^^^^ homeboy really thought that if **** gets real on a commercial flight that the passengers just bailout on chutes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
^^^^ homeboy really thought that if **** gets real on a commercial flight that the passengers just bailout on chutes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Do the pilots have eject buttons also which shoot then out the top of the plane with in their seat with a chute?

AF1 doesnt even have parachutes or an escape pod like in the movie. 

Its just well maintained.

...but I woudnt be surprised if it did have an escape pod actually. 
^^^^ homeboy really thought that if **** gets real on a commercial flight that the passengers just bailout on chutes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
^^^^ homeboy really thought that if **** gets real on a commercial flight that the passengers just bailout on chutes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lol, Hahaha.

I still can't believe it either. WTF is this world coming too? Common sense dying. Dudes over 20 y/o too. Haha
WASHINGTON — The first turn to the west that diverted the missing Malaysia Airlines plane from its planned flight path from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing was carried out through a computer system that was most likely programmed by someone in the plane’s cockpit who was knowledgeable about airplane systems, according to senior American officials.

Instead of manually operating the plane’s controls, whoever altered Flight 370’s path typed seven or eight keystrokes into a computer on a knee-high pedestal between the captain and the first officer, according to officials. The Flight Management System, as the computer is known, directs the plane from point to point specified in the flight plan submitted before each flight. It is not clear whether the plane’s path was reprogrammed before or after it took off.

The fact that the turn away from Beijing was programmed into the computer has reinforced the belief of investigators — first voiced by Malaysian officials — that the plane was deliberately diverted and that foul play was involved. It has also increased their focus on the plane’s captain and first officer.

Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia told reporters on Saturday that his government believed that the plane had been diverted, because its transponder and other communications devices had been manually turned off several minutes apart. American officials were told of the new information over the weekend.

But Malaysian authorities on Monday reversed themselves on the sequence of events they believe took place on the plane in the crucial minutes before ground controllers lost contact with it early on March 8. They said it was the plane’s first officer — the co-pilot — who was the last person in the cockpit to speak to ground control. And they withdrew their assertion that another automated system on the plane called Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or Acars, had already been disabled when the co-pilot spoke.

The home of Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, the first officer on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight, about 15 miles west of Kuala Lumpur.Passengers and Crew of Missing Plane Scrutinized for Aviation SkillsMARCH 15, 2014
Series of Errors by Malaysia Mounts, Complicating the Task of Finding Flight 370MARCH 15, 2014
Relatives of Chinese passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 listened in a hotel in Beijing to a news conference by Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia on Saturday.Investigators in Jet Search Rely on an Imperfect ToolMARCH 15, 2014
The Flight Management System reports its status to Acars, which in turn transmits information back to a maintenance base, according to an American official. Acars ceased to function about the same time that oral radio contact was lost and the airplane’s transponder also stopped, fueling suspicions that foul play was involved in the plane’s disappearance.

Investigators are scrutinizing radar tapes from when the plane first departed Kuala Lumpur because they believe the tapes would show that after the plane first changed its course, it passed through several pre-established “waypoints,” which are like virtual mile markers in the sky. That would suggest that the plane was under control of a knowledgeable pilot, because passing through those points without using the computer would have been unlikely.
is this that photo that one actress found 

It's from the Satellite photo site that she used. It's my take on homeboys "planes have parachutes" line

In the original I can definitely see oil. The plane part looks like bs to me. You can pretty much make out whatever you want since it's not really clear. Hell I thought I saw Cam Nelson's Saturn in there
It's from the Satellite photo site that she used. It's my take on homeboys "planes have parachutes" line

In the original I can definitely see oil. The plane part looks like bs to me. You can pretty much make out whatever you want since it's not really clear. Hell I thought I saw Cam Nelson's Saturn in there
No one will ever see Cam Nelson's Saturn ever again.
It's from the Satellite photo site that she used. It's my take on homeboys "planes have parachutes" line

In the original I can definitely see oil. The plane part looks like bs to me. You can pretty much make out whatever you want since it's not really clear. Hell I thought I saw Cam Nelson's Saturn in there

awww damn :lol:

I really wish I could have seen the end results :smh:

cam PM me :nerd:
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