Lupe vs Roland Martin and DL Hughley feud

What good is telling people not to vote going to do? Especially if you are going to complain about the current state of affairs? There's more things on the ballot than just the next President, lots of local initiatives are voted for that typically include funding for school programs, roads, and urban development.

Agreed. Other than him rapping on tracks, Lupe comes across as one of those smart dumb ******.

I used to love this dude's music, now that I'm older I just see how misguided he is about so many things. Its like he never really grew up and just harbors this kid's view of the world where he thinks throwing a tantrum means hes revolting against the system without having to actually suggest real changes. 
all of this
I say it all the time. The biggest problem with party politics is that certain parties already expect your vote. Democrats have no worry getting the majority of the black vote, Republicans have no problem getting a sizeable segment of the white vote. People will go to the polls, and vote for the name of the party as opposed to the politics behind it

That's because each party has certain issues that's their base. I don't agree with Republicans on the economy, healthcare, equality etc. So until they change their core values, I can't even consider voting for them. On the flipside there are Republicans who feel the same about gay marriage, abortion, gun laws etc. These are issues that haven't changed in generations.

You're absolutely right, but unfortunately I believe that that majority of voters with both parties would vote with the party regardless of the issues.

if in 2016, the next Democratic candidate proposed a program where African Americans worked in agriculture for room and board, most registered Democrats (of all races) would still vote Democrat because they feel like they are supposed to

(that may have been a poor example)

Definitely a poor example. :lol: But I get the gist of what you're trying to say. I feel like people don't really know or care to know enough about politics to think outside of a bi-partisan political system. As you stated, people are so tied to their party that they may not even vote for some one that fits what they're looking for in a candidate.
Definitely a poor example. :lol: But I get the gist of what you're trying to say. I feel like people don't really know or care to know enough about politics to think outside of a bi-partisan political system. As you stated, people are so tied to their party that they may not even vote for some one that fits what they're looking for in a candidate.

I saw a dude on tv who was on Medicare, but was in favor on Ryan's bill to cut Medicare, because he doesn't believe in government handouts.
Bruh theres more poor white folks than poor black people in this country

100% Truth. WE as a community always have certain people that seem to embrace ignorance and foolish which would explain why we are currently behind a a group while others are ahead of us. I can't think of any other community that goes around proudly saying "I'm not going to vote". What kind foolishnes is that?? Some of you dudes in here are really going to have to step ya'll game up and learn how and why things are done. Be active and get involved.
Lupe can be the most "socially conscious" rapper (whatever that even means) but he comes off incredibly ignorant. Not voting in a representational government and then moaning about how bad things are. Makes no sense. If you think the system is broken, do something about it! Not voting and rapping about how hard it still is gets you no where. Again, the average person holding these views... whatever. Believe whatever you want. Lupe has an audience. He has a soapbox to spout his ignorance. Just because you say a couple things right doesn't validate everything you say.
You can't refuse to vote and then also refuse to do nothing. 

If you don't like it, reform it or support someone you do like. 
Of all deplorable things rappers say, singling out Lupe for these comments is straight up booty.

You can talk about crack, ******, destroying your community, selling sex, but politics is off limits. >D
Of all deplorable things rappers say, singling out Lupe for these comments is straight up booty.

You can talk about crack, ******, destroying your community, selling sex, but politics is off limits.
I'm glad you like Lupe so much.

Please tell me what his solutions are other than complaining like some freshman college student. 

Again, if we take Lupe at his word, we would never vote in ANY system. Are we going to seek reforms or just whine about it?
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I'm glad you like Lupe so much.

Please tell me what his solutions are other than complaining like some freshman college student. 

Again, if we take Lupe at his word, we would never vote in ANY system. Are we going to seek reforms or just whine about it?

You again withthese broad sweeping generalizations.

If someone can't make a comment without having a pointed plan to make change in any instance, the world would have to be quieter.

You probably would have to speak a lot less than you do now too.

You can complain about the summer heat without having to be a climate scientist trying to cool the planet down.
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I'm glad you like Lupe so much.

Please tell me what his solutions are other than complaining like some freshman college student. 

Again, if we take Lupe at his word, we would never vote in ANY system. Are we going to seek reforms or just whine about it?

You again withthese broad sweeping generalizations.

If someone can't make a comment without having a pointed plan to make change in any instance, the world would have to be quieter.
Actually, Lupe is doing people a disservice because there are a LOT of kids who look up to him so if he isn't going to suggest an alternative way to push for a system he would actually participate in, then all hes doing is encouraging complete and utter apathy.

