Mac Responds to Vista Ads

I have Vista and I like it. The only thing that stood out to me with the Mac was the icondock on the desktop but since there is a program to put one on a PC,it doesnt stand out anymore.

I dont know why people keep comparing the two they are almost the same.

i dont know about yall, but ive had the same ibook with little or no problems since 2002. I just recently (today) bought a macbook pro to retire my oldibook. How many of you pc owners can say that you've had the same laptop with little or no problems for 6+ years.
good commercial
Before people start saying "Oh, Mac started spending the money on ads, blah blah blah..." you have to understand that Microsoft spent$300 MILLION on the current campaign with Jerry Seinfeld.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriate for the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you own more of?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.[/color]
So you want a Mac because it looks cool? You can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less in a PC. Same exact processor, same HD, same memory sticks, same graphics card, same everything.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Yep. if you get starburys instead of jordans, you can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less than Jordans. Same exact laces, same material used to make the whole shoe. all you pay for is a symbol of jordan. same with apple, all you pay for is a light on the back which shines through the apple logo.[/color]
So wait are you admitting you're buying a computer off name recognition and to be hip?
Originally Posted by alejanz28

i dont know about yall, but ive had the same ibook with little or no problems since 2002. I just recently (today) bought a macbook pro to retire my old ibook. How many of you pc owners can say that you've had the same laptop with little or no problems for 6+ years. Toshiba Satellite is about 4 years old and has XP on it...still running smooth and fast as hell
My Ibook= crashed and is ducked off in a closet somewhere.
My Dell w/ vista= well you're reading this aren't you

i do prefer macs tho, they're just more fun.
Both OS' are very very similar, its really pretty much indistinguishable. For all of you PC people who are saying you can get the same system as a mac for$500 or whatever, show me where. Yes a mac costs a little more than a PC with similar parts, but its more like 100-200 dollars. and don't say you can buildit cheaper, we all know that. But you're in a very small minority that can build computers. I could get all the individual parts to build a ford for a lotcheaper than the full ford off a showroom floor, but I might be in the 1% of people that can do that.

Plus Macs look so much better aestetically. They actually pay a lot of attention to their case designs, while every PC company seems to design cases as anafterthought.
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by SGS MM

lol ... seriously ... who is winning this war?
seems to me that Mac started the AD war!

Exactly. Mac is hypocritical for saying that MS spends too much on advertising when Mac started all these ads to begin with. Looks like Mac is using Karl Rove campain tactics.
Apple can spend money an advertisement because Mac and OS are solid. Vista on the other hand
since we're talking about macs and pc's, how does one use like microsoft word, excel, and publisher on a mac?? i'm looking to buy a new computerand i'm thinking of buying a mac because all my life i've had pcs and i would like to have a change and try out macs for a little bit. and see thedifference for my self and then decide what i like better.
i don't know why but we've got vista at work and i hate it. so this commercial is pretty much accurate to what they do to fix the problems with it
I still don't see the substantial difference between a Mac and PC.

Considering that you have comparable components and hardware, I don't see how a regular user can so brazenly pick a Mac over a PC.

Unless you are doing film editing and maybe some high-end graphic design, a Mac should be no different performance-wise with a PC.

And addressing some of the issues people usually bring up:

"PC's always get viruses"
This is something that's up to the user. I've been using a PC for more than a decade and have never received a virus on my computer.

"PC's crash all the time"
What are you using that your PC crashes? Usually when my PC crashes I usually expect it. I always try to max the performance of my computer and in doing so Irun more programs than I should. Like I stated above though, it's all up to the user to prevent these crashes.

And I mean, really, what do most people use computer's for nowadays?

- E-mail
- Web browsing
- Word processing
- Viewing multimedia (DVD's, photos, etc...)
- Downloading

I have a hard time believing that a Windows based system is that inept that it cannot handle those tasks with relative ease.

Like all things with technology, the device is only as good as the user is.

And before anyone asks, yes, I do own a Mac. A Mac Pro to be exact, which is IMO the only true work-horse that is worthy of any hype. I mean, on top of havinga 2 Quad-Core processors, the memory is expandable to 32GB for goodness sakes.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriate for the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you own more of?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.[/color]
So you want a Mac because it looks cool? You can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less in a PC. Same exact processor, same HD, same memory sticks, same graphics card, same everything.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Yep. if you get starburys instead of jordans, you can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less than Jordans. Same exact laces, same material used to make the whole shoe. all you pay for is a symbol of jordan. same with apple, all you pay for is a light on the back which shines through the apple logo.[/color]
So wait are you admitting you're buying a computer off name recognition and to be hip?
Scott isnt that like 96.567% of mac owners?
Thesemacbook owners have a beast laptop in their hands but dont know how to put it to its full potential. All they do is browse the web, email, instant message,and ohhh look cool the most important thing.
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