LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

i wanna see if the first episode is going to explain how Charlotte was on the island before when Miles asked why is she was willing to leave so soon, aftertrying hard to get back to the Island again
^YES. Ben with the baton was BEAST SON.
That one episode in particular really changed how I viewed LOST from here on out. Most television shows getoverkill on season 4/5 but definitely not with LOST imo. Just the whole structure of the show allows it to change pace at anytime and you really never knowwhat you're going to get. I really hate that I wasn't on this show from the get go. I like most people just thought it was some gilligan island typecrap. SMH at me.
I forgot all about that baton thingy...

A couple pages back someone mentioned the first episode and Jack coming back to the island.....

Well... On the last season thread I posted pictures of how Jack had a baton thing in his hand right when he wakes up....


Certainly that picture would lead one to believe he teleported there then....?
We've come a long way. I've spent pretty much no time on this show since the finale. I can't wait though. It's nice to see mytheories/observations from season 2 getting some credibility now.

See you all in a week.
Good questions to get some discussions going arstyle...

I wanna see what Sun has in store for Widmore.

I believe she's in a position of power to blackmail him somehow to get what she wants...whatever that is.
How and why exactly did Locke leave the island? and why did he die?
Knowing Locke, He would neeeeeeeeever leave the island unless he absolutely had to. My guess is he left to perform some task or retreive someitem, And got killed in the process by Widmore/Dharma...

How does Jack persuade the other 5 to go back?
That's gonna be hard...

Is Desmond officially out of the equation?
Yea, That's what I wanna know. I thought he was supposed to die...
Where did the island go, geographically speaking?
I don't think it exists in the same realm as everything else does...

How does turning a "wheel" half way "move" an entire body of land?
I think it somehow activates the special "properties" of the island...Whether that be electromagnetic or supernatural. Like an exchangeof energy, The person turning the wheel offering themselves in exchange for the island "moving".

Is Widmore the one trying to kill Sayid?
If we're to assume that it's Ben vs. Widmore...Yea. Ben has his operatives working on his side, And Widmore has his.

What happened between Sayid and Ben to cause more distrust?
Ben is the most lying and manipulative dude on the planet...

Is Claire really dead?
Is anybody ever really dead? I remember back when Lost first started, "Life extension" was on the list of projects on the HansoFoundation site. We've seen people who are immortal, Or who have returned from the dead before. It's like a major theme of the series...I thinkshe's dead tho.

If Aaron isn't supposed to go back to the island, why does Ben insist that they "all" go back?
I always wondered about that contradiction...

Was Charlotte really born on the island? Who's her father?
I bet he's one of the islands original inhabitants...I want to say a Dharma employee, But that would be too obvious.
While Locke was gone. and dead, who ran the Others' camp?
Probably Alpert.

Am I the only one who got teary eyed (again) when Desmond and Pen finally see each other for the first time in over 3 years?


Im pretty sure Charlotte was Ben's childhood friend while living on the island (the little girl). can't remember what season those flashbacks were in.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

If Aaron isn't supposed to go back to the island, why does Ben insist that they "all" go back?
I always wondered about that contradiction...

The only thing that's ever been said is "Don't bring him back!" We're meant to think these ghosts are talking about notbringing back Aaron... but what they're talking about Locke? Ghost Claire is seeing her son, then gives Kate a message. As viewers, we're meant to makea connection given what we know; but looking back, they don't have to be... Remember last we saw she was down with the island like Jack's dad, so shecould be delivering a message on its behalf.

On more of a reach, Charlie says "You're not supposed to raise him." It's more of a stretch, but assuming Locke is resurrected when they getback to the island (much as Jack's dad when he gets back to the island... but it's a theory) - you're not supposed to raise him... from the dead...as in the island is delivering these messages to keep Locke from coming back (perhaps he too was kicked off the island?)
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

How does turning a "wheel" half way "move" an entire body of land?
I think it somehow activates the special "properties" of the island...Whether that be electromagnetic or supernatural. Like an exchange of energy, The person turning the wheel offering themselves in exchange for the island "moving".

For a brief moment, the bunny will disappear, but in reality...
- The orientation video

The DHARMA time travel station that does the above is connected to the wheel that Ben turns. The island disappeared. But in reality...
I can't wait for the season to start. I really hope that they start revealing some answers and start to piece things together this season.
Good observation Roboto.