If you don't like voting in the current system, present a system that you WILL enjoy voting in, otherwise dismantling the system with nothing to replace is won't fix the initial problems voting is meant to address. 
You probably would have to speak a lot less than you do now too.
Accountability is tough, isn't it?
You can complain about the summer heat without having to be a climate scientist trying to cool the planet down.

Thats not even the same thing. Climate change addresses systemic and periodic increases in climate temperature year round...complaining about the heat is just complaining about the heat on a random day.

Its like saying "i hate election season" but that doesn't mean you have to get rid of the system. 

However, Lupe is the equivalent of an alarmist climate scientist who isn't willing to do anything to change the environment. 
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Actually, Lupe is doing people a disservice because there are a LOT of kids who look up to him so if he isn't going to suggest an alternative way to push for a system he would actually participate in, then all hes doing is encouraging complete and utter apathy.

If you don't like voting in the current system, present a system that you WILL enjoy voting in, otherwise dismantling the system with nothing to replace is won't fix the initial problems voting is meant to address. 

Accountability is tough, isn't it?


Thats not even the same thing. Climate change addresses systemic and periodic increases in climate temperature year round...complaining about the heat is just complaining about the heat on a random day.

Its like saying "i hate election season" but that doesn't mean you have to get rid of the system. 

However, Lupe is the equivalent of an alarmist climate scientist who isn't willing to do anything to change the environment. 

How you gonna co sign a rapper telling kids about sippin lean and selling sex, but totally bash another rapper because he states his opinion on voting?

Sounds kinda hypocritical...

And Lupe has not done nothing. He has been interviewed by news outlets which give him a platform to raise awareness to his opinion. That is much more than doing nothing.

How many more people in the world have become more educated on the voting system in lieu of his comments? How many people do you think that never researched voting past a tv commercial do you think have gone out to research the true nature of the voting system? Whether you agree with him or not, it has sparked a debate around voting.

If you find it okay to endorse a rapper rapping about a lifestyle that leads to nowhere versus the rapper bringing social and political issues to the media spotlight with their celebrity, something is seriously broken about your logic or media has you caught up completely.
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Actually, Lupe is doing people a disservice because there are a LOT of kids who look up to him so if he isn't going to suggest an alternative way to push for a system he would actually participate in, then all hes doing is encouraging complete and utter apathy.

If you don't like voting in the current system, present a system that you WILL enjoy voting in, otherwise dismantling the system with nothing to replace is won't fix the initial problems voting is meant to address. 

Accountability is tough, isn't it?


Thats not even the same thing. Climate change addresses systemic and periodic increases in climate temperature year round...complaining about the heat is just complaining about the heat on a random day.

Its like saying "i hate election season" but that doesn't mean you have to get rid of the system. 

However, Lupe is the equivalent of an alarmist climate scientist who isn't willing to do anything to change the environment. 

How you gonna co sign a rapper telling kids about sippin lean and selling sex, but totally bash another rapper because he states his opinion on voting?

Sounds kinda hypocritical...
Who am I cosigning?

This is my point. I'm not co-signing anyone.

But if you're GOING to speak out, make it worth it. 

Just saying "Hey kids, don't vote" doesn't solve anything if you're NOT pushing for a system you WOULD vote for. Its a wasted opportunity to actually change things in the way that Lupe would be happy with. He's just content with half-****** it though. 

Lupe is baiting yall. If he really cared, he'd have SOMETHING constructive to say. Thats what constructive criticism is in the first place. Anyone can critique the system. Thats the easiest thing to do. 

Ok. You don't like the system. Now what? What system makes you happy? 
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Who am I cosigning?

This is my point. I'm not co-signing anyone.

But if you're GOING to speak out, make it worth it. 

Just saying "Hey kids, don't vote" doesn't solve anything if you're NOT pushing for a system you WOULD vote for. Its a wasted opportunity to actually change things in the way that Lupe would be happy with. He's just content with half-****** it though. 

Lupe is baiting yall. If he really cared, he'd have SOMETHING constructive to say. Thats what constructive criticism is in the first place. Anyone can critique the system. Thats the easiest thing to do. 

Ok. You don't like the system. Now what? What system makes you happy? 

How you gonna act like your post in the Music forum don't exist????

You act like as soon as somebody in the media says anything about the gov't taking care of the people they won't be called a socialist/ communist. Easiest way to get black balled from everything.

McCarthyism?? Red Scare? China?
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Who am I cosigning?

This is my point. I'm not co-signing anyone.

But if you're GOING to speak out, make it worth it. 

