Male NT'ers: Do you give females compliments anymore? VOL. CANT DO IT

chicks i know yea, but random %@$# hell no these chicks so gassed up if you tell them they look nice they assume youre trying to holla then act all stank $#%%some of them posted in this thread
Originally Posted by myhandstank

chicks i know yea, but random %@$# hell no these chicks so gassed up if you tell them they look nice they assume youre trying to holla then act all stank $#%% some of them posted in this thread
I agree with you to some level. Some chicks assume you trying to get at them in you compliment them or even if you look at them and then they meanmug. Its all good though.

told this sexy young'n that i work with that she had a nice smile and a cute laugh today

i really wanted to tell her alot more dammit.......but she knows very little english..............but we flirt ALL day and shes always touchin up on me!

this language barrier is really F_n with my head!
...........i want togo in! but its kinda sexy not understanding each others words all the way, but feeling each others vibe....

this is the one time i wish i knew espagnol
...........might have totake Michael Phelps offer on that Rosetta Stone
Only time I compliment is if I'm saying "nice pic" or "cute pic"
But with my girl I compliment more willingly
Originally Posted by MOEree5e


told this sexy young'n that i work with that she had a nice smile and a cute laugh today

i really wanted to tell her alot more dammit.......but she knows very little english..............but we flirt ALL day and shes always touchin up on me!

this language barrier is really F_n with my head!
...........i want to go in! but its kinda sexy not understanding each others words all the way, but feeling each others vibe....

this is the one time i wish i knew espagnol
...........might have to take Michael Phelps offer on that Rosetta Stone
LOL, dude I'm in the same situation. Me and the chick flirt tons but shes from Sierre Leon and her accent is so thick that I barely understandher. Its crazy though
I go with the random out of the blue and a girl will be talking and ill juz interrupt midsentence and say something like, "you have somereal beautiful eyes....especially the left one" If you come off a lil impulsive, random, just say what you think type guy i find it works much better.

In reality it is not who i am...but sometimes you just gotta do what works. I'd love to meet a girl..tell her im real loyal, same friends since 4th grade,take care of myself and the people around me, and am pretty funny once u get to know and have her like me for that. That has never worked. Gotta actfoolish..that Edward Cullen game never works unless you that much of a pretty boy.
no not really, I guess it keeps them guessing if im feeling them?

once in a while its needed. like once every 3 times you see em
Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I thought about this today, I saw my wife this morning getting ready for work and I was thinking about how beautiful she is, but I didn't say it out loud. I thought about it again at lunch and I decided that I would send her a text letting her know how I felt. Women definitely appreciate a heartfelt genuine complement.

That is so sweet.
But how can women tell that a compliment is genuine and heartfelt? do you have to say it a certain way or have a sparkle in your eye?

I just went on my FB real quick and dug this up [one of my homegirls yea I know shes bad but I never tell her

is that a genuine and heartfelt compliment? why or why not?
It is more difficult to tell if what someone says is a complement or flattery when it is in text. I would say it's flattery in the exampleyou presented. Usually when you are flattering someone you tend to use absolutes, like flawless or speechless or perfect things like that. But it could also bethat person meant it with all his heart haha.

Speaking from the heart reveals what you got on your mind, if you say something like "damn girl you hot as lava rocks" the recipient of thecomplement will know all you got on your mind is sex. Many times as men we learn the wrong way to think about women because of the way we were raised, how wetalk with our friends about women, how they talk about women to us. You will see most men comment on here saying "Chase money and women will follow",or things like this. It may be true certain women may follow but chances are the women you want won't follow because the genuine women or the good onesdon't care as much about money as you think.

My bit of advice is to treat a women how you would your mother or sister, with respect and honor, you will find they will follow suit and respect and honoryou. It starts with the man.

Guess I got a bit off topic but all of this goes hand in hand.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Compliment the subtle details ladies focus on. Rarely natural characteristics.

...Whats funny is that they respond to a put down stronger than a compliment.
After hearing the same compliments over & over again, it stands out when a guy compliments me on something different
Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by toast1985

Compliment the subtle details ladies focus on. Rarely natural characteristics.

...Whats funny is that they respond to a put down stronger than a compliment.
After hearing the same compliments over & over again, it stands out when a guy compliments me on something different

You got the sexiest eyelids I ever seen.
Id love to watch you sleep.
My girl only. Mostly cause I give truthful compliments, not just to give them, and I don't notice them on other females.
if i don't know her ... i'll say it in passing ... like its been said ... a lot of chicks are gassed and will think you're trying to holler ... ifa chicks catches my eye to the point of a compliment, i'll let her know and keep it moving ...

if i know her, she'll know its genuine .. .
lady friends and such or sometimes the cute girl here and there

usually about their outfit or hair
Originally Posted by SC415

Yeah, I did earlier today in school.

Me- wassup beautiful, are you a model?

Chick- lols, no but. .thanks..

Me- no problem, so were you off 2 in a hury?

Chick-home, do you wana come?

Me- um sure, if you make me a sandwich! Procceded to smash! Owwww
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