Macho Man Dead - Pg 12 | WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/22 Pg 23 - Orton vs Christian, Cena vs Miz

i havent watched wrestling in so long but these new crop of wwe divas 
– The return of the Raw Roulette is being advertised to take place at the June 27 Monday Night Rawtaping at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Two episodes of Raware being taped that night due to WWE’s subsequent tour of Australia. The advertised main event features John Cena vs. The Miz for the WWE Championship.
– The return of the Raw Roulette is being advertised to take place at the June 27 Monday Night Rawtaping at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Two episodes of Raware being taped that night due to WWE’s subsequent tour of Australia. The advertised main event features John Cena vs. The Miz for the WWE Championship.

i will be posting my over the limit predictions at 7 pm

i know its probably the most highly anticipated event in the NTWE, i wont let u guys down

i will be posting my over the limit predictions at 7 pm

i know its probably the most highly anticipated event in the NTWE, i wont let u guys down
About to head to Seattle for Over The Limit.

I'll have live notes and maybe some pictures for you guys later.
About to head to Seattle for Over The Limit.

I'll have live notes and maybe some pictures for you guys later.
Originally Posted by YardFather

About to head to Seattle for Over The Limit.

I'll have live notes and maybe some pictures for you guys later.

Have a good time.  Hope the show isn't a dud.
*Working on the preview now.  Will be up in about an hour.
Originally Posted by YardFather

About to head to Seattle for Over The Limit.

I'll have live notes and maybe some pictures for you guys later.

Have a good time.  Hope the show isn't a dud.
*Working on the preview now.  Will be up in about an hour.

This is going to be one of my briefer PPV previews.  The show starts soon, I'm hungry and want to make dinner, and it's not exactly the most intriguing WWE show.  WWE has had three weeks to put this show together since Extreme Rules, but it was really only two weeks (at least for Raw), since the Raw after the show was built around The Rock's birthday.  Ratings for that show were very disappointing, and have been dropping since to the very low 3.0 range.  WWE seems to be in their usual summer lull which we should expect every year, but it's still frustrating to sit through this period.  And for full disclosure, I have not watched Smackdown since Extreme Rules because I've been boycotting the show because of them taking the title off Christian two nights after winning it and giving it to Randy Orton.  Let's get to the card.


R-Truth vs Rey Mysterio

This may not seem like it, but I would say this is the most important match of the show.  WWE is so desperately in need of new stars, and while Truth may be 40, he's still in good shape and has been rejuvenated since turning heel, so this is a huge match for him.  He's working with Mysterio, one of the best workers in the company, so there is no excuse for a bad match.  Rey is the #2 babyface on Raw, so based on WWE's history, he would normally get the win here, but if WWE is serious about creating a new star, Truth really needs a clean win here.  I could see them doing an angle where somehow Truth is screwed out of a victory because that could continue with the storyline of the 'angry black man' being held down, but really, just give Truth the win here.

Prediction: R-Truth


Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole - Kiss My Foot Match

Remember when this was the hottest program in WWE.  The hottest program leading into WrestleMania?  That seems like ages ago.  This feud has so run it's course.  Having two awful matches, on back to back PPVs, especially WrestleMania, has not helped this program one bit.  They've not resorted to Cole repeatedly insulting Lawler's recently passed mother.  Besides being a Kiss My Foot match, if Cole wins, Lawler has to give him his Hall of Fame ring and induct him into the Hall of Fame.  With Lawler getting the better of Cole the past two weeks on Raw, I have an awful feeling Cole sneaks out another win here, but PLEASE, just have Lawler finally get a clean win and end this damn program.

Prediction: Jerry Lawler


Sin Cara vs Chavo Guerrero

This should be nothing more than a showcase match for Sin Cara.  He'll be on live TV, so the pressure will be on.

Prediction: Sin Cara


Brie Bella (c) vs Kelly Kelly - WWE Divas Championship Match

I think Kelly Kelly gets the win here and while celebrating her first title victory (How amazing is it that she's never been champion the way they pass the title around?), Kharma comes out and takes her out.

Prediction: Kelly Kelly - New Divas Champion


Wade Barrett (c) vs Ezekiel Jackson - Intercontinental Championship Match

With me not having watched Smackdown, I really don't have a lot to say here.  I don't know how high WWE is on Jackson, but to me, Barrett has far more upside.  However, Zeke is more muscular, so I'll predict he gets the win despite interference from The Corre.

Prediction: Ezekiel Jackson - New Intercontinental Champion


The Big Show and Kane (c) vs CM Punk and Mason Ryan - WWE Tag Team Championship Match

I have no interest in Show and Kane.  This match comes down to two things.  1) How much time do they give Ryan in the ring?  Because working with either Show or Kane, it's going to be ugly.  And 2) What is Punk's contract situation with WWE?  If Punk gets pinned clean, it likely means he is on his way out.  However, I just think Punk is staying around, so I'm going to say that Punk and Ryan win the titles.

