Ecko's brother) as well. This makesme wonder how many other times we've seen Smokey in someone else's form???

9. Since last season when he first unleashed the smoke monster, I've always wondered how Ben did it....well....now we know that he went and pulled the plugon Smokey's bath water and that pissed Smokey off so he came out to put the plug back in. Ben is just a prank playing #%!#*%!.
My initial thoughts on the Ajira crew were that both people looked like they were egyptian or of egyptian descent but it also could be more people planted byWidmore.

Tonights episode was amazing.
1. "DEAD IS DEAD"....I think that's one of the biggest things we should take away from this week. John Locke is dead and the fact that that scares the hell out of Ben actually scares the hell out of me a little...lol.

Zombies FTL. But the producers have been confirmed this with Christian. They said he was dead for sure, Even tho we've seen him walking around.

2. I have two theories about the actions of the Ajira crew. They're either possessed by the same thing that Russeau's crew was possessed by. (She was asked a pretty off the wall question). OR...If it's not that, the remainder of the Ajira crew are people Widmore planted on the plane and that question was the "secret code" that let them know who was a Widmore plant and who wasn't (why Lapidus got whacked). Also, there wasn't a cargo box of weapons and supplies on that plane for nothing.

3. As for the question mentioned in #2, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Is it the four toed statue that was on the island? Or a secret question/answer for Widmore's peeps?

Good observations. I knew once she asked that weird @ss riddle there was more to the Ajira crew than we have seen.

4. On the wall in Smokey's lair, it appeared that the heiroglyphs showed smokey "eating" out of Anubis' hand. Of course, Anubis seems to be the popular choice for the identity of the large statue on the island that we saw a few episodes back.

6. Smokey has been referred to as Cerebrus a few times on the show and the writers as well. In mythology, Cerebrus was the guardian to the gates of the underworld. So, Cerebrus = guardian to underworld. Smokey = guardian of the island....perhaps?

Anubis is also the God of the underworld. Cerebus is a "guard dog" if you will. So he would be Anubis's personal attack dog.

So...Who is Anubis?

8. It's pretty evident that Smokey took the form of Alex down in the lair. We've seen it take the form of Yemi (Ecko's brother) as well. This makes me wonder how many other times we've seen Smokey in someone else's form???

Producers have said that there have been many times we've seen the monster and didn't even know it...They won't say what forms the monster hastaken tho.
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