LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Incident is the very end of a loop that keeps repeating. When Juliet sets the bomb off, we see the VERY end of the story so far. The purpose of the characters and of season six is to change that.

[color= rgb(255, 102, 0)]"It always ends the same."[/color] Jacob clearly knows what's going on, he knows that Ben is going to choose to kill him, and he knows that he's going to die. He keeps trying to bring groups of people to his aid against his rival, but his rival always succeeds in killing him. But he's making progress...
Hmmm... good way to think of that quote.
Originally Posted by IX Is Tha Future

does anyone have that picture of kate in the supermarket with skirt on? please post it. most appreciated.


Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

"It always ends the same." Jacob clearly knows what's going on, he knows that Ben is going to choose to kill him, and he knows that he's going to die. He keeps trying to bring groups of people to his aid against his rival, but his rival always succeeds in killing him. But he's making progress...
you got them mixed up the BSG said that line and jacob hit him with"it only ends once everything else is progress"

i dont think jacob has died more then once and i dont think he knew until the last min that ben was going to kill him

i just feel that everytime he would bring a group of people to the island he would always prepair things as if he was going to be killed.
Crazy EBW, by any chance can you hook it up with the sig?
I love this show. About to download the season finale on itunes and rewatch.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Damn, the reflections appear to be EXACTLY the same in both pics. They reused the same scene!

yup, i mentioned that when i posted the 2 videos.......IMO the reflections are trees from the island
Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Crazy EBW, by any chance can you hook it up with the sig?
I love this show. About to download the season finale on itunes and rewatch.
Just copy/paste it and you can use your own iteration or the same one. PM me if you have any problems with it.

That "trailer" is cool.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

"It always ends the same." Jacob clearly knows what's going on, he knows that Ben is going to choose to kill him, and he knows that he's going to die. He keeps trying to bring groups of people to his aid against his rival, but his rival always succeeds in killing him. But he's making progress...
Interesting way to look at it.

And I love the trailer. I don't think I'm gonna watch the S6 opening scene........yet.
SenorRoboto2k5 wrote:
A few comments on Smokey (I know I made a post pointing these things out a while ago, but this is to clarify with more solid information):

- It is the puppet of Jacob's rival.
It might be a puppet/tool of BSG. The image we see when Ben was being "judged" of the wall showed it
kneeling before what looks like Anubis OR Set. I guess a case can be made for either of them. Anubis because he can be seen as a gatekeeper and would need someone/thing to help with the judging.
Set because he just seems to be the bad guy in Egyptian mythology.
They both are depicted with long snouts.
I was reading on the Tawarret info. and she seems to have a close connection to Sobek. According to what I read there were even statues of Tawarret having a crocs back or even having a Sobek croc statue on its shoulder. So they were tight. Which would sorta explain why someone with the qualities of Sobek like Jacob would live in the statue of Tawarret.

- It can use the images of dead people to its advantage, usually to manipulate living people who are familiar with that image.
- An example of this would be Hurley's friend Dave - Smokey used the image to get Hurley to kill himself, since Hurley is "blessed" in Jacob's eyes.

In the whole Dead is dead theory. Christian is Dead and should be permanently. But the image of Christian was used by smokey to kill JACK also. Then Locke came and saved him.
Jack is important so I think Smokey was/is trying to get rid of him.

- When it "judges" a person, it reflects a bunch of important events from his/her past.
- It judged Locke, who was presumably a pure-hearted person, making the images that it reflected appear "beautiful" to him.
- It judged Eko, who was a violent drug dealer, making the images that it reflected to not be beautiful (he disagrees with Locke).

I agree, but also realisticly Locke in his Pre-island life was a good person. So the reflections were understandably better.
Eko was a killer from an early age and had life filled with violence, his images were ugly things.

- It gained control of Danielle's crew in order to kill her (maybe she was brought by Jacob, or maybe she was just a thorn in the rival's side). It didn't work, but she went crazy anyway.
- It wanted to gain control of Eko in order to manipulate some of the survivors, likely those who believed/shared his faith. When Eko went against this and said he didn't want forgiveness for his sins (a sign that he wasn't "religious"), he became useless and it killed him.

- It wanted to gain control of Locke in order to fool the Others and Richard, and ultimately manipulate Ben into killing Jacob. It tried from the very beginning when it started dragging Locke down a hole before Jack threw dynamite. When this didn't work, it resorted to manipulating Locke into getting himself killed by using images of Christian.

Thinking the same thing. When Smokey took Locke and tried to take him underground. I think it was trying to take Locke the way he possessed Danielles boyfriend/husband. Because it knew he would be the loophole. Jack delayed the inevitable.

Since Jacob and BSG obvously display "god-like" aspects. I will jump on that bandwagon lol. But I dont think thatthis current loop is the only one that has run. I feel like these 2 have been going at it for thousands of years.
This is just the current version of their game. Jacob is well aware of BSG intect/desire to kill him. I dont see him just sitting idly by to let that happen.He is making moves within BSG plans to alter things to create a backdoor for himself. But he doesnt want to let BSG know that he knows or that he hasinfluenced the variables or the blessed.
When he said they are coming BSG/Locke looked surprised/concerned.

Someone brought it up before. I was really thnking Richard is from the Black Rock. But the whole Ricardus thing did hit me when I first saw it. It does sounddistinctly "romanish" lol. And the way he responded was in really fluent latin. I dont know if latin was practiced by sailors in the 1800s. He is oneof my favorite characters/mysteries. I would love some solid answers about dude.

im not mad about not every answer being given such as the walt situation. part of the shows fun was figuring out that stuff. if they leave small clues behindon general things like how some children even got special powers we could easily apply them to walt to get a satisfying answer with out them spelling it outfor us.

OFF topic. Did you guys see the cake that ACE of Cakes made for the 100th episode? that was nice.
so i finally finished season 5 at 4 am this morning. wow...thats what describes it all.

I was one of the people who said no to this show and said id never watch it. Then a couple of my friends convinced me to watch it i watched 4 episodes and washooked. This might be my fav show of all time. And I crammed 5 seasons in about a month. I think thats insane, id watch like 5-10 episodes a night at onepoint. It took over my life. But after the finale there are still soooooo many questions left to be answered. Where is Claire? How is John Locke dead butalive? What did the bomb do? Will Sun find Jin? Will Sayid die? (still havent said why Walt is special) and lots more...waiting 9 months is going to beunbareable
I did the same thing for season's 1-3 after I stumbled on the S3 finale. I was watching around 6 or so episodes a day, about 3 at work and another 2or 3 when I got home. I feel you when you say it took over your life.... I felt the EXACT same way. I couldn't imagine doing 5 seasons in 1 month, butcongratulations and welcome to the Fam!!

quik, I seen that cake, it was nice.
wow. the trailer and s6 opening are amazing. anyone have any idea what's going on in that opening scene? was that christian in the reflection>
Originally Posted by hlf man hlf amzng

nevermind. just skimmed through the youtube comments on the s6 opening video. fake made from another matthew fox movie. i was duped.

^I like how the trailer touched upon the light/dark aspects.

Man, I feel bad for the people who never bothered to watch Lost. Anyone else got friends that continously bash on the show without ever watching it?
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

^I like how the trailer touched upon the light/dark aspects.

Man, I feel bad for the people who never bothered to watch Lost. Anyone else got friends that continously bash on the show without ever watching it?
Every one of my friends does.
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