Prediction: CM Punk and Mason Ryan - New WWE Tag Team Champions


Randy Orton (c) vs Christian - World Heavyweight Championship Match

We all know about this one.  Christian won a ladder match three weeks ago at Extreme Rules to win his first WWE Heavyweight Title of his 16 year career.  He celebrated with Edge in the ring in a great moment.  Then two nights later, Randy Orton defeated Christian to win his gazillionth title.  Yes, it was a good match, but still, WWE really couldn't have given Christian at least a one PPV title run?  What harm could it have possibly done?  It's not like Smackdown does big ratings anyway.  Christian as champ isn't going to make any difference than Orton as champ.  And for house shows, it's the same match, Christian vs Orton, so what is the big deal if Christian is the one with the title?  Anyway, I'm still really pissed about how Christian was treated, but it certainly appears that they are in the process of turning Christian heel.  Maybe it's for the best that he didn't hold the title, because if he did, he would probably still be jobbing to Orton even as champion.  He would be another Mysterio, Swagger, or Miz.  A champion who never wins.  So if this heel turn helps to get him even more over, maybe it's for the best.

This should be a good match, maybe the best match of the show.  I fully expect Orton to get the win here, but I just hope it isn't by a clean RKO in the middle of the ring.  They need to protect Christian here.

Prediction: Randy Orton - Retains World Heavyweight Title


John Cena (c) vs The Miz - WWE Championship "I Quit" Match

This program isn't as bad as Lawler and Cole, but this is another feud that needs to come to an end tonight.  The Miz got this title shot be winning a three way between Alberto Del Rio (conspicuously left off tonight's show) and Rey Mysterio.  After the match, Cena announced it would be an I Quit match.  My initial reaction was Cena has one submission and The Miz has no submissions, but then you look back and see that I Quit matches don't necessarily need to be won by submission.  You can beat your opponent so badly that they quit, and this is what is what The Miz tried to get over on Monday when he attacked Cena with a steel pipe.  However, Cena went into full on Superman mode by not only no selling getting hit with a steel pipe, but then beating down both The Miz AND Alex Riley.  It's this type of booking with Cena that makes fans hate him so much.

For tonight, I don't see anything other than Cena making The Miz quit to retain the title.  I'm sticking with the idea that Cena is holding the title all the way through WrestleMania for his match with The Rock.  Likely after tonight, they will start building towards Cena's next program with Alberto Del Rio.

And just for one alternative theory, Cena did say the words "I Quit" leading up to this match.  So Alex Riley may tamper with the PA system and have them replay the sound byte of Cena saying "I Quit" without him actually quitting in the match allowing The Miz to get the cheap win.  I don't see it happening this way, but it could be an interesting swerve.

Prediction: John Cena - Retains WWE Championship

So there's tonight's show.  I know our own YardFather will be there, and the Seattle crowd should be pretty good.  Remember, asking for streams in any way will get you suspended.

This is going to be one of my briefer PPV previews.  The show starts soon, I'm hungry and want to make dinner, and it's not exactly the most intriguing WWE show.  WWE has had three weeks to put this show together since Extreme Rules, but it was really only two weeks (at least for Raw), since the Raw after the show was built around The Rock's birthday.  Ratings for that show were very disappointing, and have been dropping since to the very low 3.0 range.  WWE seems to be in their usual summer lull which we should expect every year, but it's still frustrating to sit through this period.  And for full disclosure, I have not watched Smackdown since Extreme Rules because I've been boycotting the show because of them taking the title off Christian two nights after winning it and giving it to Randy Orton.  Let's get to the card.


R-Truth vs Rey Mysterio

This may not seem like it, but I would say this is the most important match of the show.  WWE is so desperately in need of new stars, and while Truth may be 40, he's still in good shape and has been rejuvenated since turning heel, so this is a huge match for him.  He's working with Mysterio, one of the best workers in the company, so there is no excuse for a bad match.  Rey is the #2 babyface on Raw, so based on WWE's history, he would normally get the win here, but if WWE is serious about creating a new star, Truth really needs a clean win here.  I could see them doing an angle where somehow Truth is screwed out of a victory because that could continue with the storyline of the 'angry black man' being held down, but really, just give Truth the win here.

