LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!




David Wilcock is a fruit.

Stuff is looney.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

yea those vids are a lil too much for me.
dude's a whack job who makes up terms. his entire rant on the montauk and philadelphia projects are all based on urban legend and heresay.

but i do see the connection between everything hes saying and Lost though, basically the same stuff.
I was just watching "the shape of things to come" and when sawyer , locke and hurley are playing risk hurley says "Australia is the key"hmmmmmmm
I wonder if ABC will still have all 4 seasons up even when season 5 begins. I'm trying to watch all 4 seasons right now(almost done with season 1), andit'll be tough to get to all of them before the beginning of season 5.
I wonder if ABC will still have all 4 seasons up even when season 5 begins. I'm trying to watch all 4 seasons right now(almost done with season 1), and it'll be tough to get to all of them before the beginning of season 5.

Should be. The previous seasons were up during season 4 so I wouldn't expect that to change this year.

I was just watching "the shape of things to come" and when sawyer , locke and hurley are playing risk hurley says "Australia is the key" hmmmmmmm
Good pickup! I've seen this theory before and most people have agreed that it was just an easter egg the producers have thrown in to make thefans go crazy. Apparently Australia is the best continent to have on the board game RISK. I've played the game once in high school so I can't reallycomment on that.

Got the episode tonight DVR'd. Just good to see LOST in HD on my tv again.
^ It's 3 hours though .. so I guess they're doing the little recap along the way as well?

Either way
I think they are just gonna show "Theres No Place Like Home" parts 1 (1 hour) and 2 (2 hours-the season 4 finale) in their entirety with the"pop up video" type things to help viewers.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I think they are just gonna show "Theres No Place Like Home" parts 1 (1 hour) and 2 (2 hours-the season 4 finale) in their entirety with the "pop up video" type things to help viewers.
alright .. cool.
Yea, Dude is waaaay out there...

So is what we watch every week on Lost...That's why I posted it.

It's cool when it 's in a fictional setting, But when you see someone actually talking about it, You get thrown off...
For real. It's cool to see Jack trying to get the 06 back together, but for someone to really try to find "the island"...quackjob.
Which is crazy because he was sooooo bent on leaving and obsessed with saving everybody.

Shoulda just listened to Locke...

"Man of science, Man of faith"
I'm just saying... what if ol' delusional quackjob, fruit-boy found the island, though?

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Which is crazy because he was sooooo bent on leaving and obsessed with saving everybody.

Shoulda just listened to Locke...

"Man of science, Man of faith"


A week from right now i'll be dying in anticipation.
Yo rodster, you can watch it on abc.com, and also there's more sites out there. Another good one is watchloststreaming.com.
Bowzer, I really liked The Constant a lot but it's not my favorite and I don't have dreams about it like most LOST addicts do.
I don'tunderstand the intense hype behind this episode. I mean don't get me wrong, it's REAL GOOD, but it's just not my favorite. I can't even decidea favorite. I wanna know the hype behind The Constant though. Maybe it's something huge in the end, but I dunno. I like Desmond and all but it justwasn't my cup of tea.

My favorite episode last season was "The Shape of Things to Come" or "The Economist".
I watched the 3 hour pop up video thingie......

I wanna see what Sun has in store for Widmore.

How and why exactly did Locke leave the island? and why did he die?

How does Jack persuade the other 5 to go back?

Is Desmond officially out of the equation?

Where did the island go, geographically speaking?

How does turning a "wheel" half way "move" an entire body of land?

Is Jin really dead?

Is Widmore the one trying to kill Sayid?

What happened between Sayid and Ben to cause more distrust?

Is Claire really dead?

If Aaron isn't supposed to go back to the island, why does Ben insist that they "all" go back?

Was Charlotte really born on the island? Who's her father?

While Locke was gone. and dead, who ran the Others' camp?

Am I the only one who got teary eyed (again) when Desmond and Pen finally see each other for the first time in over 3 years?

....oh and these are questions that I want the show to answer, so if someone really knows, please don't tell me. Just random brain crampers that interestme.
EBW I agree...I can not pic a clear cut fav...but The Economist was watched many times. I'm hooked again...just finished watching the DVR'ed final 3 ofseason 4...Still can't get over that ending.
Fathers is a huge theme in this show...

Seems like a lot of the main characters were effected deeply by their father in some way that gets them to the island.

People with daddy issues:


Just something I noticed. Somebody was saying that Jacob is Jack's grandfather. I don't see that being out of the realm of possibility within thestoryline, considering the connection of the importance of fathers and the characters.

I also noticed during some of the previews that Penny had a baby (I'm guessing/assuming with Desmond), and that Charlotte dies (or at least appears to).Interesting...
I wouldn't think we're done with Desmond/Penny by any means. Remember, Ben promised to Widmore that he was going to kill Penny because Widmore killedAlex. (Through Keamy)

I've heard that as with all the season premieres, expect something big on the first episode. Can't wait! I've done my best to keep away from asmany spoilers as possible. I can't wait to see the return of one character in particular that I read about.
A few of the pop up things were helpful.
one that stood out was when one said something along the lines that Ben ended up in the desert 11 months after he turned the wheel
I think the Economist was one of my favorite episodes....

Sayid was rolling around straight killing people.

I really like The Shape of Things To Come too. It is so bad %#$ when Ben teleports to the desert and gets that double kill...
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