LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Different lighting, but jack it is.
another reason why i believe it's jacks, is because they made a point of having him on the ground semi knocked out at the end of the episode. no real pointof having him hit in the head and fall down, except to have him wake up at the beginning of next season imo.
Not sure if it has been touched upon in this thread, but what if the flash at the end was not the explosion, but rather a skip in time and they come to presenttime with Ben, Richard, "Locke", etc.
Since Jacob said they were coming it might be possible.
Also I found this very interesting from the LOST-TV Forums. Courtesy of Swordzman.
"There's been some speculation that Richard came to the island on the Black Rock. I'm not so sure about that. When Ilana arrived at the statue shecalled out for Ricardus, a distinctly Roman name. Then, when she asked the question "what lies in the shadow of the statue?" Richard replied to her"Ille qui nos omnes servabit." In Latin, the native language of ancient Rome. So when Richard says he's been on the island for a long time, Ithink he means a very, very loooong time!

Now the writers have gone to a great deal of trouble to show us the statue of Sobek, the Egyptian crocodile god, and to associate Sobek with Jacob who seems topossess some godlike abilities. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that Jacob is Sobek -- just changed his name. Since Sobek, as the storygoes, had an arch enemy named Set (an evil God, by most accounts) I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb by assuming that the man in black isSet. He certainly is not Esau (a nice Jewish boy who would never be involved in statue worship ("Idolatry")! From somewhere in the back reaches of mymemory, I seem to recall that Sobek once had an island named for him which could be found in the Mediterranean somewhere. It's not there anymore, however,either having been renamed or, ..um, well, moved.

While it's true that Sobek was an Egyptian god, Romans were very open-minded when it came to religion and adopted gods from all over the world, especiallythe ones that kept them young and immortal. So when I close my eyes, it's not hard for me to visualize a Roman Centurion named Ricardus returning to Romefrom his duties in Greece (or wherever) whose ship is lost in a storm as he and perhaps a handful of others wash up on the beach on the Island of Sobek."
Originally Posted by Adambomb007

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Was the other guy wearing black in that opening scene?

cause Jacob sure is in white....

Yeah. All he is known in the cast listing is as "black shirt guy"

im not sure if i agree with the idea that the black shirt guy is the smoke monster...

if it is... the writers are going to need to explain all of the randomg people being sighted...
Eko's brother being seen
Why Eko was killed at all?
... he was that dude
Why it appeared as the black horse?
Why he appeared in the cabin as christian?

a whole lot that needs to be explained next season

Black shirt guy is Anubis. Remember in the Cabin when that chick and bron saw the ashes and the chick went to go investiagte? well that cabin used to be Jacobs but the evil got passed the Ashes and Anubis has entered. He acted as Christian to persuade ppl to his evil agenda's while jacob AKA Ra has instructed the losties to correct time. Gods cannot kill Gods so Anubis pretended to be Locke so he could persuade Ben to Ice Ra.

Nah man I think you got it wrong. And I definitely don't think either are Anubis. Black shirt guy is Seth. Jacob is Sobek.

"Sobek's ambiguous nature led some Egyptians to believe that he was a repairer of evil that had been done, rather than a force for good in itself,for example, going to Duat to restore damage done to the dead as a result of their form of death. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddessesrequired for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. He was also shownwith an ankh, representing his ability to undo evil and so cure ills"

Sobek also replaced Seth in the Triad of Egyptian God. Seth is who Jacob was probably speaking to at the begining of this episode. The loop hole is probablySeth trying to get revenge on Jacob or Sobek's reencarnation.

"Seth the Egyptian God is also known as the god of chaos. According to popular Egyptian mythology it would certainly seem that he created plenty ofmayhem and chaos. Seth, god of chaos is also often associated with thunder, the desert and infertility. Tales differ in regards to whether Seth was evil frombirth or became evil at some later point in history. It would appear that regardless of when it occurred, some of the ancient Egyptian people considered Seththe Egyptian god to be none other than evil incarnate"

Note the infertility aspect as well.

alright after reading that Emerson aka Ben himself said it was Taweret then I don't even know. I'm LOST.
After looking at the video's and pics. Pretty sure that's Jack now. Now the question is WHEN did he go to? I can only dream it will be much fartherback in time.

Lot of good theories about who "BSG" and Jacob are. I honestly don't have anything on this, so I'll go with everyone else's for now. Somesort of God's or God like people.

And Eric why wouldn't you like the time loop ending? It does seem WAY to easy for most of us. But, I still would be OK with it....... I think. And IDK ifthere is a such thing as a "casual" Lost fan, but if so they would probably be surprised. But, now that they've brought in and shown Jacob isreal, I really don't think that's going to be the case. "BSG" found a "loop-hole" to "kill" Jacob, and I bet this willsomehow only happen once....

....Now maybe, in S6 they DO go back to 2004, and knowing what they know now, they find a way to stop the loop and everyone lives happily ever after?
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

You can thank some people in this thread over what occurred in this thread this season. I spoke to a lot of other people about season 6 at work and in school. Maybe next season we can think of something else.

