LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by stillmatic

so the radiation given off by jughead is the reason babys cant be born on the island?
nope cuz it was a baby born already in 1977

i think it has more to do with the statue being gone (thats my story and im stickin to it
that was before jughead went off.
If they actually set off jughead, then that *might* explain the baby situation, the broken statue, and ben's cancer.
So my friend posed something to me today....

He seems to be convinced that Locke isnt Locke anymore... and that the Smoke Monster is shaping itself to look like Locke... saying in the episode where hetakes Ben to it.. he knew where it was... and then we don't see him when Ben encounters the smoke monster.. but after its gone we see Locke again..

I thought that maybe it just took control of Locke's body... he's convinced Locke's body is floating in the Ocean somewhere... and the smokemonster just makes itself appear as Locke
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

So my friend posed something to me today....

He seems to be convinced that Locke isnt Locke anymore... and that the Smoke Monster is shaping itself to look like Locke... saying in the episode where he takes Ben to it.. he knew where it was... and then we don't see him when Ben encounters the smoke monster.. but after its gone we see Locke again..

I thought that maybe it just took control of Locke's body... he's convinced Locke's body is floating in the Ocean somewhere... and the smoke monster just makes itself appear as Locke

sounds boring. Hurly being the variable though...
Originally Posted by JAMES LAFLEUR

I don't speak destiny.

Damn I can't wait for this friggin wednesday. I don't care if it's the last episode for a WHILE, it's going to be the MOST EPIC EPISODE OF THESEASON OMG.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Star Trek = Lost?

Time Travel.
Toiler [+]
Maybe there are hints for real, old spock and nero travelled back in time, changed things, and whatever happened, happened, but an alternate reality was created. Its definitley not canon, but maybe Jack and them can create an alternate future.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Star Trek = Lost?

Time Travel.
Toiler [+]
Maybe there are hints for real, old spock and nero travelled back in time, changed things, and whatever happened, happened, but an alternate reality was created. Its definitley not canon, but maybe Jack and them can create an alternate future.

i was seriously thinking the same thing during the movie...if this is so then
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Star Trek = Lost?

Time Travel.
Toiler [+]
Maybe there are hints for real, old spock and nero travelled back in time, changed things, and whatever happened, happened, but an alternate reality was created. Its definitley not canon, but maybe Jack and them can create an alternate future.

VERY interesting

And maybe I'm just caught up in the moment of this season, but to me....


It's not a very major difference over my "love" for each season. And after this season is over, I'm gonna go back and watch the whole seriesagain. And I'm sure this will change.
Man i don't think anything can beat season one, one of the best single seasons of any show, i've seen it twice. It's what pulls you into this worldand gets you connected with the story and the characters. No matter what your favorite season is, there's no way you would fully appreciate it without thefirst season.
interview with Ben regarding the season finale....................

As a Lost fan yourself, how shocking did you find this season's finale? Is it more shocking or less that the season-three finale where we learned Jack and Kate got off the Island?

Ours is a show that specializes in big shock endings, but I think season five...None of the other shock endings left me wondering how the show goes on. We have two kinds of huge shocks at the end of this one. Each one alone would be enough to keep an audience eating its own soul for the whole hiatus, but with two, I don't know what you can do with that.

got it from another message board. anyone have the source/full interview?
Yo Cadillac, I was just thinking the same thing. As soon as the finale shows on wed., I'm going to go back and watch the entire series again from the pointof view of season 5 knowledge. I have a baby girl on the way in August so I'm going to need something to do in between diaper changes and next season'sbeginning! See you all on wed.!
This will be the fourth time i've seen the series from the beginning to end in sequence. It's whatever.
I love between seasonrewatches.
Ahhh I hope this seasons finale isnt something thats just too wild to try and figure out. Gonna be epic, though.
Just think, this time last year the island just vanished into thin air after the donkey wheel(+@@!) was turned by Ben. Who would of thought? Look wherewe're at now. Time travel? As Ted would say:"Whoa!"
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

interview with Ben regarding the season finale....................

As a Lost fan yourself, how shocking did you find this season's finale? Is it more shocking or less that the season-three finale where we learned Jack and Kate got off the Island?

Ours is a show that specializes in big shock endings, but I think season five...None of the other shock endings left me wondering how the show goes on. We have two kinds of huge shocks at the end of this one. Each one alone would be enough to keep an audience eating its own soul for the whole hiatus, but with two, I don't know what you can do with that.

got it from another message board. anyone have the source/full interview?

Damn, dude said we are going to eat our own souls... As if I wasn't hyped enough already.
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