LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

I actually thought about that too, how the bomb causes the incident.
NYC will they take about the Hanso Foundation in the next season?
Originally Posted by The Takeover

I hate Jack
Yeah, me too. Hell, a lot of people do. That doesn't take away from the fact that he has always been a leader to the islanders. I justdon't think he's going to remain in the backseat as much as he has lately.
Yeah. I don't understand what the point of him dying would have been though. Did we ever figure that out?
Jack is Cyclops if Lost was X-Men.

He's the leader. He should be the leader. People still think Gambit and/or Wolverine are more badass. But he's still the leader. And deserves to bethe leader.

It's just not cool to like Cyclops. Which is weird because he smashes Jean Grey.
whatever happened to everyone else who is in 1977, like bernard and rose? are they simply just living there? i also have a feeling that walt will be importantnext season as nyc said, because when locke went to visit him off the island he said he was having dreams about what was actually happening to everyone elsethat was on the island. what if somehow he is connected with jacob and jacob wants him to see everything that is happening because jacob has some sort ofmission for him? just a thought
Just watched the EP...
.. gotta catch up on this thread.

Can't wait for next week.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Jack is Cyclops if Lost was X-Men.

He's the leader. He should be the leader. People still think Gambit and/or Wolverine are more badass. But he's still the leader. And deserves to be the leader.

It's just not cool to like Cyclops. Which is weird because he smashes Jean Grey.

word...and james lafleur is wolverine. nice comparison bastitch.

and jean grey..omg...
The creators had a whole diff story planned when they were cooking this show up. They had these ideas before casting started. I always figured Michael Keatonas Jack dying in the pilot didn't mean he'd be off the show. In the first season they were really rocking with the idea of whoever was leader of theOthers being real close to the survivors. So I figure they'd have Keaton die in the pilot after making some connections with the some of the survivors likeKate and maybe sacrificing himself in a way, only to show up as the leader of the Others or dead Jack would replace Christian.

When I think about what could've been I always keep an open mind since I don't think Eva would've been Kate in that situation. Probably anotherprominent character like Claire. Overall there were a lot of scrapped ideas.

Nice Cyclops/Jack comparison since they're both a-holes but good leaders overall. IMO though Jack is clearly being selfish by jumping on Dan'shalf-baked theory. Kate gets screwed, Juliet remains on island, Ben probably dies unless Ethan was that good of a surgeon, Locke is still in a wheelchair, thefreighter ppl still go to the island, etc. I mean yea a good amount of dead ppl would be alive but who knows who else dies or how many more will because thelosties aren't there to do what they did. Either way Jack fails, I just can't wait til he meets Locke again and his father and whenever his grandfathershows up on the island
I promise i'm the only one who doesn't see the big deal with Walt...

Maybe I will, but I just don't see what's so great about this kid.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I promise i'm the only one who doesn't see the big deal with Walt...

Maybe I will, but I just don't see what's so great about this kid.
Nobody's proclaiming his greatness but you'd have to be blind to not notice all of the mystery surrounding Walt. The way I see it when itcomes to the island's interests it goes Locke and then Walt. Why did the Others want him? Exactly what happened while with them? What did they get that Benhad to say they got more than they bargained for? Why was he mysteriously showing up where we know he wasn't in front of other losties mumbling gibberish?Why does he still have dreams of the future? Exactly what is his special power? etc.

I guess some of yall who don't see are gonna feel like you getting a boatload of Walt shoved down your throats in S6. I look forward to a Walt centric.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I promise i'm the only one who doesn't see the big deal with Walt...

Maybe I will, but I just don't see what's so great about this kid.
Nobody's proclaiming his greatness but you'd have to be blind to not notice all of the mystery surrounding Walt. The way I see it when it comes to the island's interests it goes Locke and then Walt. Why did the Others want him? Exactly what happened while with them? What did they get that Ben had to say they got more than they bargained for? Why was he mysteriously showing up where we know he wasn't in front of other losties mumbling gibberish? Why does he still have dreams of the future? Exactly what is his special power? etc.

I guess some of yall who don't see are gonna feel like you getting a boatload of Walt shoved down your throats in S6. I look forward to a Walt centric.
I mean...all of the things you mentioned were 4 seasons ago.

There's a ton of mystery surrounding Walt all i'm saying is that it's just one of those things we won't find out about. Like I said, maybe wewill and i'll be wrong
It's just because they devoted so much time and invested a lot of the audience's interest through the first 2 seasons without any type of realrelevance or payoff so far. If they cut him out, both Michael and Walt would've been characters that ultimately wasted our time with pointless stories.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I promise i'm the only one who doesn't see the big deal with Walt...

Maybe I will, but I just don't see what's so great about this kid.
Nobody's proclaiming his greatness but you'd have to be blind to not notice all of the mystery surrounding Walt. The way I see it when it comes to the island's interests it goes Locke and then Walt. Why did the Others want him? Exactly what happened while with them? What did they get that Ben had to say they got more than they bargained for? Why was he mysteriously showing up where we know he wasn't in front of other losties mumbling gibberish? Why does he still have dreams of the future? Exactly what is his special power? etc.

I guess some of yall who don't see are gonna feel like you getting a boatload of Walt shoved down your throats in S6. I look forward to a Walt centric.
I mean...all of the things you mentioned were 4 seasons ago.

There's a ton of mystery surrounding Walt all i'm saying is that it's just one of those things we won't find out about. Like I said, maybe we will and i'll be wrong
All that happened in the first 2 seasons it couldn't be 4 seasons ago
and what poor writing would that be to not explain Walt. It's a good thingI rely on spoilers and inside scoops. We already know Walt's coming back for S6 and it's not going to be random cameos.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

In regards to NYC's spoiler.

Spoiler [+]
so vozzek basically solved a very integral part of the show?

Yes, and no. All he did was map out what we already knew. EVERYONE on the show is important and we will all see why.
Originally Posted by stillmatic

so the radiation given off by jughead is the reason babys cant be born on the island?
nope cuz it was a baby born already in 1977

i think it has more to do with the statue being gone (thats my story and im stickin to it
There's something I don't really get. If current Locke is the reason that Alpert told past Locke that he would need to bring everyone back to theisland and die in the process, how do we know that was really supposed to happen? Locke seems to be manipulating himself into believing that he needed to comeback.
IDK, that's what I've been wondering.... Is Locke truly special and needed, or is he special because he went back in time and said he was special?
^word, it seems everything we thought he would be, was because HE said he was supposed to be at one point or another. Is he actually meant to be their leader,or was it just because he said it?
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