Just saying "Hey kids, don't vote" doesn't solve anything if you're NOT pushing for a system you WOULD vote for. Its a wasted opportunity to actually change things in the way that Lupe would be happy with. He's just content with half-****** it though. 

Lupe is baiting yall. If he really cared, he'd have SOMETHING constructive to say. Thats what constructive criticism is in the first place. Anyone can critique the system. Thats the easiest thing to do. 

Ok. You don't like the system. Now what? What system makes you happy? 
How you gonna act like your post in the Music forum don't exist????

Because music isn't representative of where I make political statements?  

Music is entertainment to me. I have better role models than "rappers" and "movie stars" 

I have actual means to gain inspiration things like...books, educators, actual professionals etc. You know. Things that matter? 

Artists have no moral obligation to their followers or their communities other than to their own craft and freedom of expression. I'm as much of a fan of Flocka as I am Phonte. 

Lupe or Talib isn't the extent of my political education. 

I like music that sounds good first of all. Then the message is secondary. 

But lupe wasn't speaking as a musician here. He was making a political statement and is trolling the entire process by misleading a bunch of people with poorly reasoned comments without any vision or context thats of benefit to anyone who hears him. 

Again, I don't discredit his sincerity or opinion, but its lazy for him to not assert a system that he actually would like to see. Encouraging apathy doesn't solve your problem with voting. 
You act like as soon as somebody in the media says anything about the gov't taking care of the people they won't be called a socialist/ communist. Easiest way to get black balled from everything.

McCarthyism?? Red Scare? China?
Yo lay off the Glenn Beck pops bruh. 

Son what are you talking about?

I don't care what Lupe's opinion is. He isn't changing a damn thing because he doesn't ASSERT any damn thing.

He's unhappy. Boo-hoo. Now what.

Is he just going to sit there and complain? Does he have ANY solutions?

Mind you, I don't disagree with him.

Its just that he is LITERALLY doing the least he could do.

NOT ONCE did he offer a solution.



STRAIGHT complaints. 

If he had even said "yo, I just want us to have a system that I'd like to participate in" or "I wish we could have direct voting" etc. 


But not. Hes the "rebel"...right? 

Screw the system. Whatevers in place, screw it. 

He's lazy. 
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Because music isn't representative of where I make political statements?  :lol: ...duh? 

Music is entertainment to me. I have better role models than "rappers" and "movie stars" 

I have actual means to gain inspiration things like...books, educators, actual professionals etc. You know. Things that matter? :lol:

Artists have no moral obligation to their followers or their communities other than to their own craft and freedom of expression. I'm as much of a fan of Flocka as I am Phonte. 

Lupe or Talib isn't the extent of my political education. 

I like music that sounds good first of all. Then the message is secondary. 

But lupe wasn't speaking as a musician here. He was making a political statement and is trolling the entire process by misleading a bunch of people with poorly reasoned comments without any vision or context thats of benefit to anyone who hears him. 

Again, I don't discredit his sincerity or opinion, but its lazy for him to not assert a system that he actually would like to see. Encouraging apathy doesn't solve your problem with voting. 

you not really bout to switch your argument up like that are? Really?

In a matter of pages artist go from having a moral obligation to their fans to "Artists have no moral obligation to their followers or their communities other than to their own craft and freedom of expression"??
Because music isn't representative of where I make political statements?  

Music is entertainment to me. I have better role models than "rappers" and "movie stars" 

I have actual means to gain inspiration things like...books, educators, actual professionals etc. You know. Things that matter? 

Artists have no moral obligation to their followers or their communities other than to their own craft and freedom of expression. I'm as much of a fan of Flocka as I am Phonte. 

Lupe or Talib isn't the extent of my political education. 

I like music that sounds good first of all. Then the message is secondary. 

But lupe wasn't speaking as a musician here. He was making a political statement and is trolling the entire process by misleading a bunch of people with poorly reasoned comments without any vision or context thats of benefit to anyone who hears him. 

Again, I don't discredit his sincerity or opinion, but its lazy for him to not assert a system that he actually would like to see. Encouraging apathy doesn't solve your problem with voting. 

you not really bout to switch your argument up like that are? Really?

In a matter of pages artist go from having a moral obligation to their fans to "Artists have no moral obligation to their followers or their communities other than to their own craft and freedom of expression"??
1. Lupe has no obligation to do anything. He is justified in saying what he wants, however he wants to, to whatever extent he wants to.

