Madden 15 PS4 League - SEASON 3 WEEK 1 - HEADLINES:

Just got rekt by cpu da cheese :x

Barr broken jaw
Greenway broken ribs :x
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@jqqqqq I'm just seeing this since I'm a graveyard shifter at work smh I'm off tomorrow all day so I'm ready as soon as u can get to the ps4 commissioner is playing tomorrow still okay?
@bravo I'm putting you on auto so your opponent can play.

@BalmainGod I'm putting you on auto so I can play tomorrow if we don't play tonight. I understand you said your cousin was playing 2 hours ago but you said you were going to the store and be back 7 hours ago.

League will advance in 24 hours.

If anyone else needs a team to be put on auto let me.
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@jqqqqq I'm just seeing this since I'm a graveyard shifter at work smh I'm off tomorrow all day so I'm ready as soon as u can get to the ps4 commissioner is playing tomorrow still okay?

I'm down! I think we're good. Commish just said 24 hours from now so if you're off all day I should be able to catch you before then.
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