Landed where? In that region I don't believe there's any open area's (deserts) to land... Malaysia/Philippines/Viet Nam/China are all mountainous and jungle.

Where are they gonna land? Abandoned airport somewhere? When they do try to "attack" someone, how do they plan on just sneaking into someones airspace unidentified?
1. For one they can fly under the radar by flying so many feet in the air.

2. They can change out the transponders with valid ones from another plane if they wanted

3. If they are planning a attack would if it was only 300 miles away

There are lots of abandoned airports on the coast of viet.  most of  that area is not populated or less populated so chances somebody seen at night is slim or they probably didnt even bother to care

They are now saying the plane flew for 5 hours since it was last confirmed, that means this plane could be in the middle east
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Man I feel bad for the family, they are toying with them:
[h1]MH370: Malaysia dismisses 'inaccurate' reports about plane's last signals – live[/h1]So those images turned up nothing
Man I feel bad for the family, they are toying with them:

[h1]MH370: Malaysia dismisses 'inaccurate' reports about plane's last signals – live[/h1]

So those images turned up nothing

So basically it's back to square one :smh:
hijacked and landed somewhere remote. later used for attacks? :nerd:
Landed where? In that region I don't believe there's any open area's (deserts) to land... Malaysia/Philippines/Viet Nam/China are all mountainous and jungle.

Where are they gonna land? Abandoned airport somewhere? When they do try to "attack" someone, how do they plan on just sneaking into someones airspace unidentified?

how does a plane just go missing? who knows, this whole event is crazy
this is just plane crazy
i gotta do bunch of flying in the coming months and i gotta read about this %$*..
First off, smh at trying to make a plane pun.

Second, I wouldn't be worried about flying even with this going on, especially in the US opposed to Malaysia.
Malaysia has denies many claims. They may not have gotten the engine info so they dont know that the plane kept flying. The US still believes it kept flying and that its in the Indian oceans they need over 24 hours to "get in position". I say they knew the whole time where the plane was, wait this long so there are no,survivors to tell the tale
Malaysia has denies many claims. They may not have gotten the engine info so they dont know that the plane kept flying. The US still believes it kept flying and that its in the Indian oceans they need over 24 hours to "get in position". I say they knew the whole time where the plane was, wait this long so there are no,survivors to tell the tale

a lot of times they already share this info to each other, just because it just got to the press last night doesn't mean they had been keeping it a secret

might not be the case but just keep it in mind
At this point someone should get in a plane and fly the exact same path and height this plane took.. let's see if there really is a black hole in midair in the spot the plane went missing. 
crazy the oil rigger who saw the flame got people thinking it was from a fighter jet after burner go to the plane to shoot it down!

The below is post from websleuths:

I would have tought waking up this morning they would have verify the chinese satellite wreckage, now I have to go back to my jet theory.

Refer my first post Thread #4 post 32

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #4

What interest me is the oil rigger say he saw a light/fire, do not know if it was moving up or falling down just that it was not moving laterally. If he was making up a story he would likely say the light was falling down to match news of the jet crash, which we now know isn't the case.

So he obviously saw something and were just being honest, a fire moving away/upwards is not a plane crash. So IMO RMAF did deployed a jet to intercept mh370. What the rigger saw as light was the jet turning back after taking off and putting the afterburner on to reach the high altitude of mh370 and in the process sling shot behind mh370. Refer my poorly drawn maps.

If you just search Gong Kedak on google map it will straight away point to the RMAF base and notice the alignment of the run away at about 85 degrees to east . It would not have taken off the other way (west) because if it continues climbing at the supersonic speed in that direction it will end up further away than MH370. This would have happen after some time MH370 had already turned back (20-30minutes) and the RMAF was alerted to scramble the jet. And hence why the timing of the reported noise by villager and rigger is quite vague.

I don’t think twhoever in charge will admit it at this moment. They only say they had not scramble jet which I have trouble believing since they also denied, then unofficially stated and then retract and then confirm the issue of MH370 crossing to the straits of Malacca (gosh I’m feeling lost now). And they would not want to shoot it down for a very good reason also if the fighter jet manage to talk/contact to the pilot/hijacker, whatever was their reasoning. And they would not follow it outside the Malaysian airspace as other country would then be aware.

Sorry my post tend to be very long to prove my argument as I am probably the only one with this kind of theory at the moment, I think, hahahaaa.
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If it went more than one or two hours into the Indian Ocean then it will probably take years to find if you get lucky.  Air france took two years to find and they had a good general idea of where it crashed and where to look because of the transponder staying on.  This is a whole other ball game.
1. For one they can fly under the radar by flying so many feet in the air.