Prediction: R-Truth


Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole - Kiss My Foot Match

Remember when this was the hottest program in WWE.  The hottest program leading into WrestleMania?  That seems like ages ago.  This feud has so run it's course.  Having two awful matches, on back to back PPVs, especially WrestleMania, has not helped this program one bit.  They've not resorted to Cole repeatedly insulting Lawler's recently passed mother.  Besides being a Kiss My Foot match, if Cole wins, Lawler has to give him his Hall of Fame ring and induct him into the Hall of Fame.  With Lawler getting the better of Cole the past two weeks on Raw, I have an awful feeling Cole sneaks out another win here, but PLEASE, just have Lawler finally get a clean win and end this damn program.

Prediction: Jerry Lawler


Sin Cara vs Chavo Guerrero

This should be nothing more than a showcase match for Sin Cara.  He'll be on live TV, so the pressure will be on.

Prediction: Sin Cara


Brie Bella (c) vs Kelly Kelly - WWE Divas Championship Match

I think Kelly Kelly gets the win here and while celebrating her first title victory (How amazing is it that she's never been champion the way they pass the title around?), Kharma comes out and takes her out.

Prediction: Kelly Kelly - New Divas Champion


Wade Barrett (c) vs Ezekiel Jackson - Intercontinental Championship Match

With me not having watched Smackdown, I really don't have a lot to say here.  I don't know how high WWE is on Jackson, but to me, Barrett has far more upside.  However, Zeke is more muscular, so I'll predict he gets the win despite interference from The Corre.

Prediction: Ezekiel Jackson - New Intercontinental Champion


The Big Show and Kane (c) vs CM Punk and Mason Ryan - WWE Tag Team Championship Match

I have no interest in Show and Kane.  This match comes down to two things.  1) How much time do they give Ryan in the ring?  Because working with either Show or Kane, it's going to be ugly.  And 2) What is Punk's contract situation with WWE?  If Punk gets pinned clean, it likely means he is on his way out.  However, I just think Punk is staying around, so I'm going to say that Punk and Ryan win the titles.

Prediction: CM Punk and Mason Ryan - New WWE Tag Team Champions


Randy Orton (c) vs Christian - World Heavyweight Championship Match

We all know about this one.  Christian won a ladder match three weeks ago at Extreme Rules to win his first WWE Heavyweight Title of his 16 year career.  He celebrated with Edge in the ring in a great moment.  Then two nights later, Randy Orton defeated Christian to win his gazillionth title.  Yes, it was a good match, but still, WWE really couldn't have given Christian at least a one PPV title run?  What harm could it have possibly done?  It's not like Smackdown does big ratings anyway.  Christian as champ isn't going to make any difference than Orton as champ.  And for house shows, it's the same match, Christian vs Orton, so what is the big deal if Christian is the one with the title?  Anyway, I'm still really pissed about how Christian was treated, but it certainly appears that they are in the process of turning Christian heel.  Maybe it's for the best that he didn't hold the title, because if he did, he would probably still be jobbing to Orton even as champion.  He would be another Mysterio, Swagger, or Miz.  A champion who never wins.  So if this heel turn helps to get him even more over, maybe it's for the best.

This should be a good match, maybe the best match of the show.  I fully expect Orton to get the win here, but I just hope it isn't by a clean RKO in the middle of the ring.  They need to protect Christian here.

Prediction: Randy Orton - Retains World Heavyweight Title


John Cena (c) vs The Miz - WWE Championship "I Quit" Match

This program isn't as bad as Lawler and Cole, but this is another feud that needs to come to an end tonight.  The Miz got this title shot be winning a three way between Alberto Del Rio (conspicuously left off tonight's show) and Rey Mysterio.  After the match, Cena announced it would be an I Quit match.  My initial reaction was Cena has one submission and The Miz has no submissions, but then you look back and see that I Quit matches don't necessarily need to be won by submission.  You can beat your opponent so badly that they quit, and this is what is what The Miz tried to get over on Monday when he attacked Cena with a steel pipe.  However, Cena went into full on Superman mode by not only no selling getting hit with a steel pipe, but then beating down both The Miz AND Alex Riley.  It's this type of booking with Cena that makes fans hate him so much.

For tonight, I don't see anything other than Cena making The Miz quit to retain the title.  I'm sticking with the idea that Cena is holding the title all the way through WrestleMania for his match with The Rock.  Likely after tonight, they will start building towards Cena's next program with Alberto Del Rio.

And just for one alternative theory, Cena did say the words "I Quit" leading up to this match.  So Alex Riley may tamper with the PA system and have them replay the sound byte of Cena saying "I Quit" without him actually quitting in the match allowing The Miz to get the cheap win.  I don't see it happening this way, but it could be an interesting swerve.

Prediction: John Cena - Retains WWE Championship

So there's tonight's show.  I know our own YardFather will be there, and the Seattle crowd should be pretty good.  Remember, asking for streams in any way will get you suspended.
¤ GHIMS Over The Limit Predictions ¤

Divas title
Brie Bella (C) VS Kelly Kelly ¦ Winner = Kelly Kelly New Divas Champion

After the match, kharma comes out, flicks Kelly Kelly on the forehead again.

