A Reuters report citing 'a source close to the investigation' says communications satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight after it went missing on Saturday.

The "pings" equated to an indication that the aircraft's maintenance troubleshooting systems were ready to communicate with satellites if needed, but no links were opened because Malaysia Airlines and others had not subscribed to the full troubleshooting service, the source said.

I've been saying thus the whoke time malaysia ns have been engaged in buffoonery from the jump.
A Reuters report citing 'a source close to the investigation' says communications satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight after it went missing on Saturday.

The "pings" equated to an indication that the aircraft's maintenance troubleshooting systems were ready to communicate with satellites if needed, but no links were opened because Malaysia Airlines and others had not subscribed to the full troubleshooting service, the source said.
I've been saying thus the whoke time malaysia ns have been engaged in buffoonery from the jump.
Fam..turn your auto-correct on.
Im sure this has been mentioned before, why are the cell phones not being tracked if they rang?

Start at 13:30, RR has 24 hour engine monitoring.

What is the government hiding and why?

because if the government had a conspiracy to make an airliner dissappear they would forget to turn off/destroy the passengers' cellphones...

....and they would coincidently put those phones on chargers to make sure they stay on too...


I don't think you know how long a cell phone on airplane mode will last

put your phone on airplane mode...use another phone to call it... notice how it goes straight to voicemail....

your answer makes no sense...
It's also weird that even though the engine was sending pings of operating to these satellites for hours after there wasn't any ping of indication that the plane was crashing OR landing which they say it's suppose to do.

**** it, I guess aliens are back into play.
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Malaysian gov't officials telling ppl to shut up. Just saw that on CNN.
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So i wake up, check everywhere, still at square one, but its clear now that US know alot about this if not everything. We just are being kept in the dark, i could bet on it they know exactly where it is now
So i wake up, check everywhere, still at square one, but its clear now that US know alot about this if not everything. We just are being kept in the dark, i could bet on it they know exactly where it is now

so did it crash?
Breaking News: US investigators convinced of manual intervention to #Flight370-The disappearance is not due to accident or explosion @ABC

Not- a catastrophic malfunction, failure or explosion. US team finds: #Flight370 was systematically shut down by someone @ABC

check their twitter and link to the story

haha ABC aint a source, thats media, media makes up BS.
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link
RUH ROH....this is coming to fruition...
yer i know right, im 95% sure its some government BS cover up that was planned all along. 9/11 style ****. Just wanna know already!
yer i know right, im 95% sure its some government BS cover up that was planned all along. 9/11 style ****. Just wanna know already!


Well, in that case, it's no use even attempting to have a rational discussion about this with you.
ABC is reporting news provided by sources with knowledge of the investigation. Hence, ABC is a source. That's how these things work. It's called reporting.

I got a source, he said bin laden was smoking crack on the plane and its on jupiter now. Dosent means its correct, but yeh i get ya bro, just playing devils advocate
I don't think ABC would make up something about this. If they end up wrong then the shot storm coking back to them would be crazy. This isn't your typical local news story
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