2. They can change out the transponders with valid ones from another plane if they wanted

3. If they are planning a attack would if it was only 300 miles away

There are lots of abandoned airports on the coast of viet.  most of  that area is not populated or less populated so chances somebody seen at night is slim or they probably didnt even bother to care

They are now saying the plane flew for 5 hours since it was last confirmed, that means this plane could be in the middle east
Even by trying to attempt flying under radar it's a huge gamble to think you can avoid all detection especially in a plane that big.  Chances are you're going to be detected some way some how.  Especially if go anywhere near an area with other air stations which would be anywhere near a desirable terrorist target.

You also can't just switch out transponders from another plane and act like nobody is going to notice that not only their transponder is missing/switched and people communicating with you are actually going to believe you're actually that plane especially if you're flying in an area you're not suppose to be in.  That's all of course if you can actually find someone who knows how to even switch out a transponder.
So basically it's back to square one
Not really, I think the Malaysian government is trying to deny all info from the plane turning around to it flying a few more hours in order to keep public reaction from getting too outrageous.  They want to try play down terrorism as much as possible and also not give family's false hope.  Though I have a feeling all that info may be credible. 

Why else would the U.S. navy be out in the Indian Ocean right now.
What happened to all these GPS in the phones to where even if the phone off it can be traced
You know if a GPS chip is destroyed or breaks it stops working right ?? hundreds or thousands of feet of water can do that.
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At this point someone should get in a plane and fly the exact same path and height this plane took.. let's see if there really is a black hole in midair in the spot the plane went missing. 
so you think this black hole is just open and stays open there huh? lol

The pilot probably installed one of these...

and the whole crew chillin in 2064 right now.
If it went more than one or two hours into the Indian Ocean then it will probably take years to find if you get lucky.  Air france took two years to find and they had a good general idea of where it crashed and where to look because of the transponder staying on.  This is a whole other ball game.

Even by trying to attempt flying under radar it's a huge gamble to think you can avoid all detection especially in a plane that big.  Chances are you're going to be detected some way some how.  Especially if go anywhere near an area with other air stations which would be anywhere near a desirable terrorist target.

You also can't just switch out transponders from another plane and act like nobody is going to notice that not only their transponder is missing/switched and people communicating with you are actually going to believe you're actually that plane especially if you're flying in an area you're not suppose to be in.  That's all of course if you can actually find someone who knows how to even switch out a transponder.
^^^^ dude look and read what you typed

If it that hard to avoid detection then how is the plane missing?? LMAO

And you have to remember this happen middle of night, and at night which is very very dark over the sea. The plane could have even turned its light off.. This isnt the USA we are talking foreign country, remote places and land. No population along coast
Is it possible that one of the pilots hijacked the plane? If somebody did hijack it in sure they would have heard commotion from the cock pit and would have heard the other people screaming and could have set off a signal. Since there was no signal it makes me think that maybe one of the pilots was involved with this. You cant silently hijack a plane.
At this point someone should get in a plane and fly the exact same path and height this plane took.. let's see if there really is a black hole in midair in the spot the plane went missing. :nerd:

so you think this black hole is just open and stays open there huh? lol

The pilot probably installed one of these...

View media item 856220

and the whole crew chillin in 2064 right now.

stop passing around fake rumors, this is what really happened.
^^^^ dude look and read what you typed

If it that hard to avoid detection then how is the plane missing?? LMAO

And you have to remember this happen middle of night, and at night which is very very dark over the sea. The plane could have even turned its light off.. This isnt the USA we are talking foreign country, remote places and land. No population along coast
Uhhh it didn't avoid detection , the Malaysian government said its' radar picked up an aircraft with no transponder flying over Malaysia at the same time the transponder for this plane shut off.

After it passed Malaysia it would be over the Indian ocean .......

If they want to do a future terrorist attack on  a whale or something then yea your theory of non-detection might just work....
From everything I've gathered, it just seems like some type of foul play has been involved. I'm looking directly at Hijacking of some kind until proven otherwise.
Malayasians probably shot down their own plane and are on the advance cover up. Denying everything and refusing assistance
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CNN says the Malaysian government JUST admitted that they did get engine information and feedback up to 4-5 hours after it disappeared.  Meaning Malaysia as well as Rolls Royce lied earlier in their denial of this being true.  WSJ was right.

I always felt they were lying about this though.  The U.S. Navy wouldn't be heading out into that Indian Ocean for the hell of it. I felt two days ago that this plane is more than likely in the Indian Ocean.

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A Reuters report citing 'a source close to the investigation' says communications satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight after it went missing on Saturday.

The "pings" equated to an indication that the aircraft's maintenance troubleshooting systems were ready to communicate with satellites if needed, but no links were opened because Malaysia Airlines and others had not subscribed to the full troubleshooting service, the source said.
WSJ is always on top of there game. I'd believe them before the Malaysia officials any day.
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