LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by ericberry14

what the hell? His own mother shot him... that was so predictable, but oh well...

so like i said nothing is going to change...

maybe they will take Faraday to the temple so he can be healed

from one EB to another...looking at the promo it looks like things can change. I dont think they take faraday to the temple but lets say Jack does whatFaraday intended to do, doesnt that change the future.

and i wonder why faraday approached the situation with a gun?? i was hoping he shot richard and homeboy just absorb the bullet on some wolverine type cant diestuff
Can't wait for Vozzek to dissect this episode.

I also thought it was strange for Daniel to go in there with a gun.

And if Daniel was trying to make it where nothing happened, would they still have memories of it (like the Butterfly Effect)?
Eloise wasn't trying to let Daniel have any play time at all
Like i have said over and over you cannot change the past. Farraday's mother explained this long ago, what happened, happened and there is nothing you cando about it. Even if you change the events time will self correct. Desmond tried this very same thing trying to get back to Penny thinking because he was the"variable" he could make things different. So no matter what Jack does next week

- The "incident" will happen
- The hatch will be built
- Desmond will go there, and
- he will forget to hit the button

Spoiler [+]
P.S. - For those thinking Farraday can't be dead...actually he can...think about it...his mother has not had him yet, so technically him dying in 1976 is inconsequential...he has not done anything that his actions could change.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

farraday lookin so pedo right now

Why don't you just take a seat...

I think Faraday is dead because Eloise slapped Widmore and talked about her sacrifice. I thought this episode was dope though. Real glad I didn't give intothe spoilers.
I didn't think it was necessary for any of them to go there with guns. I felt that it would have mad things worse...Faraday def took an L getting shottwice...
...Sawyer called Kate Freckles for the first time this go round?

And soon after:

Sawyer: What's wrong? You still got my back?
Julliette: I don't know- do you still have mine?




May the best blonde win
This was a very very good ep, very solid. Faraday's story overall was a tragic one. Thing is I was still a little disappointed with his centric. This wasbasically The Life & Death Of Daniel Faraday and the writers did a good job of wrapping up all of his loose ends(Teresa, why he was crying about the fake815 wreckage, his father, etc.) I wish they had a scene where it was revealed to him that Widmore was his father. Penny doesn't know she had a father,Charlie doesn't know he had an uncle.

Anyway Faraday was wrong, he's talking about variables like he can change the future but it seems Eloise knew more since she's aware of the universecourse correcting events. Even if he had lived and succeeded with what he did, that in it of itself would then cause something else which would then be the"Incident" Besides that you really can't stop ppl from dying as we've seen with Des' flashes.

I'd like a reasonable explanation as to why Eloise with all of her knowledge of the future still went through with things as they were. She could'vestill tried even if she knew it would be course corrected. Better someone else sending Faraday than her, I know he died feeling betrayed. Dude had parentproblems like the other losties wanting acceptance and for his mom to be proud of him and he ends up getting a bullet through his chest. Crazy cuz dudeactually made it in the middle of the Others camp and Richard didn't really seem like he was gonna hurt him.

