Magic Johnson's son goes public with boyfriend

Let me bring some humor back to this thread...

lol WUT?
^ Well, there are straight men attracted to #NT-Thick - Wilder beast type women, so of course there will be some dudes that want their men fluffy. :smh:
Magic Johnson let his son gain an enormous amount of weight (which is NOT healthy), and lets him make a fool of himself in public. This is where someone as a parent should realize that they have failed to keep their children in a succesful path to a stress-free/humble way of life. He should encourage his son to lose all that weight , and probably hold off on ANY type of sexuality until he is mature enough to realize that it should not be something to let the entire world know about.
Agreed.  Also, I'm quite sure no father wants their son looking like that or dressing like that deep down.  Wouldn't surprise me if Magic is feeling ashamed of himself right now, and rightfully so. 
WOW! I can't believe we still on this. EJ's sexual preference is news to everyone here, but not his friends or family. Until TMZ posted that video no one gave a ****. People are displaying homosexual behavior at a very young age, so yes they are born this way. He isn't trying to throw in your face he is doing him. Is it a little over the top yes for me and many of you it is but who cares. Let him live and do his thing. It has no affect on you and yours.

Homosexuality isn't contagious, and if you are that concerned about it just monitor what you kids are exposed to. Turn off will and Grace, block TMZ and you should be fine. If you see them out in the mall, or on the street, cross the street or leave the mall, and explain to your youngins why. Other than that I don't see why their life should impact yours. I guarantee EJ hasn't devoted as much attention to our opinions of his lifestyle as we have towards his. By the way whether Magic approves or not he has had 20 something years to accept his son. SOmeone like EJ wasn't hiding his preference growing up, it was definitely obvious.
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ninjahood said

title should be changed to official ninjahood roots discussion thread. dude isn't gonna change his mind anytime soon. and he's republican. let him be lol.

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It looks like he gained even more weight due to his sexuality issues. I totally accept homosexuals , and definately do not judge them, but i believe homosexuality is a mental disease. He is suffering from this sort of sexual confusion depression, and turns to food to numb his pain.I dont see how a man can be more attracted to another man, rather than a female. 

Absolute bollocks. Homosexuality as a mental disorder was removed from the DSM in its entirety in 1980. It's not categorized as a mental disorder whatsoever. Your "he turned to food" theory is nothing more than conjecture. You have no evidence of this at all. What evidence is there that he is depressed? His weight? I know plenty of depressed people who are thin because their depression keeps them from having an appetite. What makes you think he is suffering from sexual confusion, as you put it? There's nothing that would indicate that. In fact, he seems rather happy. Again, 100% conjecture with not one ounce of evidence to back it up. You don't understand how a man can be attracted to a man because you are not gay. I don't understand how men can be "chubby chasers" because I'm not one.

Homosexuals should not be harrased and bullied, but they should also not be encouraged to continue on in that lifestyle. They need help. As a parent, i believe you should help them with their issues , rather than brushing it off as "That is who they are".

It's not a choice. If you think homosexuals intentionally "choose" to be gay, you don't understand human sexuality at all. Do you honestly think someone would purposely choose to be bullied, seen as a lower class citizen not worthy of equal treatment? You mention "helping them with their issues." What issues? do you think he can be cured of his homosexual mental disorder? What is wrong with him being exactly who he is? It's amazing, it seems the people that don't try to understand homosexuality do it because of their own discomfort.

This is where someone as a parent should realize that they have failed to keep their children in a succesful path to a stress-free/humble way of life. He should encourage his son to lose all that weight , and probably hold off on ANY type of sexuality until he is mature enough to realize that it should not be something to let the entire world know about.

Again, your whole argument is based on this idea that he is depressed due to his sexuality, something you have absolutely no proof of. Why should he hold off being proud of his sexuality? What is wrong with being openly gay? Nothing.
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I was making an educated guess, in reference to the very limited knowledge of his personal life. Most overweight people would choose not to be overweight if they could flick a magic wand. This kid has money, power, and everything else going for him. Yet, he chooses to be fat, and gay.

I think you are being overly generous with the "educated" part of "educated guess." He may have chosen to be fat, but he didn't choose to be gay. FACT. If you want me to cite the increasing amount of scientific data suggesting that homosexuality isn't a choice, I can.

You mean to tell me that most, if not ALL, of his family members would not prefer him to be in-shape, and straight? You're living in a fantasy world if you believe this world is accepting of any kind of homosexuality. It is frowned upon (FACT). Gay people get bullied for being gay, as do fat people for being fat. Neither of the two are a positive way one should live their life. 

What does one's family's desires have to do with anything I said. You don't choose to live your life as a homosexual person, so your suggestion that "neither of the two are positive ways one should live their life" implies that he has a choice in the matter, which he doesn't. Again, your grasp on homosexuality is laughable.

They'll be jealous of his money, because money= success. They won't be jealous of him as a person. They would be jealous of him in EVERY aspect, if he were to be in extraordinary shape, while dating a supermodel. Would you agree?

Again, what does this have to do with anything at all?

If you're getting made fun of, it's probably for a reason. There are so many handicapped people who would wish they were in his place, so that they can make the best out of an able working body. There are also kids in extreme poverty who would wish they were in his shoes(money wise), so that the girls can "notice" them .

So him being born gay and choosing to be fat is a slap in the face to people who are poor or who are not able-bodied because he isn't making the most out of his situation? Him being gay is keeping him from being envied by others? I doubt he cares. This is such a ridiculous point that I don't even know where to begin. It's like saying black men should frown upon homeless white men who don't make the most out of their white privilege.

He's taking an L man. I hate to say it , but it's true. Homosexuality =\= succesful living.

Again, he doesn't have a choice in the matter, does he?

Your points are so weak and ramshackle. These are honestly the worst arguments I have ever read. You ignore the obvious in order to make what you consider to be "points." FACT
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Oh we are back to the "gay is a sickness" mentality? I thought we gave that up 30 years ago bro bro.
^ I get your point. (He's gay, it's not his choice to be gay>D , everyone should accept him with open arms:stoneface: , this is Normal>D :stoneface: ).

Do you get mine? 

No, because you haven't made one. You've brought disabled people and the poor into a conversation that merits neither. Nothing you said carries any weight. I can see that you think homosexuality is a choice, which immediately invalidates everything you have had to offer. This is like having a conversation with a 1950's dad. You say he is "taking the L" by simply not faking being straight. This might be the most futile conversation I've ever had with someone on this "issue." You're cling to your "facts" in lieu of facts.
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