LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

I can't sleep. Sp I was checking out those LOST action figures. Bad-*%@. Def gonna have to invest, including the Hatch set ("Light-up feature createsan eerie glow from deep within. Wraparound backdrop features nighttime tropical scenery."- oh my!).

Some figures they should make:

Taller Ghost Walt (Season Four) - Walt and Michael were two of the central characters in season one of Lost. Unfortunately, sincethe first four seasons of the show take place over a matter of months (and since the producers failed to cast Gary Coleman as Walt), the writers were forced tolimit the amount of screen time given to Walt after season one to hide the fact that Malcolm David Kelly was going through puberty. Their solution was to havea "Taller Ghost Walt" appear first to Shannon in season two, then later to Locke in season four. So, since we all know how tough the life of a childactor can be and since Walt's presence is missed on the show, I think that McFarlane should immortalize Malcolm David Kelly's awkward teen yearsforever in an action figure.

Kate with a gun to her head (Seasons One through Five) - While Kate managed to evade the police for years before arriving on the island,somehow she lost all of her street smarts when she crash landed in the jungle (luckily, she managed to keep her magical tracking powers). Since every otherepisode seems to involve Kate wandering off into the jungle by herself only to be kidnapped at gunpoint, we might as well have an action figure commemoratingthe event. Besides, the Oceanic Six seem destined to head back to the island, so it's only a matter of time before Kate is being held hostage onceagain.

Shirtless Sawyer (Season Five) - Since the writers of Lost were clearly trying to appease their female fans by having Sawyer goshirtless for the majority of this season's premiere, why not give them their own mini-Sawyer to take home with them. (Bonus points if he comes with a pairof those ridiculous reading glasses Jack made for him, so that he can appear rugged, but intellectual.)

Nosebleed Charlotte (Season Five) - This season, it seems that all Charlotte is bringing to the table is collapsing and spurting blood outof her nose, so why not play to her strengths?

New York socialite Tom (Season Four) - I was very sad to see the loveable Tom murdered by Sawyer in the season three finale. So it was apleasant surprise seeing Tom resurface during Michael's flashback episode in New York. The brief glimpse of Tom (and his "special friend") livingit up in a swank New York hotel room was a wonderful moment in the show and I can't help but think of all of the fun misadventures you could have with aNew York socialite Tom action figure. (Bonus points if McFarlane can find a way to make Tom's clothes removable so that you can also recreate M.C.Gainey's infamous naked guy scene in Sideways.)

Shih Tzu t-shirt Hurley (Season Five) - McFarlane did make a Hurley toy, but it was a season one figure that features Hurley holding the flag from the golf course he made on theisland. Hurley has given us so many glorious moments on the show, so he deserves a better figure. Why not memorialize Hurley and Sayid's wackybuddy comedy storyline that involved killing a guy with a dishwasher, lugging around an unconscious Sayid a la Weekend at Bernie's and buying aridiculous yellow Shi Tzu t-shirt from a rest stop?

Nikki and Paulo's buried alive play set (Season Three) - Nikki and Paulo don't deserve their own toys, but the writers of the showdeserve to have their two greatest failures memorialized so that they never make a mistake that bad again. Also, it would be fun to bury these two awfulcharacters over and over again.

Hospital gown Locke with removable kidney (Season One) - It's not hard to see all of the emotional baggage Locke has been luggingaround since his biological father resurfaced in his life in order to procure one of Locke's kidneys. Perhaps if McFarlane could create a hospital gownJohn Locke, we could replay the fateful scene and this time give Locke the tender father-son moment he's been longing for (and perhaps save him fromgetting thrown out of a hotel window and breaking his back).

Ageless Richard Alpert (Since the dawn of time apparently) - As Juliet explained to Locke in this season's "Jughead" episode,Richard Alpert has always been on the island and is quite old, yet he never seems to age. Just think of how versatile a Richard Alpert action figure could be -you can have Richard interact with young Ben or the time-traveling Oceanic bunch or you could even go back to the beginning of time and have Richard square offwith dinosaurs on the island, a la Jurassic Park. Or, if that got boring, you could use the figure to play out your favorite scenes from The DarkKnight or Suddenly Susan. The possibilities are endless.

Juliet with a low-cut shirt (Season Five) - You're welcome Chris Kirkman.

Mr. Eko and the Smoke Monster (Season Three) - Todd McFarlane already created an Eko action figure and to be perfectlyhonest it is probably the best Lost figure he has created to date. So why give Eko another toy? Because this time I want him to escape that damn smokemonster so that he doesn't suffer the lamest and most ridiculous looking death the show has given us to date.

Jacob (Season Four) - Not that I think a Jacob figure would be particularly fun to play with; I just want this toy so that I can finallyfind out what he looks like.

Ghostbuster Miles (Season Four) - Mattel has already announced plans for a classic Ghostbusters toy line, so whynot throw Miles into the mix and officially give him the job that he was clearly born to do? He's bound to make a better Ghostbuster than Rick Moranis.