Oh and here's that fake Faraday/The Variable spoiler for a laugh:
Spoiler [+]
Faraday returns to the island. He has been doing extensive research off the island in Ann Arbor. His main focus has been research for the Swan station (which is why he's wearing a Swan jumpsuit when he gets back). However, whenever he gets the chance, he does more research on time travel so he can get everyone back to 2007. When Faraday gets back to the island, he tries to gather everyone together to reveal his plan. The first part of the plan is finding Eloise Hawking, who is an Other! Yes, his mother is an Other. You heard it here first. So Faraday takes Jack and Kate into the jungle. Faraday needs to find his mother so he can warn her about the future and to get her to help them infiltrate the Swan. They find the Others' camp when it's dark. Everyone is sleeping. Faraday finds his mom sleeping and wakes her up. She doesn't really care because she recognizes him. He asks her about Jughead. She told him that they haven't buried it yet; rather, they've stashed it at the Temple because that's where Ben was taken to be healed. The Temple healed Jughead and restored it to a fully functional Hydrogen Bomb. Faraday knew this would happen because while he was off the island he re-built his radiation machine and sent his mind to the future. Unfortunately, he started to experience nose bleeds and his mind was shifting in time erratically. He began to panic and started flipping through his notebook frantically when he found it: "If anything should happen to me, then Desmond Hume will be my constant!" Faraday finds Desmond as a baby in 1977 and everything is well. This is when he travels back to the island. Oops, I side tracked a little. Anyways, Ellie takes them all to the Temple. They pick up Jughead and carry it through the Jungle. Then, out of nowhere, Jacob appears. He's about to say something to Ellie, but then he recognizes Jack, Kate, and Faraday because he is omniscient. He tags along with the crew. Back in Dharmaville, Sawyer and Juliet are under arrest for kidnapping Phil. Radzinsky shoots Sawyer in the head. Moving on: Miles and Hurley are head to Dr. Chang's humble abode with backpacks that are filled with evidence that they are from the future. Miles convinces his father that he is his son from the future. Chang is stunned, but Miles and Hurley show him the evidence from the future. Back to Faraday and Jack and Kate: they finally make it to the Swan station with Jughead. It looks like you were all correct about Jughead and the Incident. They all go through the back door with Jughead and take it into the Incident room (some of you might be thinking 'How can they fit it through the airlock?' The station is still only partially built, so there are only huge dug-out tunnels. It fits perfectly (that's what she said)). Anyways, they make it into the Incident room. Faraday stashes Jughead into the Swan reactor. Richard shows up. Jack confronts him and asks him why he has never aged. Richard reveals that he's actually a zombie and attacks Ellie. He bites into her jugular vein, tearing the skin off her neck. Faraday quickly reveals to everyone's astonishment that he is also a zombie! He was infected with Rage when he was off the island! He runs towards Ellie with a fork in his left hand, preparing to feast on her brains with Richard Alpert. In a last ditch effort to save herself, Ellie shoots Faraday in the head, killing him instantly. His lifeless body falls backward toward the wall. His right hand is still gripped tightly around the fork (continuity error purposely placed in the show to keep Lost fans speculating about it for the next 20 years). As he falls, the fork lands in an electrical outlet that's in the wall behind Faraday. This short circuits everything and starts up the Swan reactor. The huge amount of electricity running through Faraday's body brings him back to life; however, Ellie shoots him again in the head with her last breath and he is killed off once and for all (Faraday dying 2 times in this scene accounts for the 2 deaths at the end of S05). As the Swan reactor begins to build up with electricity, Jack and Kate run for their lives. Jacob starts to get very angry. Jack and Kate finally make it back to Dharmaville. They try to warn everyone that a Hydrogen bomb is about to go off, but no one can hear them because they are all sleeping. Down in the Incident room, Jacob's blood is boiling. Man is he pissed! He starts throwing jars of colored liquid at the Swan reactor. He curses technology and the burden that it's brought to the island. The magnetic field produced by the Swan induces an electrical current in Jughead's control panel. This subsequently triggers the firing mechanism in Jughead.

This is all confirmed to be true by someone.
I was with dude for a while til the 4 ppl carrying Jugehead through the jungle by themselves and zombies. I won't lie Faraday going through what Des did in The Constant would've tied up another loose end with him saying Des would be his constant but meh. That'd be a whole other ep by itself.

I wonder if Faraday is really done though. I figure he's dead, as sad as his story is the irony is ripe and fits it well. I'm thinking if he shows uphaunting Hugo and might help him with something to do with the #s or if he shows up in front of Locke in '08 or maybe Jacob makes him one of hisghost/zombie/undead-reps like Christian

I dunno why but I was feeling this joint a lot. I like Daniel as a character and it was nice to see some more of his story. It was good to see the OGLOSTIES back together stirring us a ruckus and plotting on what to do and where to go next. I can honestly say that my feelings for this season slowing downand becoming "less interesting" to me is GONE! It's picked up and looks like we will be going for a strong ending to this season.

THE VARIABLES! The ending of this episode was COLD to me man. I had a feeling that joint was gonna happen. As spoiler-spoiled I have been lately, I did NOTknow that was how this episode would end.

Damn i'm on a LOST high right now. I may be in the minority on this one, but this episode kicked $+#.

Can't wait to see my boy JOHN LOCKE getting back into it next week either.


Oh yeah, that punk Radzinksi (sp?) needs to catch a beatdown from someone asap. I can't stand that dude. Yes, i'm mad.

Jack going underwater? WHAT!

Damn I haven't rambled this much in a LOST post since "Jughead".
waaaaaiiiiiiitttttttttt a minute

Remember the comic con video? The one with Faraday and Chang talking about time travel/the future? I'm just sayin...Daniel CAN'T bedead...can he?

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

waaaaaiiiiiiitttttttttt a minute

Remember the comic con video? The one with Faraday and Chang talking about time travel/the future? I'm just sayin...Daniel CAN'T be dead...can he?

what episode was that in and what were they talking about again?
It wasn't an episode, it was footage shown at comic-con. It's on youtube.

What the hell was up with those "what did you see?" promos?
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