We know for fact Ben was transported a year into the future basically. The question is, How much time passes in the present while he's gone?

If we're using the rabbit as an example, That's something to think about...
Originally Posted by Div1LBC

I can't wait for the season to start. I really hope that they start revealing some answers and start to piece things together this season.
They have to start sewing things up sooner or later. There are only 2 seasons left.
As Carlton Cuse said on the Season 4 DVD extras, "it might not be WHERE the island went, but WHEN the island went". Seeing the survivors on the beachlooking around and confused and being chased by possibly/probably DHARMA people in the trailer for the season, you have to assume they went back in time towhen Dharma was still active. If this is true, we should be getting a lot of information through them this season.

I'm tired of hearing about Jack and the baton in the pilot. The pilot is still the episode that intrigues me the most with what producers have saidabout it having such a significant meaning in the entire series.
6 Days!!!

Bowzer- I don't really have a favorite. Like Crazy EBW said, the Constant is a good episode, but it honestly don't really stick out as being ahead ofother great episodes. Never really understood the hype from most Lost websites.

The ones that I usually like the most are where Locke's backstory is shown. Dude had a messed up life.

Crazy EBW- I feel the same way. I really hope (and all indications show) that the Island goes back in time before the purge. That should answer a lot ofquestions.

I am already convinced Jack was back on the island for at least the second time in the Pilot episode, baton or no baton. I really can't see how's thereis anyway around that.
Last night got me excited again. My girl kept making fun of me because every time Sayid, Ben, Sawyer, Locke, Desmond were on screen I would say "What abad #$@"

Sun is the next on that list.
Yea, But because it goes back in time, Why does it have to physically move?

If it's been there all these years, Why would the actual position of the island change...
I totally missed it last season and it seems like no one really answered but the name Jeremy Bentham(sp?) came up two or three times. Then it turns outto be Locke .. the little pop up box said he was an 18th century philosopher and social reformist I think .. don't really remember.

Hurley said something and Sayid told him "don't say it" or something along those lines. And we know there was communication with Locke/Benthamand at least Kate and Jack so far .. he probably went and found all the Oceanic 6.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

I totally missed it last season and it seems like no one really answered but the name Jeremy Bentham(sp?) came up two or three times. Then it turns out to be Locke .. the little pop up box said he was an 18th century philosopher and social reformist I think .. don't really remember.

Hurley said something and Sayid told him "don't say it" or something along those lines. And we know there was communication with Locke/Bentham and at least Kate and Jack so far .. he probably went and found all the Oceanic 6.

And yea, You right. He was trying to gather up the 6, But he failed and died...

They say he committed suicide, But we know there's going to be more too it than that.
^ good look Jewels

He was best known for his advocacy of utilitarianism, a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome - the ends justify the means. Utilitarianism argued that the "right" action or policy was that which would cause "the greatest happiness of the greatest number".
.. interesting.

these writers, man .. how could this not be the most thought out/intricate/complicated/confusing/entertaining/interesting/best show ever?
The whole jack on the island for the 2nd time thing always confuses me because i would feel like if that were true, the producers would need more then 2seasons to explain that (like what happened the FIRST time he was on the island)
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

I thought it was widely known that the island went back in time....Well obvious I should say.
How would the average fan know that though? I mean I DO know what happens, but i'm not trying to be flat out straight with it to people whowanna stay in the dark.

Heres a question I never really thought about and haven't done research on...why did they use Boone, Libby, and Charlie as the "other survivors"that died with the O6 in their story? I guess it's because these people actually died and were a close connected to them? I dunno. Just rambling.
Just finished season ONE...(yeah...uno
) of Lost yesterday.

Show is crack...I obviously have a lot of catching up to do.

Hope the rest of the series is as good as the first season...
All I can say is, you aint seen nothin yet. Just keep watching it all the way through when you can and get caught up on ABC.com if you need to. You're likeme, you got onto LOST late. Better late than never though sir.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Just finished season ONE...(yeah...uno
) of Lost yesterday.

Show is crack...I obviously have a lot of catching up to do.

Hope the rest of the series is as good as the first season...


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