LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

I really wanna know whats up with the numbers. Thats one of those things that just has to be explained. I haven't seen a theory on those that really makessense.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by freezelle

I've never been so pumped for a season premiere in my life. My fiance got me into this right before season 4 started, and I've been hooked ever since. In watching the first 3 seasons on DVD, I'm not used to waiting this long for another episode....................... WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!

I've got a question - In that trailer, there is a point where Locke looks to be waking up laying on the ground, similar to Jack in the pilot episode and Ben when he wakes up in the desert in Tunisia, coincidence????????????? Somehow I don't think so.
Definitely not coincidence...

Heres the mockumentary thing I was talking about, it's broken down into three parts on YouTube so sorry it isn't one branched video. It's really cool IMO.
Lost "loose change" style. Crazy interesting. Creepy too though.
It's been confirmed that Season 1 and 2 will be released on Blu-ray. I'm sure it will be sometime in the summer. I'll get a link later. I thinki'm gonna wait to get the entire series on Blu-ray before buying any individual seasons.
Yeah, I'd bet that there's going to be a pretty sick 6 Season Set on Blu-ray when all is said and done.
The close-up shot of Ben's eye when he wakes up in the desert is him waking up after he time travels/teleports; could it be that every time the show usesthis shot of a character's eye, it's them waking up after time traveling/teleporting - including Jack in the first scene?

I know they used it in that episode where Desmond relives his life after he blows up the hatch. That was time traveling since he actually remembered living inthe future and he tried to change how things happened, etc.

I don't recall the other times they used it...

A lot of people like that time loop idea... I've seen a lot of people think that the show could end with Jack waking up after the plane crash. Perhapsthere's clues in that scene that we can't recognize yet.
I think I read somewhere that the producers have said that the "eye opening" scenes at the beginning of an episode meant that it would center aroundthat character. I like your idea, but I think the fans have hounded the producers at comic-con or somewhere about this before. I'll do research later.
This wednesday ABC is doing a three hour enhanced version from the Season 4 finale. Perfect way to get caught up if you haven't. The season 4 finale was sogood...
Man, those are the three episodes that I was able to watch on ABC's website......
Guess I'll have to catch them again. Only 9 more days til the premiere.....
One more week. Not two...

Ajira Airways is a fictional airline company whose logo appeared briefly twice during a Lost Season 5 promotional music video on the ABC website, which featured future episode clips and the music video to the song "You Found Me" by the band The Fray.

The website Ajiraairways.com sports their tagline "destiny calls"; the same as the promotional tagline being used to promote the fifth season of Lost. The website states that new destinations launch on January 21st, 2009, the scheduled US airdate for the fifth season premiere. Other links to the show are present in the form of consistent advertising by the company about "returning to the Island", providing subtle links to the Island on the show. Visitors to the website could at first only sign up to the site's mailing list for future updates. However, the site was fully launched on December 29th, featuring numerous pages of information such as flights and promotions.

Whilst it is not known what connections this new company has to the Lost storyline, it has been speculated by fans [1] [2] that it could possibly be some kind of continuation to the cancelled alternate reality game, Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project. However, information on the website suggests that it is a separate project.
I cant freakin' wait, seriously, i'm pretty much caught up now.
i missed almost all of season 4 cause of school/work...and my bro fudging with my DVR...
got the season 4 on DVD, and im freakin' ready for season 5 CHEA!!!
dr funk 13:

Not much interest, save a few posters.
In all honesty, I mean, that's one of the consequences LOST is going to suffer for making it's viewer wait so long. America (and most ofWestern civilization) has an 'instant-gratification' mentality, and they make us wait a damn eternity to begin Season 5? That's way too much timeto allow people to hop off the bandwagon.

Of course, once Season 5 gets underway, some people will jump back on the bandwagon, but ot all of 'em.
It won't take much to get me back into mid-season form. Once the first jaw dropper hits, its over!
I used to love this show but after all the delays and the wild +@$+ that went on in the show I just gave up watching.
Originally Posted by mco85

I used to love this show but after all the delays and the wild +@$+ that went on in the show I just gave up watching.
Season 3 when you gave up? Whenever you did give up, you should def get back on it. I can't put into words how good this show is now.

I didn't know SPRS watched LOST.

I wonder if Sun confronting Widmore with "similar interests" is a part of trying to get back to the island. I mean i'm sure Ben knows how, butmaybe they are missing something and she tries to get information through him?
I dunno, it's early. Just me rambling.
Sun is most likely trying to get back to the island to either get revenge with Ben or Jack because she is still salty that Jin died. or she is trying to getback to the island because maybe Jin isn't dead.
We have 8 days left, So I'll give y'all something to pass the time with if you're bored and have a few hours to kill.

I'll give you some background. It's said that a lot of the sci-fi movies and shows that we see are loosely based around actual events that have takenplace without the public's knowledge.

For example, It's believed by some that the movie E.T. is based on an actual event. An alien was supposedly found wandering in the desert after the Roswellcrash, Was captured by the gov't, And then befriended by one of his handlers over a period of years. They formed a bond and later the alien died. Some ofit was changed around for Hollywood, But you kind of see the point. Same with the show/movie Stargate. Some people say that stargates do in fact exist etc.

Allegedly the reasoning behind this is so that the general public will become accustomed and used to seeing aliens etc on film/TV, So that when these secretsare finally revealed to us, It will be less shocking because we've basically been prepped all of our lives for it...

But anyway, I came across this guy David Wilcock, Who is basically a conspiracy theorist if you will, And he basically touches on what I think is the real-lifebasis for the themes we watch in Lost. Time travel, Teleportation, Ancient Egypt/civilizations, The dreams, Physics, Even some of the technology andsupernatural stuff. The %!+% is so spot-on that it's scary. If any of this turns out to come true in the actual show, It's damn nearspoilerish...

I wouldn't be shocked if the writers got their inspiration from this information...

These are hella long, So I'd suggest just letting them play in another tab and listening while you do what you do...That's what I did. Interestingstuff.
Good looks on the vids, but I can't keep up this this cat.
He speaks way outside my boundaries.

I'm trying so hard to not look at any more spoilers from the season. SMH @ me.
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