R-Truth VS Rey Mysterio
Winner = R-Truth

He needs the victory here if they want ppl to take him serious as a heel. Rey can get the W at the next ppv or something.

Tag Team Titles
Kane & Big Show (C) VS CM Punk & Mason Ryan ¦ Winners = Kane & Big Show Retain

Tension between Punk & Ryan cause them to lose.

Sin Cara VS Chavo Guerrero
Winner = Sin Cara

PPV debut of Sin Cara, no way hes losing

Intercontinental Title
Ezekiel Jackson VS Wade Barrett (C) ¦ Winner = Ezekiel Jackson New Champion

Boring matcn of the night. Corre interferes but Barrett still loses.

World Heavyweight Title
Christian VS Randy Orton ¦ Winner = That douche Orton Retains

Match of the night. Hopefully, Orton tears a hamstring or breaks his collarbone, having to forfeit the title on Smackdow

Kiss My Foot Match
Jerry Lawler VS Michael Cole ¦ Winner = Jerry Lawler

Swagger face turn during this match.

WWE Title
The Miz VS John Cena (C) ¦ Winner = John Cena Retains

Cena will no sell everything as usual. Riley will make a mistake causing Miz to say I quit.

PPV will be a 6.5 out of 10
¤ GHIMS Over The Limit Predictions ¤

Divas title
Brie Bella (C) VS Kelly Kelly ¦ Winner = Kelly Kelly New Divas Champion

After the match, kharma comes out, flicks Kelly Kelly on the forehead again.

R-Truth VS Rey Mysterio
Winner = R-Truth

He needs the victory here if they want ppl to take him serious as a heel. Rey can get the W at the next ppv or something.

Tag Team Titles
Kane & Big Show (C) VS CM Punk & Mason Ryan ¦ Winners = Kane & Big Show Retain

Tension between Punk & Ryan cause them to lose.

Sin Cara VS Chavo Guerrero
Winner = Sin Cara

PPV debut of Sin Cara, no way hes losing

Intercontinental Title
Ezekiel Jackson VS Wade Barrett (C) ¦ Winner = Ezekiel Jackson New Champion

Boring matcn of the night. Corre interferes but Barrett still loses.

World Heavyweight Title
Christian VS Randy Orton ¦ Winner = That douche Orton Retains

Match of the night. Hopefully, Orton tears a hamstring or breaks his collarbone, having to forfeit the title on Smackdow

Kiss My Foot Match
Jerry Lawler VS Michael Cole ¦ Winner = Jerry Lawler

Swagger face turn during this match.

WWE Title
The Miz VS John Cena (C) ¦ Winner = John Cena Retains

Cena will no sell everything as usual. Riley will make a mistake causing Miz to say I quit.

PPV will be a 6.5 out of 10
Do not ask for streams. Meth knows it is PPV night and will be in this thread.

My picks:
-Rey Mysterio
-Jerry Lawler. Finally puts an end to this awful, awful storyline.
-Sin Cara. No way they have him lose in his PPV debut. With that said, too many botches by him will mean he'll be on SmackDown for the long term.
-Kelly Kelly. Kharma won't attack her. She'll be her enforcer thus starting the new era of managers/enforcers.
-Wade Barrett. I don't really care about this match but he's been buried enough. I think he goes home with the belt.
-Big Show and Kane. VKM puts them over due to the fact Punk wouldn't sign over the rights to his name. Office politics exist everywhere.
-Randy Orton. Despite the IWC's cries of foul play by the WWE, the WWE won't allow the star of the SmackDown brand lose the title so soon.
-Cena goes over cleanly with the *$%@ thus ending this feud.
Do not ask for streams. Meth knows it is PPV night and will be in this thread.

My picks:
-Rey Mysterio
-Jerry Lawler. Finally puts an end to this awful, awful storyline.
-Sin Cara. No way they have him lose in his PPV debut. With that said, too many botches by him will mean he'll be on SmackDown for the long term.
-Kelly Kelly. Kharma won't attack her. She'll be her enforcer thus starting the new era of managers/enforcers.
-Wade Barrett. I don't really care about this match but he's been buried enough. I think he goes home with the belt.
-Big Show and Kane. VKM puts them over due to the fact Punk wouldn't sign over the rights to his name. Office politics exist everywhere.
-Randy Orton. Despite the IWC's cries of foul play by the WWE, the WWE won't allow the star of the SmackDown brand lose the title so soon.
-Cena goes over cleanly with the *$%@ thus ending this feud.
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