LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

I totally wanna smash down Elizabeth Mitchell

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Fraij, you from Louisville?

A local reporter asked him about the numbers............ and he said he didn't remember them.
That's probably cuz the Locke they were talking to time traveled from S1. He just played along i.e. "Are you him?"

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Fraij, you from Louisville?

A local reporter asked him about the numbers............ and he said he didn't remember them.

Nah Im from NY but ive gone to the last 2 Derbys for work, I was managing the dining room that is connected to the Turf Club, which is where all the celebs andplayers hang at.

I took this picture, a guy i was working with was obsessed with locke
only for the brave
Spoiler [+]
Episode starts directly after the last one ended with Faraday being shot. Jack and Kate talk about what they should do now but are then captured by Widmore. Eloise looks at Faraday's journal and sees the note she wrote. She says to put Jack and Kate into a tent and she would talk to them. They have a discussion about going through with Faraday's plan and Kate doesn't want to be involved. Jack convinces Eloise that Faraday was her son and that she needs to show him where the bomb is. She helps but, just like future Hawking, seems strangely eager to help them make her fade into non-existence. So Jack, Kate, Eloise, Richard, and some other guy head to the bomb. Richard seems like a big pacifist for some reason. They keep talking about the plan and Kate becomes more and more convinced that she doesn't want to be involved. She attempts to leave but other guy won't let her and says he will shoot her if she does. For a split second I thought Kate had been shot but it was actually SAYID who shot other guy. Sayid joins the little group and Kate leaves. Hawking, Jack, Sayid, and Richard go underground into a tunnel and come out into what looks like an old ruin (temple-esque) and the bomb is there. It's also RIGHT UNDERNEATH Dharmaville.

Meanwhile Locke is taking full control of the Others. He arrives back to the camp in 2008, much to Richard's surprise. He says he has a task for Richard and that Ben should go ahead and come along as well. Then after they finish the task he says they are going to see Jacob. Richard doesn't seem that thrilled. They go to the drug plane and Locke just looks out eerily. He then gives Richard a kit to get bullets out of people and says that he needs to help whoever comes out of that jungle in a second, and also to tell him that he needs to get everyone back to the island and that he will also die. Of course this scene leads into when Locke was time-jumping earlier this season but the way they do it is just awesome. I have no clue how Locke knew he would be coming out at that exact moment.

After Richard helps time-skipping Locke they go back to the camp. Locke is still eager to see Jacob and Richard says they can go tomorrow morning but Locke insists that they go now. He then asks Richard if he can talk to the rest of the camp. He says that there is a man named Jacob who is their leader but no one has ever seen or talked to him but Ben, and Locke even doubts that Ben ever talked to him. This is a whole new Locke obviously. He finishes the speech by inviting everyone to go with them to see Jacob. Richard seems very uncomfortable with this.

This whole time Sawyer and Juliet are being interrogated by Radzinksy and Phil. Sawyer refuses to tell them where Kate is. A guy comes in and says that Jack and Kate were on the sub manifest, but also a guy named Hugo Reyes. Hurley is getting food for their new camp during his escape but is followed by a curious Pierre Chang. He finds Huley, Jin, and Miles all with guns and asks them straight up if they are from the future or not. They all deny it but then Chang starts asking Hurley questions (what year he was born, etc.). I won't spoil this because it was by far the funniest part of the episode.

Hurley admits they are from the future and Chang now believes what Faraday said. He goes to Horace and Radzinsky to get them to help him evacuate the island but Radzinsky doesn't believe him. Sawyer backs him up however and says that he would give them any information they wanted if him and Juliet could get on the sub. They accept but Kate ends up coming back on her own anyways. Near the end of the episode both Sawyer and Juliet happily go onto the sub so they can go to the real world and live happily, and then right before they leave the Dharma guys say there is one more passenger and it is Kate of course. The sub leaves.

The episode ends with Locke, Ben, Richard and the Others walking to see Jacob. Richard tells Ben that Locke could be trouble. Ben approaches Locke and says that Richard is a little uncomfortable with him taking charge so quickly, and if he is really ready to talk to Jacob. Locke says that he doesn't want to talk to Jacob, he wants to kill him...
I can only express how I feel about that spoiler if true through pics:

Spoiler [+]
I've been waiting sooooo long for someone on the show to say what Locke says at the end. I figured it'd be a new character but Locke is clearly now a new and improved man. That line Richard tells Ben completely parallels what Jack told Kate at the end of S1 when they got the hatch open. "We're gonna have a Locke problem."
Sweet Baby Locke!!!! Luckily I just read the first sentence in Street's spoiler, until I figured out what it was!!!!

No spoilers for me.

I'm amped, though.
Season finale next week so this episode has to be great .. I hope.
First time poster long time lurker. I just want to say that it's an honor and privilege for my first post on Niketalk to be right here in the Lost season 5discussion thread! Waiting until 9 p.m. pst FTL!

I just saw the sneak peak vid with Hurley. My man Hurley is a !%@**!%
I'm laughing extra long off that alone.
Originally Posted by VeintiTres

First time poster long time lurker. I just want to say that it's an honor and privilege for my first post on Niketalk to be right here in the Lost season 5 discussion thread! Waiting until 9 p.m. pst FTL!

Welcome to NT and the LOST thread.
As for waiting, you dont know the half of it yet. Waiting an extra 4 hours to know whats going on is gonna get you anxious as hell.
Originally Posted by VeintiTres

First time poster long time lurker. I just want to say that it's an honor and privilege for my first post on Niketalk to be right here in the Lost season 5 discussion thread! Waiting until 9 p.m. pst FTL!

Welcome to the fam
Originally Posted by VeintiTres

First time poster long time lurker. I just want to say that it's an honor and privilege for my first post on Niketalk to be right here in the Lost season 5 discussion thread! Waiting until 9 p.m. pst FTL!

Welcome to the Party!!
so i said back a long time ago that that water fall had real meaning to it and it was a reason why they was sent there so many times

now we see somebody swimin in the previews is this the water fall or just outside the island

*waits for nyc*
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