Male NT'ers: Do you give females compliments anymore? VOL. CANT DO IT

this will be good...

i'm waiting for someone to say the girls that get the least compliments have the tightest vaginas...
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Club29

only if i really mean it.

its usually a backhanded compliment though.
Same here. Nothing like a comment about skin, hair, makeup or clothing to make a girl feel nice and self-conscious.
same here also
*girl dyes her hair
me: oh you changed your hair color. You look like a different person.
Ipull it off tho?
me: changes topic
These girls get gassed on a daily basis, there is no need to inflate their self esteem even more
I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will sayanything just so they can get you to talk them.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

this will be good...

i'm waiting for someone to say the girls that get the least compliments have the tightest vaginas...
some of these NT'ers man
If we're about to go out or chill and she comes through looking good, why wouldn't I compliment her?

I've even seen random women who give me a look, letting me know that there is a mutual attraction, at which point, IF they are looking good and workingwhat they got, I give them a compliment.

On another note, I have a problem with saying "MMMM!" out loud when I see a fine woman. It happens w/o me even thinking about it.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

I really need to delete my facebook. The digital age is changing the landscape of dating and relationships, and not for the better. Women out here are put on a pedestal infinitely more than before these social sites popped up.
I wouldnt go as far as deleting it but I agree with you bro.

Originally Posted by GTEK

Male NT'ers: Are yall serious?

Now we can't give women compliments?

What the hell yall on.

I mean by all means do you my good sir, but I just feel like giving compliments now a days is useless.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Nope....a cocky, big headed female is man's worst enemy. I aint got time for that jibba jabba.
My man

Originally Posted by SweetBabyRAE

@ some of these replies
truth hurts I know I know
I thought about this today, I saw my wife this morning getting ready for work and I was thinking about how beautiful she is, but I didn't say it out loud.I thought about it again at lunch and I decided that I would send her a text letting her know how I felt. Women definitely appreciate a heartfelt genuinecomplement.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Only humble, level headed females that know how to give and take.

All these nose in the air chicks that i'm around on the day to day...I look through them like they're invisible and then they come running to me, wondering why i'm not showering them with attention.

Compliments aren't the problem, its these insecure and vain young chicks that are getting out of pocket.
Exactly this.

You can't apply a bird/superficial or insufficient mentality to all females. Only those types "get gassed" that easily.
Most Legit females don't walk around looking to get compliments.
What makes you think your compliment has any power like that anyway for you to "punish" females by notgiving it.
Who cares.
Not online, but I don't have a problem in real life.

I like to be really sarcastic and cynical most of the time, so when I do actually say something nice, it means more

For girls who are friends, if they look nice I'll tell them, no harm in that.
Yea...only when I mean it
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Compliments aren't the problem, its the dudes who throw them out to any female as a means to start a conversation.

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I thought about this today, I saw my wife this morning getting ready for work and I was thinking about how beautiful she is, but I didn't say it out loud. I thought about it again at lunch and I decided that I would send her a text letting her know how I felt. Women definitely appreciate a heartfelt genuine complement.

That is so sweet.
If I know they deserve a compliment than yes otherwise no especially to gals that thibk their too nice.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will say anything just so they can get you to talk them.

So you dont like compliments from random guys and dont like guys looking at you when you wear spandex.
never, females drive to get that attention and when they do, they think guys are some sort of stepping stool. Give em the cold shoulder and they come aroundeven more, it has always been this way.

Only give compliments to your lady.
I just read the defense....sometimes a compliment will take it where you want it to go.

Really it's like they want to see their reflection all the time...... If they know they look good and you try to downgrade em they'll see right thruyou and vice versa for gassn 'em when they know they look hot messy. It's only if they don't really know when you could take it either way.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will say anything just so they can get you to talk them.
sounds like self-esteem issues.
Really. Just say thanks and if you're not interested in "conversating" just keep it moving.
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will say anything just so they can get you to talk them.

So you dont like compliments from random guys and dont like guys looking at you when you wear spandex.

Yes I don't like getting compliments from random guys and I don't like guys staring at my **@ when wearing spandex.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will say anything just so they can get you to talk them.
sounds like self-esteem issues.

Nope I have good self esteem, it's just that I feel like they are just giving me stupid pick up lines.
it's always those "yo yo baby"type of guys that say stupid things like that.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

On another note, I have a problem with saying "MMMM!" out loud when I see a fine woman. It happens w/o me even thinking about it.

My homeboy does this too
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I thought about this today, I saw my wife this morning getting ready for work and I was thinking about how beautiful she is, but I didn't say it out loud. I thought about it again at lunch and I decided that I would send her a text letting her know how I felt. Women definitely appreciate a heartfelt genuine complement.

That is so sweet.
But how can women tell that a compliment is genuine and heartfelt? do you have to say it a certain way or have a sparkle in your eye?

I just went on my FB real quick and dug this up [one of my homegirls yea I know shes bad but I never tell her

is that a genuine and heartfelt compliment? why or why not?
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like getting compliments from random guys, I always feel like they are lying and I could careless how they think I look in my outfit. Guys will say anything just so they can get you to talk them.

So you dont like compliments from random guys and dont like guys looking at you when you wear spandex.

Yes I don't like getting compliments from random guys and I don't like guys staring at my **@ when wearing spandex.

I read that in a sorta catching an attitude with me way.
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