2. I think Lupe is being lazy in the extent of his argument. Just because thats his stance doesn't mean I have to be content with it and support that. I support his freedom of speech, but I do not agree with the extent of his sentiments and his lack of a thorough comment on the matter. I feel that he had the opportunity to do MUCH more and he failed. Complaining is one-half of the process, the easiest part of the process. I think he's somewhat of a consistent under-performer in his activism in this regard. 
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I don't know HOW he managed, but Bill is a MASSIVE troll. Dude is on that kool-aid too. 

I don't disagree with Lupe...I just think he could have done SO MUCH MORE. Thats my problem.

He just doesn't understand the extent of his comments man. Dude doesn't take the time to get his message across in ways that don't force him to back-track. Thats why I think hes so irresponsible. 

Does he really think Fox would matter? Why isn't he on CNN or MSNBC? His PR people should be smacked. He didn't challenge Bill on anything because to Bill's audience, Lupe looks like some degenerate loser. 

And his voting comments? Still very reckless. Its easy to say "you don't vote" when you don't suggest a system you WOULD vote for. 
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I don't want to evoke the wrath of silly putty but what Lupe is doing is his part. His complaining on his platform is sparking thought and interest in things people don't normally talk about or consider. Even if he isn't giving answers...he is making people think about what the answer to these problems could be. Almost everyone votes for the lesser of two evils which is kind of a flawed system. So how does he combat that? He speaks on the problems.

He also does a lot of good. I don't know if anyone knows of his foundations to help feed the needy as well as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation.

And if he doesn't want to vote because he doesn't like either candidate that's fine with me. You can not vote and still complain. Just using the right to vote by going to the polls and writing in your own name for that worth it? Because you are voting? You fought for this right so you should use it in any capacity? Idk the answer but to me that may seem worthless.

I just respect him for not backing down on what he believes. He sparks conversation on real issues...i think that is beneficial.
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I don't want to evoke the wrath of silly putty but what Lupe is doing is his part. His complaining on his platform is sparking thought and interest in things people don't normally talk about or consider. Even if he isn't giving answers...he is making people think about what the answer to these problems could be. Almost everyone votes for the lesser of two evils which is kind of a flawed system. So how does he combat that? He speaks on the problems.

He also does a lot of good. I don't know if anyone knows of his foundations to help feed the needy as well as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation.

And if he doesn't want to vote because he doesn't like either candidate that's fine with me. You can not vote and still complain. Just using the right to vote by going to the polls and writing in your own name for that worth it? Because you are voting? You fought for this right so you should use it in any capacity? Idk the answer but to me that may seem worthless.

I just respect him for not backing down on what he believes. He sparks conversation on real issues...i think that is beneficial.
I dont doubt his sincerity but you can't tell people to just be apathetic. 

You just can't. 

If you choose not to vote, then what other civic actions are you engaging in to change things to an environment that you would enjoy voting in?

Plus, him being on Fox News works against him. He gets to brag to black america how he challenged big bad oreilly. OReilly gets to reinforce to his audience how he put the black rapper in his place, a far larger and influential audience. Thats why his PR sucks IMO. The goal is to win, is it not? 

Voting may be flawed, but choosing to abstain from the civic duty you have ACTIVELY rejected speaks to the fact that you DO care, so you should act like you want to fix things. 
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I don't want to evoke the wrath of silly putty but what Lupe is doing is his part. His complaining on his platform is sparking thought and interest in things people don't normally talk about or consider. Even if he isn't giving answers...he is making people think about what the answer to these problems could be. Almost everyone votes for the lesser of two evils which is kind of a flawed system. So how does he combat that? He speaks on the problems.

He also does a lot of good. I don't know if anyone knows of his foundations to help feed the needy as well as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation.

And if he doesn't want to vote because he doesn't like either candidate that's fine with me. You can not vote and still complain. Just using the right to vote by going to the polls and writing in your own name for that worth it? Because you are voting? You fought for this right so you should use it in any capacity? Idk the answer but to me that may seem worthless.

I just respect him for not backing down on what he believes. He sparks conversation on real issues...i think that is beneficial.
I dont doubt his sincerity but you can't tell people to just be apathetic. 

You just can't. 

If you choose not to vote, then what other civic actions are you engaging in to change things to an environment that you would enjoy voting in?

Plus, him being on Fox News works against him. He gets to brag to black america how he challenged big bad oreilly. OReilly gets to reinforce to his audience how he put the black rapper in his place, a far larger and influential audience. Thats why his PR sucks IMO. The goal is to win, is it not? 

Voting may be flawed, but choosing to abstain from the civic duty you have ACTIVELY rejected speaks to the fact that you DO care, so you should act like you want to fix things. 

I hear you and that does make a lot of sense but what is he supposed to do?

