Male NT'ers: Do you give females compliments anymore? VOL. CANT DO IT

Females are too gassed up for more compliments.

Only the real down to earth girls will get compliments from me.
Espically in this digital age where girls are getting gassed up left and right on twitter FB myspace with the most outrageous comments

me personally I cant do it. cant do it. *insert Mike Singlertary pic

Like I cant remember the last time I gave a girl a compliment. Am I the only one?
Only females who dont get compliments on the regular get Gassed, Females who get complimented regularly just say "Thanks".....Ugly females getcompliments then they turn into Beyonce/Miranda Presley (Meryl Streep's Character in "The devil Wears Prada")
i do the opposite, i tell them they ugly...seems to work much better.
Nope....a cocky, big headed female is man's worst enemy. I aint got time for that jibba jabba.
only if i really mean it.

its usually a backhanded compliment though.
Girls fish for compliments nowadays and that's almost as big of a turn off to me as a girl who smokes. Giving compliments at the right times and not on aregular basis FTW.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Females are too gassed up for more compliments.

Only the real down to earth girls will get compliments from me.
I really need to delete my facebook. The digital age is changing the landscape of dating and relationships, and not for the better. Women out here are put on apedestal infinitely more than before these social sites popped up.
I've only complimented like 5 girls in all my years of being on the internet.

And they were girls I grew up with and personally know.
Male NT'ers: Are yall serious?

Now we can't give women compliments?

What the hell yall on.
genuine compliments are always good. Dont compliment things they're always noticed for or things that hint sexual interest. Most people put some sort ofeffort into who they are, but rarely get recognized for it. Find that and your golden
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

i dont use fb, ms, or twitter.
What does this have to do with anything? Seriously someone ban this dude already.

However, to the topic at hand, as stated only real girls get compliments from me.
I don't do it on the internet. But if my girl or a friend is looking good or wearing something nice I'll let her know. I do it with my boys too.Ain't nuthin wrong with a nice compliment every now and then.
Originally Posted by Club29

only if i really mean it.

its usually a backhanded compliment though.
Same here. Nothing like a comment about skin, hair, makeup or clothing to make a girl feel nice and self-conscious.
Only humble, level headed females that know how to give and take.

All these nose in the air chicks that i'm around on the day to day...I look through them like they're invisible and then they come running to me,wondering why i'm not showering them with attention.

Compliments aren't the problem, its these insecure and vain young chicks that are getting out of pocket.
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