Porn 'stache Matt Parkman (Season Four) - Before he was stealing Daphne's (and Mohinder's) heart on Heroes, GregGrunberg had a brief cameo playing the pilot of Oceanic Flight 815 in the beginning of the show. Last season, when Frank Lapidus watched the newscast featuringfootage of the faux Oceanic 815 wreckage that was recovered underwater, the news program ran a file photo of Grunberg sporting an awesome porn 'stache. Sowhile Grunberg's days as a pilot may have come to a tragic end, with this toy he could still give mustache rides to Heaven.

Pill-popping, Ron Burgundy beard Jack (Seasons Three, Four and Five) - Jack may be a polarizing figure for many Lost fans, buteven all of the Jack haters out there have to admit that its fun watching him stumble around while sporting that ridiculous facial hair. Besides, they need tomake the figure so that I can walk him around the streets of San Diego saying things like, "Milk was a bad choice."
^ you're my best friend just because of your sig
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

New York socialite Tom (Season Four) - I was very sad to see the loveable Tom murdered by Sawyer in the season three finale. So it was a pleasant surprise seeing Tom resurface during Michael's flashback episode in New York. The brief glimpse of Tom (and his "special friend") living it up in a swank New York hotel room was a wonderful moment in the show and I can't help but think of all of the fun misadventures you could have with a New York socialite Tom action figure. (Bonus points if McFarlane can find a way to make Tom's clothes removable so that you can also recreate M.C. Gainey's infamous naked guy scene in Sideways.

Ageless Richard Alpert (Since the dawn of time apparently) - As Juliet explained to Locke in this season's "Jughead" episode, Richard Alpert has always been on the island and is quite old, yet he never seems to age. Just think of how versatile a Richard Alpert action figure could be - you can have Richard interact with young Ben or the time-traveling Oceanic bunch or you could even go back to the beginning of time and have Richard square off with dinosaurs on the island, a la Jurassic Park. Or, if that got boring, you could use the figure to play out your favorite scenes from The Dark Knight or Suddenly Susan. The possibilities are endless.

You didn't write these yourselves did you? Otherwise you should get a blog instead of just posting it on NT
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

New York socialite Tom (Season Four) - I was very sad to see the loveable Tom murdered by Sawyer in the season three finale. So it was a pleasant surprise seeing Tom resurface during Michael's flashback episode in New York. The brief glimpse of Tom (and his "special friend") living it up in a swank New York hotel room was a wonderful moment in the show and I can't help but think of all of the fun misadventures you could have with a New York socialite Tom action figure. (Bonus points if McFarlane can find a way to make Tom's clothes removable so that you can also recreate M.C. Gainey's infamous naked guy scene in Sideways.

Ageless Richard Alpert (Since the dawn of time apparently) - As Juliet explained to Locke in this season's "Jughead" episode, Richard Alpert has always been on the island and is quite old, yet he never seems to age. Just think of how versatile a Richard Alpert action figure could be - you can have Richard interact with young Ben or the time-traveling Oceanic bunch or you could even go back to the beginning of time and have Richard square off with dinosaurs on the island, a la Jurassic Park. Or, if that got boring, you could use the figure to play out your favorite scenes from The Dark Knight or Suddenly Susan. The possibilities are endless.

You didn't write these yourselves did you? Otherwise you should get a blog instead of just posting it on NT

I am slightly creative and I did not write those. I honestly think I could write funnier ones. Maybe that'll be a project for this week. And no, Ididn't make those gifs either!!!
The Code-Red Desmond: (season four): Let's face it- guys like Desmond Hume don't get kicked out of the British Army's RoyalScottish Navy when they go stark raving mad- they get tied down to a bunk and beaten with bars of soap and lines of Brittish cockney gibber-gabber. Desi'smind is so warped from time traveling that he just says "see you in another life brotha" because he really doesn't know which one he is in now.He says he's having military dreams, but his Sargent is thinking more like Pink Hearts, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars and Green Clovers. Poor thing. Code-RedDesmond figure comes with military style underware, red bruises, Fail-Safe Key necklace and bewildered/nervous looking face.
Widmore: "I ordered the CODE RED!!!"

There is my first attempt. It's 3am. Gonna try and sleep now. I have a good idea for a michael doll....
I can't sleep. Sp I was checking out those LOST action figures. Bad-*%@. Def gonna have to invest, including the Hatch set ("Light-up feature creates an eerie glow from deep within. Wraparound backdrop features nighttime tropical scenery."- oh my!).

