Man Attacked On Train For "Being White"

Originally Posted by NobleKane

it really has nothing to do with race. they would have wooped on ol boy if he was black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. the racial slurs just served as fighting words for the confrontation.

i find it funny that alot of people are crying about him being white. didnt a latina teen last month get shot in the face for trying to break up a fight? this whole board was clowning her saying she should have shut her mouth. now it has to do with race?

it should be commended that he would have the balls to stand up to these hoodlums by asking them to be quiet. had he not used a racial slur like that he actually would get more sympathy but as the saying goes two wrongs dont make a right...
1. Absolutely agree.

2. I think it's only worth mentioning that he was white because a lot of people in this topic seem to think that he deserved his beating. I don't feel that anyone deserves to be kicked around just because they ask someone to be quiet. It's not civil at all. If the races were reversed, I don't think anyone would be saying that he deserved to get beat.

3. Agreed again. Using racial slurs to combat racial slurs is still pathetic.
Originally Posted by sam206

Black people on niketalk always use the race card, its like u guys are soccer refs

But how do you know who's black though?

Nice way to stereotype you racist
Originally Posted by sam206

Black people on niketalk always use the race card, its like u guys are soccer refs

But how do you know who's black though?

Nice way to stereotype you racist
sam206 wrote:
Black people on niketalk always use the race card, its like u guys are soccer refs


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.
sam206 wrote:
Black people on niketalk always use the race card, its like u guys are soccer refs


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.
this thread is hilarious because NTers basically sit home and play Jesse Jackson or Sarah Palin all day.... Gang Violence is wrong whether provoked or not.. Turning racial slurs into a beat down cannot be defended.. Let's be serious folks.. The fact that the guy made a bad call responding to the racial slur with one of his own is indefensible..This isn't payback for your ancestors slavery... Grow up folks.... He's a bonehead for responding to boneheads.. Have people ever noticed that when you laugh at racial slurs it pisses folks off more than responding? This guy was obviously having a bad day and made a choice to respond to some immature fools.. It doesn't justify the violence and theft that followed. Black folks and Latinos that think this justifies as a consequence for what he said are idiots because these types of things are why communities are struggling... I seriously doubt he wanted to pick a fight with 5 random dudes at 4am while he was riding alone either... In the end did he deserve to be beat and robbed.. NO not at all.. Will he ever shout something out on a train again.. Probably Not.. Unfortunately he could have been in the right by keeping his mouth shut but he didn't... Nobody is right in this situation.. I personally though would have kept my mouth closed and acted only if my family or I were threatened. This coming from someone who's 50/50..
this thread is hilarious because NTers basically sit home and play Jesse Jackson or Sarah Palin all day.... Gang Violence is wrong whether provoked or not.. Turning racial slurs into a beat down cannot be defended.. Let's be serious folks.. The fact that the guy made a bad call responding to the racial slur with one of his own is indefensible..This isn't payback for your ancestors slavery... Grow up folks.... He's a bonehead for responding to boneheads.. Have people ever noticed that when you laugh at racial slurs it pisses folks off more than responding? This guy was obviously having a bad day and made a choice to respond to some immature fools.. It doesn't justify the violence and theft that followed. Black folks and Latinos that think this justifies as a consequence for what he said are idiots because these types of things are why communities are struggling... I seriously doubt he wanted to pick a fight with 5 random dudes at 4am while he was riding alone either... In the end did he deserve to be beat and robbed.. NO not at all.. Will he ever shout something out on a train again.. Probably Not.. Unfortunately he could have been in the right by keeping his mouth shut but he didn't... Nobody is right in this situation.. I personally though would have kept my mouth closed and acted only if my family or I were threatened. This coming from someone who's 50/50..
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up


at you cats keep scream if the roles were reversed, the role was that way for hundreds of years. deal with it now.

