Magic Johnson, your still

Originally Posted by s2kray

magic is doing so well because he has the resources to hire people dedicated to the treatment of his disease ie. tell him to take his meds, eat right, and round the clock doctors should any of his lab work come up weird. if you are on point with your care and constantly following up with your doctor you can live with HIV for a LONG LONG time. trust me, i know. i worked at one of the largest HIV clinics in New York City and some of our patients had the OG HIV from the 80s.
at you describing HIV as if it were a Jordan.
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by s2kray

magic is doing so well because he has the resources to hire people dedicated to the treatment of his disease ie. tell him to take his meds, eat right, and round the clock doctors should any of his lab work come up weird. if you are on point with your care and constantly following up with your doctor you can live with HIV for a LONG LONG time. trust me, i know. i worked at one of the largest HIV clinics in New York City and some of our patients had the OG HIV from the 80s.
at you describing HIV as if it were a Jordan.
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Man I wouldn't doubt it if Magic Johnson is completely cured, I want another blood test!! This is bull, millions of people have aids on earth and this isn't fair.
Who ever told you that life was fair is got damn liar.
Its not that life is unfair life is completely fair. Its people in your lives that make it unfair. Just sayin'
Magic never had HIV. It was a false positive but was sponsored by the HIV manufacturers to keep quiet. I thought this was well known.
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by s2kray

magic is doing so well because he has the resources to hire people dedicated to the treatment of his disease ie. tell him to take his meds, eat right, and round the clock doctors should any of his lab work come up weird. if you are on point with your care and constantly following up with your doctor you can live with HIV for a LONG LONG time. trust me, i know. i worked at one of the largest HIV clinics in New York City and some of our patients had the OG HIV from the 80s.
at you describing HIV as if it were a Jordan.

Lol i know right whats next retro hiv, quickstrike aids.

Like i said everyone talking bout how he may have the cure, or he get special treatment etc cause he is rich. But again i say none of us even no if he hashiv/aids or ever had hiv/aids.
a lot of people were saying he was at 1 of dr. buss' "boy parties" and caught the hiv on some wild ayo status..
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Magic never had HIV. It was a false positive but was sponsored by the HIV manufacturers to keep quiet. I thought this was well known.

thats what i was saying without actually comming out saying it, you know most ppl esp us as americans cant see things right infront of they face because of allthe distractions etc things going on the side. also ppl look for answer to things everywhere except right infront of they face.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by s2kray

magic is doing so well because he has the resources to hire people dedicated to the treatment of his disease ie. tell him to take his meds, eat right, and round the clock doctors should any of his lab work come up weird. if you are on point with your care and constantly following up with your doctor you can live with HIV for a LONG LONG time. trust me, i know. i worked at one of the largest HIV clinics in New York City and some of our patients had the OG HIV from the 80s.
at you describing HIV as if it were a Jordan.


There are different strains of HIV all across the world HIV in Thailand is not necssarily same as contracting HIV in America
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Kanye West addressed this in "Roses".
You know the best medicine go to people thats paid, if Magic Johnson got a cure for A.I.D.S.
and all the broke muthafvckaz passed away, you tellin me if my grandma was in the N.B.A.
right now she'd be ok?,But since she was just a secretary
Working for the church, for thirty five years, things supposed to stop right here?
Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by blaxoid

Who in their right mind would release the cure if you can make bank off of medication for it?

they have the cure for hiv, aids, and cancer. they just making money off the treatment and medicine.

$$ from cure < $$ from medicine/treatment

If thats true, then thats just completely @!#!%* up
I don't believe this, there hasn't been one peep mentioned about this anywhere, and with the internet/media etc. nowadays, something asmajor as a cure for aids or cancer is nearly impossible to keep under wraps.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Money. They have a cure for HIV and AIDS however, they won't release it for reason I will keep under wraps. Just like the cure for Cancer
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

The AIDS cure and vaccinne were both created when the virus was.

Population control.
THIS. Did any of you guys know that people that are descendants from the Black Plauge survivors are immune to AIDS? We have the medicaladvancements to be able to make a vaccine from their DNA alone.

AIDS isn't hard to cure.
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by s2kray

magic is doing so well because he has the resources to hire people dedicated to the treatment of his disease ie. tell him to take his meds, eat right, and round the clock doctors should any of his lab work come up weird. if you are on point with your care and constantly following up with your doctor you can live with HIV for a LONG LONG time. trust me, i know. i worked at one of the largest HIV clinics in New York City and some of our patients had the OG HIV from the 80s.
at you describing HIV as if it were a Jordan.
Some saying " i thought this was well known", or "I know whats going on but I'm not supposed to say". Swear like ya'll parents oryou own the pharmaceutical companies doing the research on this.

Where's the facts?
i hope some of you are just kidding with these comments about the cure for AIDs or AIDS as a means of population control. that's just ignorant.

there is promise for gene therapy in the future, however. my current gf actually did research on one of the treatments being proposed. Here's the journalarticle if your interested.. WARNING: dense is scientific jargon and would be pretty hard to understand if you had no background in biology... frankly i'mnot even sure

to make a long story short... their using viral vectors (modified virus) to purposefully infect your cells to modify your DNA in order to down regulate theCCR5 receptors so the HIV virus cannot bind and replicate. seems promising but its only been tried on mice. it will be a long time before you see it on thenews, but you heard it here first on NT.
Originally Posted by s2kray

i hope some of you are just kidding with these comments about the cure for AIDs or AIDS as a means of population control. that's just ignorant.

there is promise for gene therapy in the future, however. my current gf actually did research on one of the treatments being proposed. Here's the journal article if your interested.. WARNING: dense is scientific jargon and would be pretty hard to understand if you had no background in biology... frankly i'm not even sure

to make a long story short... their using viral vectors (modified virus) to purposefully infect your cells to modify your DNA in order to down regulate the CCR5 receptors so the HIV virus cannot bind and replicate. seems promising but its only been tried on mice. it will be a long time before you see it on the news, but you heard it here first on NT.

I dont really see it as ignorance considering things like the tuskeegee experiments, the whole drug epidemic, the whole native american issue. Also alot ofwhat you are saying could be true. I mean it seems like your basing what you know off what you read etc seen heard tv etc. So the same sense they going offtheories things they heard so are you. Unless you are a dr and did the experiments found these discoveries urself.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

The AIDS cure and vaccinne were both created when the virus was.

Population control.
THIS. Did any of you guys know that people that are descendants from the Black Plauge survivors are immune to AIDS? We have the medical advancements to be able to make a vaccine from their DNA alone.

AIDS isn't hard to cure.
where can i read about this
dudes r making a lot of bold statements with no evidence to back it up
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