He is a self proclaimed peace lover. He has foundations set up to change what he sees wrong in the world. Feeds the needy, his foundation for the arts and expression. He supported the Occupy movement very well. But what is he supposed to do really? He can't bring troops back from war, he can't tell the fed to stop printing money and lowering the value of our dollar. There is only so much one person can do and I think he is doing way more then DL Hugely.
I don't want to evoke the wrath of silly putty but what Lupe is doing is his part. His complaining on his platform is sparking thought and interest in things people don't normally talk about or consider. Even if he isn't giving answers...he is making people think about what the answer to these problems could be. Almost everyone votes for the lesser of two evils which is kind of a flawed system. So how does he combat that? He speaks on the problems.

He also does a lot of good. I don't know if anyone knows of his foundations to help feed the needy as well as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation.

And if he doesn't want to vote because he doesn't like either candidate that's fine with me. You can not vote and still complain. Just using the right to vote by going to the polls and writing in your own name for that worth it? Because you are voting? You fought for this right so you should use it in any capacity? Idk the answer but to me that may seem worthless.

I just respect him for not backing down on what he believes. He sparks conversation on real issues...i think that is beneficial.
I dont doubt his sincerity but you can't tell people to just be apathetic. 

You just can't. 

If you choose not to vote, then what other civic actions are you engaging in to change things to an environment that you would enjoy voting in?

Plus, him being on Fox News works against him. He gets to brag to black america how he challenged big bad oreilly. OReilly gets to reinforce to his audience how he put the black rapper in his place, a far larger and influential audience. Thats why his PR sucks IMO. The goal is to win, is it not? 

Voting may be flawed, but choosing to abstain from the civic duty you have ACTIVELY rejected speaks to the fact that you DO care, so you should act like you want to fix things. 
I hear you and that does make a lot of sense but what is he supposed to do?

He is a self proclaimed peace lover. He has foundations set up to change what he sees wrong in the world. Feeds the needy, his foundation for the arts and expression. He supported the Occupy movement very well. But what is he supposed to do really? He can't bring troops back from war, he can't tell the fed to stop printing money and lowering the value of our dollar. There is only so much one person can do and I think he is doing way more then DL Hugely.
I'm not complacent with his response on this matter and I don't see why I should lower my standards because "its Lupe." 

No one is asking him to punish bankers for the LIBOR scandal. I'm just saying that championing voter apathy without substituting any means for a system you WOULD vote for is just lazy. 
I don't want to evoke the wrath of silly putty but what Lupe is doing is his part. His complaining on his platform is sparking thought and interest in things people don't normally talk about or consider. Even if he isn't giving answers...he is making people think about what the answer to these problems could be. Almost everyone votes for the lesser of two evils which is kind of a flawed system. So how does he combat that? He speaks on the problems.

He also does a lot of good. I don't know if anyone knows of his foundations to help feed the needy as well as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation.

And if he doesn't want to vote because he doesn't like either candidate that's fine with me. You can not vote and still complain. Just using the right to vote by going to the polls and writing in your own name for that worth it? Because you are voting? You fought for this right so you should use it in any capacity? Idk the answer but to me that may seem worthless.

I just respect him for not backing down on what he believes. He sparks conversation on real issues...i think that is beneficial.
I dont doubt his sincerity but you can't tell people to just be apathetic. 

You just can't. 

If you choose not to vote, then what other civic actions are you engaging in to change things to an environment that you would enjoy voting in?

Plus, him being on Fox News works against him. He gets to brag to black america how he challenged big bad oreilly. OReilly gets to reinforce to his audience how he put the black rapper in his place, a far larger and influential audience. Thats why his PR sucks IMO. The goal is to win, is it not? 

Voting may be flawed, but choosing to abstain from the civic duty you have ACTIVELY rejected speaks to the fact that you DO care, so you should act like you want to fix things. 

I hear you and that does make a lot of sense but what is he supposed to do?

He is a self proclaimed peace lover. He has foundations set up to change what he sees wrong in the world. Feeds the needy, his foundation for the arts and expression. He supported the Occupy movement very well. But what is he supposed to do really? He can't bring troops back from war, he can't tell the fed to stop printing money and lowering the value of our dollar. There is only so much one person can do and I think he is doing way more then DL Hugely.
I'm not complacent with his response on this matter and I don't see why I should lower my standards because "its Lupe." 

No one is asking him to punish bankers for the LIBOR scandal. I'm just saying that championing voter apathy without substituting any means for a system you WOULD vote for is just lazy. 

I do agree with that :smokin well said sir
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