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

this thread is hilarious because NTers basically sit home and play Jesse Jackson or Sarah Palin all day.... Gang Violence is wrong whether provoked or not.. Turning racial slurs into a beat down cannot be defended.. Let's be serious folks.. The fact that the guy made a bad call responding to the racial slur with one of his own is indefensible..This isn't payback for your ancestors slavery... Grow up folks.... He's a bonehead for responding to boneheads.. Have people ever noticed that when you laugh at racial slurs it pisses folks off more than responding? This guy was obviously having a bad day and made a choice to respond to some immature fools.. It doesn't justify the violence and theft that followed. Black folks and Latinos that think this justifies as a consequence for what he said are idiots because these types of things are why communities are struggling... I seriously doubt he wanted to pick a fight with 5 random dudes at 4am while he was riding alone either... In the end did he deserve to be beat and robbed.. NO not at all.. Will he ever shout something out on a train again.. Probably Not.. Unfortunately he could have been in the right by keeping his mouth shut but he didn't... Nobody is right in this situation.. I personally though would have kept my mouth closed and acted only if my family or I were threatened. This coming from someone who's 50/50..
one of the more intelligent unbiased responses on here
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

this thread is hilarious because NTers basically sit home and play Jesse Jackson or Sarah Palin all day.... Gang Violence is wrong whether provoked or not.. Turning racial slurs into a beat down cannot be defended.. Let's be serious folks.. The fact that the guy made a bad call responding to the racial slur with one of his own is indefensible..This isn't payback for your ancestors slavery... Grow up folks.... He's a bonehead for responding to boneheads.. Have people ever noticed that when you laugh at racial slurs it pisses folks off more than responding? This guy was obviously having a bad day and made a choice to respond to some immature fools.. It doesn't justify the violence and theft that followed. Black folks and Latinos that think this justifies as a consequence for what he said are idiots because these types of things are why communities are struggling... I seriously doubt he wanted to pick a fight with 5 random dudes at 4am while he was riding alone either... In the end did he deserve to be beat and robbed.. NO not at all.. Will he ever shout something out on a train again.. Probably Not.. Unfortunately he could have been in the right by keeping his mouth shut but he didn't... Nobody is right in this situation.. I personally though would have kept my mouth closed and acted only if my family or I were threatened. This coming from someone who's 50/50..
one of the more intelligent unbiased responses on here
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite

aite let me clear it up for you since you clearly missed the whole part of why dude got beat down.  

"im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet"

my mother is smart enough to know not to tell some ignorant fellas on public transportation to be quiet. Not in todays world.

"she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite"

so the rest of this crap you type is pointless.

so your really doing a whole lot of typing for nothing. This is the world we live in, this isnt the first violent situation to happen on a NYC train and it aint the last. just bc you, some NTers in this thread and other naive people think the world works like "leave it to beaver" or "save by the bell" tv show it doesnt and that dude that got hes head kicked in clearly thought it works like that too. And from the result of that i hope he learn a value lesson.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

predictable copout response from someone with the intelligence level of a 2nd grader.  i guess 2 wrongs make a right huh?

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite

aite let me clear it up for you since you clearly missed the whole part of why dude got beat down.  

"im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet"

my mother is smart enough to know not to tell some ignorant fellas on public transportation to be quiet. Not in todays world.

"she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite"

so the rest of this crap you type is pointless.

so your really doing a whole lot of typing for nothing. This is the world we live in, this isnt the first violent situation to happen on a NYC train and it aint the last. just bc you, some NTers in this thread and other naive people think the world works like "leave it to beaver" or "save by the bell" tv show it doesnt and that dude that got hes head kicked in clearly thought it works like that too. And from the result of that i hope he learn a value lesson.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite

dude seriously, just shut up. really.

how come you can't answer the question?  your the one making yourself look stupid and like a complete fool.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Put em up

   mannnnnn shut that #*@* up. dude was a clown so he got punished for it. end of story, dont start talking that foolishness about intelligence level and crap on a nike message board. nobody wont to read your personal philosophy of how the situation should have occurred. or whatever pointless comeback you'll response with.
your a cornball and at the end of the day your dumb as bricks. 

ill try and dumb things down for you but you still probably won't understand.

people on train being lound and noisy = acting like clowns  regardless of race

im guessing if me and some friends were being loud and your mom told us to be quiet and i called her a racial name, she said something back and then we proceeded to beat the daylights outta her, she'd be getting punished for it right?? im just making sure because that's what it seems in your eyes.  if you say otherwise your a stupid hypocrite

dude seriously, just shut up. really.

how come you can't answer the question?  your the one making yourself look stupid and like a complete fool.
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