Lowering the drinking age?

Originally Posted by MR RASKATRIPAS

nah, 18 is way too young
so at 18 you're not mature enough to drink alcohol? 

but at 18 you are old enough to go to war?

somethin's not right there...
Two wrongs don't make a right. The age to enlist has nothing to do with the drinking age.

Look at the people we send off to fight our wars. They aren't the upper crust of society. Veterans are underpaid and go homeless daily.

Not everyone can defend our country. However, once they hit the legal age, everyone can drink alcohol. There is a difference.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Two wrongs don't make a right. The age to enlist has nothing to do with the drinking age.

Look at the people we send off to fight our wars. They aren't the upper crust of society. Veterans are underpaid and go homeless daily.

Not everyone can defend our country. However, once they hit the legal age, everyone can drink alcohol. There is a difference.
they are related tho...the reason the legal age to drink is 21 is because they believe that at 18, you aren't mature enough to handle the situation of having alcohol...but you can't seriously tell me that if you're not mature enough for alcohol, that you are still mature enough to enlist?  stupid!

and labeling the ppl that enlist is ridiculous too...plenty of upper crust as you call them
enlist....i just really think your argument is crap.

and if i'm mature enough to vote on who is going to make legal decisions like the drinking age, i think i can drink.
I'm sorry, but the people out there on the front lines are not the greatest members of society. The smart ones are behind the scenes, working at a desk.

So being that gays can't enlist, should they not be allowed to drink alcohol? Or what about women? They can't be on the frontlines, so I guess they can't drink either?

You can bring up voting, enlisting, anything you want, it doesn't change the fact that one has nothing to do with the other.
that's a stupid argument. i go out every weekend and i see grown middle aged adults that can't handle their liquor, puking, acting like fools, saying some silly crap, and driving drunk.

bottom line is if i went and did a tour of duty in iraq for my country i should damn well be able to go to the bar or liquor store and have a few drinks legally. either way i wanted to drink i would but it shouldn't be an issue. your considered an adult at age 18 anyways.
Originally Posted by JPioneer


Look at us over here in Europe. We have problems with it?

i think by barely having a drinking age, or a very lenient, one in europe, it would bring a generation to not abuse once they turn 21. 
by growing up with it, most will learn to be more responsible than 21 year old Americans 
There is no way they would do it. But 21 is utterly ridiculous. Here in Canada it's 18, and just thinking that I couldn't goto a bar or just buy some alcohol at the age of 18-21 is weird.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

I'm sorry, but the people out there on the front lines are not the greatest members of society. The smart ones are behind the scenes, working at a desk.

So being that gays can't enlist, should they not be allowed to drink alcohol? Or what about women? They can't be on the frontlines, so I guess they can't drink either?

You can bring up voting, enlisting, anything you want, it doesn't change the fact that one has nothing to do with the other.
i completely agree with you
Enlisting in the military is completely voluntary, if they still used a draft then i would agree with the whole "die for your country you can have a beer" theory.
I think it's fine just the way it is. People who really want to drink will find a way to get it anyways, so it's whatever. Fine the way it is.
IDK 18 is pretty young. Some people and especially girls with some alcohol in their system don't know how to act.
I've never understood why it is 21 in America. 18 seems fine over here (UK) although pretty much everyone will have got drunk before they were 18. We used to try and get into pubs and bars when we were 16-17, not always successfully but it was good fun trying.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

The only reason I would say not 18 is so it isn't in highschools.

Because alcohol isnt already in high schools.

But once you allow it for 18 year olds, then they can come drunk to dances and such. Not that it doesn't happen, but it's not like people are condoning it.

Just because alcohol would technically be legal for some high schoolers, but they most certainly would not be allowed to come to dances drunk.  Come on fam.
That's why I am saying 18 isn't a good age

So you are saying because it would be legal for some high schoolers to buy alcohol, yet those same high schoolers wouldnt be allowed to come to dances drunk, that is why 18 isnt a good age?
For the record, I am not saying I necessarily think the drinking age should be dropped to 18, I just dont really follow your argument as to why it shouldnt be 18.
lol yeah I see what you're saying. I was just using that as an example, probably wasn't the best. I think it would be cool if we could enforce drinking under 21 to college students. Like if you were caught drinking underage and could prove you were a college student, then it would be legal. Maybe an incentive (probably not the best one) for people to go to college. Obviously not very realistic, but cool to think about.

So if you can't afford to go to college or you have a job instead to support a family or instead of college you decide to enlist and fight for your country you aren't allowed to drink?

That is the stupidest idea i've ever heard.

BTW did you rat on that pot growing operation yet?
Agreed, if you can fight you should be able to.

But it's not like it matters anyway.
You must be under 21....I'm 24 so i don't care.

But if they do want to change the laws please keep the clubs and lounges 21 and up!

There is ZERO correlation between the age of someone fighting in a war and the legal drinking age. 
I wonder if most of the people saying it should be lowered are under 21...
I think 21 is just fine. If you really think there are more pros than cons if the age is lowered then you're kwazy.
Here in America, the standard is that at 18 you are now entering college, probably living on your own (dorming ). The majority of KIDS will go crazy.
Fresh out of high school, finally away from your parents, and going to be introduced to partying (bars, clubs, etc)...most kids going to go crazy. European kids might be able to handle themselves but most Americans are not right now.
Everyone knows that people who drink have started before 21, but I think they use the 3 years (18-21) as a way for most kids to learn the effects of liquor and the most important.....TO KNOW THEIR LIMITS!! Some drinks don't hit u till like an hour later...
And someone who hasn't touched alcohol until they turned 21 most likely is not going to be drinker in the future (or binge drinker)
You cannot propose that lowering the drinking age will solely solve the problems surrounding underage drinking and drinking in general. You have to change the culture that surrounds drinking. In American high schools and colleges the culture is too get as drunk as possible in as short amount time as possible, aka binge drinking which leads to all kinds of stupidity and irresponsibility. You lower the drinking age and you will get high school students that live in suburban areas like the one I grew up in that will be drinking and driving and killing themselves and others in increasing numbers. Alcohol education has to be reformed, and culture has to reformed. Then maybe lower the drinking age and see if we kids can handle it, but by the time such changes could occur we'll all be 21 anyway. So we've got to start with younger age groups and work to change the mindset surrounding alcohol.
Also I don't think u can compare being able to drink to enlisting in the army or voting. Alcohol messes with your train of thought. If u wanted to use the army for compariaing, then compare to something Like the legal age to gamble
i dunno, 18 works just fine up here in canada (edmonton)edit
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

here in toronto it's 19, and i think its a fair age. montreal is 18

for real? ##@+, i thought it was 18 for everyone in canada
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