Man Found Guilty Commits Suicide in the Courtroom .. Vid ......

Jun 14, 2006

" A horrified court room looked on today as a man who had just been convicted of burning down his $3.5 million mansion collapsed and died in front of them. Michael Marin, 53, was found guilty of arson by a jury in Maricopa County Superior Court. He appeared shocked and closed his eyes as the verdict was read before appearing to put something in his mouth and wash it down with liquid in a plastic water bottle. In the shocking court room video, he then fell to the floor a few minutes later in convulsions. Mr Marin was taken to a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, where he was pronounced dead. "




the video ( can't embed )

can't imagine what his last moments were like ....
This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle
Damn, you never really know, huh. All of that money doesn't mean a thing if your insides aint right.

Hopefully he rests in peace.
Originally Posted by Dropten

This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle

The American dream fam
Weak. While I have sympathy for one's plight in life, I don't have much sympathy when THIS is the way they choose to handle it. And buddy was facing Arson charges--was he really gonna do a huge chunk of time? Probably not.

Whatever the case, I feel bad for his family and friends.
Unreal. This happened locally last summer, and the guy got away with it. It was eventually ruled Arson, but they could not prove that HE did it.

His wife and two daughters were conveniently on a vegas vacation, he and his son were at a out of state baseball tournament with all of his autographed memorabilia in his trunk, even though there house was COMPLETELY blown-up, they still managed to salvage baby pictures and their wedding album. Did I mention that he was 7 payments behind on his mortgage?

Sickening - his family already has a new house built and is moving on like nothing happened
Arson charges? How bad could those be?

And I would think since he could afford a 3 million dollar crib, he might be able to cop a dope lawyer...
Originally Posted by ricky409

Arson charges? How bad could those be?

And I would think since he could afford a 3 million dollar crib, he might be able to cop a dope lawyer...
He obviously couldn't afford the house anymore...we probably had more $$ in our bank accounts than he did (considering all his debts)

And I don't really think it's the prison time that got him - the embarrassment he had to deal with i'm sure was insurmountable
I guess he was scared to go to prison but that's no reason to kill yourself.

My boss had a friend that was sleeping at my job in the bathroom bec he was going thru a bad divorce with his wife. I remember he got into an argument with her bec he went to his daughters school to see her when he wasn't supposed to. She took him to court and took his money and had full custody of the kids. He left the court room and walked to the bridge and jumped off. I guess some people feel like they cant cant take it anymore and take their own lives. Its sad but wrong imo.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Weak. While I have sympathy for one's plight in life, I don't have much sympathy when THIS is the way they choose to handle it. And buddy was facing Arson charges--was he really gonna do a huge chunk of time? Probably not.

Whatever the case, I feel bad for his family and friends.
Arson charges carry the same type of penalty as a second degree murder.
^ word? That's crazy. Here, depending on the degree, arson can get you a few years as long as nobody was injured/killed.
BET dude regretted it as soon as he woke up in Hell. What a dummy man...sad story.
One of the replies from the link:

"16 yrs is too long of a judgement in my opinion. Doesn't fit the crime." - Bryan, U.S.A

-----------It is too long, but it is a "money" crime isn't it? As we see in the courts here and the US, if you are essentially robbing an organisation or others of "their money"/the banks money you will get a huge sentence. Take a life, no big deal. At the same time though, it is okay for these bankers to rob us. - marie, London, 29/6/2012 13:21
Originally Posted by Jordanscrub

Pretty sad... honestly seemed like a good guy too until he got desperate.

%!+$ him. Dude is a coward. A Yale graduate offs himself because he can't pay the mortgage on his $3.5 million dollar crib. Boohoo
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