I am waiting for the postman to deliver the Series 1 including The Hatch that I've won from ebay...seriously McFarlane should have continued theseries...I've read that the 3rd installment was scrapped due to poor sales of the Series 2....Series 3 supposed to have Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Claire and aminiature box set of The Plane Crash much like the same as The Hatch from Series 1.
Young Sayid's "Myfirst torture kit": Young Sayid comes in traditional Middle Eastern attire and includes life-like rubber chicken, restraints, multiple knives,chemical kit and "Complete Idiot's Guide to Infidel Torture in The Halal Tradition". Was it Nature or Nurture that turned him into a Killer? Youdecide! Have tea parties with the chicken, teach Sayid to speak with a proper British accent and keep Sayid away from Republican Guard recruiters and see if hestill ends up killing. Or send Sayid on a study abroad program to hone his skills in torture. China- water torture and Communist rule. USA- water boarding and racial discrimination. North Korea- everything else.
Double Young Sayid's fun by ordering Karl's "My first brain washing kit"

MikhailBakunin/Patchy: He might not be thehappiest Lost character, but he sure is the toughest. Mikhail comes with an unconditional lifetime guarantee*. In fact, if you break him, flush him down thetoilet, feed him to your Rottweiler, set him on fire or strap him to an active railroad, you don't even need to come back to the store or even call for areplacement. Mikhail will just show up when and where you least expect him. And of course he'll have that +@#$-eating grin on his face because no matterhow hard you try you just can't seem to harm this resilient Russian.
*Guarantee not valid with underwater grenade detonation
Ben knows how to take a beating lol

And last night I was watching "House of the Rising Sun" when Jack and Kate discovered the caves with Adam and Eve. In the episode Jack took the twostones from the bodies, one black and one white and put it in his pocket. Did they ever show the stones ever again? I ask this because if you are to believeThe Time Loop Theory then theoretically who ever dies with those stones now is Adam and Eve. Although in the very same episode when Jack finds them he noticesthe decomposing of the clothes and says that they only decompose like that after some 40 to 50 years. This leads me to believe its before 1977. I don'tknow just curious...has this already been answered?
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

Ben knows how to take a beating lol

And last night I was watching "House of the Rising Sun" when Jack and Kate discovered the caves with Adam and Eve. In the episode Jack took the two stones from the bodies, one black and one white and put it in his pocket. Did they ever show the stones ever again? I ask this because if you are to believe The Time Loop Theory then theoretically who ever dies with those stones now is Adam and Eve. Although in the very same episode when Jack finds them he notices the decomposing of the clothes and says that they only decompose like that after some 40 to 50 years. This leads me to believe its before 1977. I don't know just curious...has this already been answered?
They've never shown the stones again, but the black/white is supposed to be important.

I've read that Jack doesn't explicitly put them in his pocket, it was just the editing that might make you think that. But I haven't gone back towatch it since I first saw it, so I don't know.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Seriously, why did they have to kill off Charlie?
Maybe this is blasphemy...

But I didn't care for Charlie's character.
His drug addiction was sooooooooooo annoying to me, along with his moodswings.
Originally Posted by FORTY 1

Maybe charlie comes back?
Nah. At least not in a living, breathing, un-ghosted Charlie. After he breathed in a good, deep, refreshing breath of Pacific Ocean, he'sdone.


Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Through The Looking Glass is on right now.
I was watching that earlier today too. Still makes me angry Desmond didn't take a few safety shots and finally murkwhats-his-grenade-holding-name
Instead of assuming he was dead.

22 hours, 12 minutes to go
Had an idea, so here's something that I just wrote up:

Desmond's Vision

Desmond told Charlie that he was going to die, and that he had to go through with his death in order to insure that his vision of Claire and Aaron getting on ahelicopter would come true.

One big question has been why Claire and Aaron weren't on their way off the island on a helicopter like Desmond had envisioned. Not a lot has beenmentioned of it since Charlie died. Did Desmond simply mistake her for Kate, and that was the way to write it off? Is it a red herring? Or have they not hadroom to explain it yet?

The answer is pretty simple: The island prevented her from leaving. Not a very complex or even new idea... if you've said it before, I'm not trying totake credit.

Think about what was happening to Jack at the time. Their ride home was looming large. Suddenly, his appendix starts acting up. He wasn't supposed to leavethe island, and it was the island's last push to keep him there.

Meanwhile, Christian appears to his other child, Claire. The smoke monster can control the corpses/images of dead bodies to manipulate people - the Frenchteam, Alex, etc. It's yet to be seen if Christian is in the same boat or if there's something more, a la John Locke.

So Desmond sees Claire getting off the island, but the island prevent this from happening. There are two reasons:

1.) Claire's destiny is to do something on the island, and Desmond's vision was not the way that fate was supposed to work.
2.) Claire's destiny was to leave the island and Desmond saw the way fate was supposed to work, but the island intervened to use her for its own purposes.

I say the reason for it was #2. Desmond was envisioning the course of history, and the island threw a wrench in it. It did so by utilizing her father'simage to keep her there. The island did so because it needed a backup plan to get the Losties back to the island if they did leave, which indeed happened.

That's why the island persuaded her to leave her baby behind - if the Losties did leave, there would be more incentive to go back to Claire if somebody hadAaron.

This leads me to believe that course correction can be stopped, the course of history can be changed, and the Losties will soon find a way to do it.

Obviously there are still questions about this little situation, like what was with her personality (did Smokie take over her?), but seeing as how Claire wasthe motivation for Kate to go back, a lot of the answers about her mystery can be inferred from there.
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