I didn't get what was up with people and their super high level of sensitivity. I mean yeah you don't want to find out the key things way in advancebut I look forward to hearing hints about what will happen or clarification on what has happened. Hopefully S6 thread will go better and you can share somemore insight.
I thought people did a great job of putting spoiler tags on any spoilers. I understand 100% why people wouldn't want to read them, but as long as there ina spoiler tag, it's up to you to not click on it.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I thought people did a great job of putting spoiler tags on any spoilers. I understand 100% why people wouldn't want to read them, but as long as there in a spoiler tag, it's up to you to not click on it.
I thought that worked well this season. Only time I would click it was when the temptation to be spoiled (evil) won out over me wanting to waitand be witness (good).
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I thought people did a great job of putting spoiler tags on any spoilers. I understand 100% why people wouldn't want to read them, but as long as there in a spoiler tag, it's up to you to not click on it.
I thought that worked well this season. Only time I would click it was when the temptation to be spoiled (evil) won out over me wanting to wait and be witness (good).


I never clicked on anything that someone said was a major spoiler
but I looked at a few of the cast lists and press releases from time to time.

edit: lol rickfoxjr. didn't even notice.
I might retire this name 'til 2010 now.

nahhhhhh, can't do it.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

And Eric why wouldn't you like the time loop ending? It does seem WAY to easy for most of us. But, I still would be OK with it....... I think. And IDK if there is a such thing as a "casual" Lost fan, but if so they would probably be surprised. But, now that they've brought in and shown Jacob is real, I really don't think that's going to be the case. "BSG" found a "loop-hole" to "kill" Jacob, and I bet this will somehow only happen once....

just like you said... that ending is way too easy... after all of the complexity/depth that they have given this show... i just think it'd be a complete& total copout if they made the end of the show the same as the beginning... that would just leave a really bad taste in my mouth in regards to the show...

but seeing as how that's the ending they chose to put in the Lost videogame... all the signs are pointing towards that being whats going to happen... imsure they will throw in some twists that will leave me at least partially satisfied tho
Yeah i'm not a fan of the timeloop theory either. BUT it wouldn't bother me all that bad. I'd just rather see one resolution.

I want the good guys to win. I want everyone to get off the island and lead their normal lives in CURRENT time. Jack/Kate together, etc.
I don't think it has been discussed HERE but i've seen some stuff about it on other forums and websites.

Quite interesting really.
The Incident is the very end of a loop that keeps repeating. When Juliet sets the bomb off, we see the VERY end of the story so far. The purpose of thecharacters and of season six is to change that.

"It always ends the same." Jacob clearly knows what's going on, he knows that Ben is going to choose to kill him, and he knows that he'sgoing to die. He keeps trying to bring groups of people to his aid against his rival, but his rival always succeeds in killing him. But he's makingprogress...

So when Juliet sets the bomb off, is that ALWAYS the end to the loop and ALWAYS the thing that causes it all to reset? Or is it the VARIABLE that allows forour characters to help Jacob change the way that things take place?

The white LOST screen is a signal that we have reached the end of our story. Things will reset and our characters' mission will be to finally stopJacob's mission (whatever it is) from falling short... in other words, making sure that the final scene before the next white screen isn't in favor ofthe rival and his Locke, Christian, and other puppets.
A few comments on Smokey (I know I made a post pointing these things out a while ago, but this is to clarify with more solid information):

- It is the puppet of Jacob's rival.
- It can use the images of dead people to its advantage, usually to manipulate living people who are familiar with that image.
- An example of this would be Hurley's friend Dave - Smokey used the image to get Hurley to kill himself, since Hurley is "blessed" inJacob's eyes.

- When it "judges" a person, it reflects a bunch of important events from his/her past.
- It judged Locke, who was presumably a pure-hearted person, making the images that it reflected appear "beautiful" to him.
- It judged Eko, who was a violent drug dealer, making the images that it reflected to not be beautiful (he disagrees with Locke).

- It gained control of Danielle's crew in order to kill her (maybe she was brought by Jacob, or maybe she was just a thorn in the rival's side). Itdidn't work, but she went crazy anyway.
- It wanted to gain control of Eko in order to manipulate some of the survivors, likely those who believed/shared his faith. When Eko went against this andsaid he didn't want forgiveness for his sins (a sign that he wasn't "religious"), he became useless and it killed him.
- It wanted to gain control of Locke in order to fool the Others and Richard, and ultimately manipulate Ben into killing Jacob. It tried from the verybeginning when it started dragging Locke down a hole before Jack threw dynamite. When this didn't work, it resorted to manipulating Locke into gettinghimself killed by using images of Christian.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Different lighting, but jack it is.
If that is from the pilot and the incident ending, here is a pic form when he went back to '77. Exactly the same...


Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Does no one else see that $$%%, or was it already discussed?
What? The time loop?

And good stuff on Smoky Roboto!
Good stuff on Smokie. I feel like when the smoke "scans" people it looks for "outs" or ways to convince them to be able to turn to the darkside and do it's dirty work.
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