You can tell I haven't been on a plane and watch too many movies smh but seriously if a plane is crashing what would be the first thing
grab the hot chick sitting in seat 26d and tell her "we bout to die in a min so let's **** real quick, i only need about 45 sec anyways"
but technically doesn't Crimea belong to Ukraine ?? isn't it like a state or province of Ukraine ?? so isn't Russia essentially coming into a foreign country and trying to use muscle and influence to secede one of their states without the consent of the parent country who's in a turbulent transition at the moment??

Wouldn't that be like one day if Texas was mostly Mexicans and Mexican officials ran the state government and decided to vote if Texas wanted to secede the U.S. and join Mexico ??  Would the rationale be "Well Mexico use to own Texas so it seems okay " ??

This seems like a good point. My only counterargument is I'm assuming that the area of Crimea was always populated with Russians, rather than Russians migrating there until they become the majority. But I'd rather someone with more knowledge chime in. :nerd:

that's correct, used to be part of russia, at some point during the soviet union it was transferred to ukraine (somewhat controversial decision). There were like a million russians there when this happened. After soviet collapse when ukraine became an independent country crimea stayed with it. Russia eyeing crimea is nothing new

but anyway we should talk about this in the ukraine crisis thread not here
I still can't tell if he was being serious or not still :lol:

Dude's been on NT since 05, he's got to be 20+ years old :lol:
Lmmfao! [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
He was seriously b.
This plane might be "missing" so long that the public forgets about it, as wanted by the government who staged it. Thats if there was ever a plane
Bull really said parachutes and bodies. :lol:

But I'm really intrigued. There is a Pittsburgh area woman that was on the plane. tweeted she was on her way back to the area before boarding
With all the smartphones these days nobody sent a text message or e-mail? Apparently the plane was flying low to avoid radar so wouldve been possible to make a call or text. nothing at all though? Story is crazy, I ca't believe they're still looking for it. 
With all the smartphones these days nobody sent a text message or e-mail? Apparently the plane was flying low to avoid radar so wouldve been possible to make a call or text. nothing at all though? Story is crazy, I ca't believe they're still looking for it. 
I'm not an aviation expert, but that seems counter intuitive...? Aside from that, if the plane were low enough to get a ping from a cell tower (be able to text&call / have signal), they could probably just get the ping from the phone to the tower and track them without needing someone on board the plane to text/call,etc. This entire situation is weird and unfortunate though.
Wouldn't you think the plane of that size would sink in the ocean more than landing somewhere without being noticed?
I would think if the plane was headed for impact wouldn't there be signs of parachutes or bodies for that matter.
With all the smartphones these days nobody sent a text message or e-mail? Apparently the plane was flying low to avoid radar so wouldve been possible to make a call or text. nothing at all though? Story is crazy, I ca't believe they're still looking for it. 

I'm not an aviation expert, but that seems counter intuitive...? Aside from that, if the plane were low enough to get a ping from a cell tower (be able to text&call / have signal), they could probably just get the ping from the phone to the tower and track them without needing someone on board the plane to text/call,etc. This entire situation is weird and unfortunate though.

you don't even understand how radar works... then you continue on and start speaking like a cellphone network technician.....
With all the smartphones these days nobody sent a text message or e-mail? Apparently the plane was flying low to avoid radar so wouldve been possible to make a call or text. nothing at all though? Story is crazy, I ca't believe they're still looking for it. 

I'm not an aviation expert, but that seems counter intuitive...? Aside from that, if the plane were low enough to get a ping from a cell tower (be able to text&call / have signal), they could probably just get the ping from the phone to the tower and track them without needing someone on board the plane to text/call,etc. This entire situation is weird and unfortunate though.

you don't even understand how radar works... then you continue on and start speaking like a cellphone network technician.....
Welcome to NT. Wheree everybody is an expert
So NASA discovers 715 new planets but nobody got time for 239 passengers and a plane??

Priorities man. smh.  Keep finding the Lochness and Big Foot while real humans are missing.  Kill it with the Ocean is too big...if they want to find the plane, they'll find the plane.

Can you tell me where it says finding debris and wreckage from a crashed plane is the responsibility of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration?

We should probably just impeach Obama for this travesty too... right?
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too many people here get offended when no one has no answers, not even the people tasked with finding them. everyone here has is entitled to an opinon

i think it crashed in the ocean/sea somewhere, hope i'm wrong
Just saying the technology is it not? Main point is PRIORITY.

It is there. Don't listen to these fools acting like this is a wild comparison. Malaysia's NTSB equivalent clearly needs better technology for rescuing lost/crashed airplanes. The least we can do is give these victim's families a little closure.

Speaking of the NTSB they just took over this case
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