Man kills his own son in self defense.

Guy's sister calls him from her house next door at 1am, probably frantic that someone was trying to break in, who knows if she saw him in the ski mask and all black.

It's dark out, the dad's adrenaline is probably pumping but he sees the dude come at him with a weapon, any weapon, and you can't blame him for shooting. He doesn't know who it is, if they're cracked out with superhuman strength and willing to kill.

It was the kid's own stupidity, worst part is the dad has to live with it. Had it been a different neighbor and the same events, the father would still be sad but now he has to face the fact that his own son died at his hands even though it's not his fault. That's pretty unimaginable.
You sound stupid.  Yea I'm gonna just stand there and get stabbed up with a gun in my hand.

Have either one of you every seen the reaction of someone shot in the leg they drop like a 10ib bag of potatoes. and start cry out for there momma.  S**t just the sound of a gun shot will give a person some act right real quick. 

People make dumb mistakes for whatever reason, and just because they did something stupid, crazy, and wild doesn't mean they won't grow out that mentality to do something great for the world.  But if you thought it necessary to take a kill shot on that person in the mist of there bad judgment when you obviously have the upper hand in the situation that persons potential will never be seen or felt.  I'm all about second chances. and getting shot when you where in the wrong at that time tend to be a pretty good interventions for reckless activity.  From talking to people some are itching to get the opportunity to legally kill someone, so there quicker to take unnecessary internal kill shots.

This is an idiotic mindset. One, a shot to the leg, hitting a major artery can kill. But two, if someone is approaching you brandishing a weapon with the intent to KILL YOU, you aim CENTER MASS at the biggest target. Trying to hit legs and limbs on some Dirty Harry stuff is how you end up six feet under.
This is an idiotic mindset. One, a shot to the leg, hitting a major artery can kill. But two, if someone is approaching you brandishing a weapon with the intent to KILL YOU, you aim CENTER MASS at the biggest target. Trying to hit legs and limbs on some Dirty Harry stuff is how you end up six feet under.
A idiotic mindset is this^^^.  Draw a gun on someone and see what happens.  They're going to stop dead in there tracks.  I saw a dude snap out of a sherm high the second he say that thing come out.  Stop talking that TV s**t if you've ever shot a gun you know damn well a 10 yr old could make a accurate leg shot from 10 feet away depending on the caliber.  Point #1 was just stupid to bring up.  It's pretty obvious that one could die from a arm or leg wound.  At least that way you give someone a shot at redemption compared to putting one right between there eyes or in there heart.  Your trying to argue with me about giving someone a second chance at at life now that's idiotic. 
Tragic story, feels surreal. Something you might see in a Hollywood movie.

Father may never be able to live with himself.
You sound stupid.  Yea I'm gonna just stand there and get stabbed up with a gun in my hand.

Have either one of you every seen the reaction of someone shot in the leg they drop like a 10ib bag of potatoes. and start cry out for there momma.  S**t just the sound of a gun shot will give a person some act right real quick. 

Well that's what your initial comment was saying dumb *** :rolleyes. Someone is lunging at you with a weapon that could possibly be a knife and you want to ask questions first so you dont become a "scary as person" :tongue:
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This is an idiotic mindset. One, a shot to the leg, hitting a major artery can kill. But two, if someone is approaching you brandishing a weapon with the intent to KILL YOU, you aim CENTER MASS at the biggest target. Trying to hit legs and limbs on some Dirty Harry stuff is how you end up six feet under.
A idiotic mindset is this^^^.  Draw a gun on someone and see what happens.  They're going to stop dead in there tracks.  I saw a dude snap out of a sherm high the second he say that thing come out.  Stop talking that TV s**t if you've ever shot a gun you know damn well a 10 yr old could make a accurate leg shot from 10 feet away depending on the caliber.  Point #1 was just stupid to bring up.  It's pretty obvious that one could die from a arm or leg wound.  At least that way you give someone a shot at redemption compared to putting one right between there eyes or in there heart.  Your trying to argue with me about giving someone a second chance at at life now that's idiotic. 
If you've ever shot a gun or taken a self-defense/safety course, you should know you're taught to shoot to stop, not wound and hope for a second chance of the attacker. That means center mass, not trying to hit an arm or leg.

A ten year old could make an accurate leg shot from 10 feet away?... you're right, probably if it's done in a controlled environment, on a non-moving target, without fear of danger. If he son charged at the father with a knife or a pipe or something, maybe he could have defended himself without firing the gun, but you run the risk of being overpowered and losing control of your weapon.

A home invasion where the attacker has a weapon... it's not the responsibility of the homeowner defending himself to worry about redemption and second chances when their life is potentially at risk. It's a sad story and I feel bad for the son and father.
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this sounds fishy. maybe the dad and son had an argument and he shot him and then to cover it up he dressed him up as a robber with a weapon? and his sister is covering up for her? why would the son attack his own dad with a gun? makes no sense. unless the dad was jumpy and shot too quick before the boy could explain and the dad is lying about the kid lunging...

and WOW 8 years without any killings?? where the **** do they live at??? heaven? :lol:
Well that's what your initial comment was saying dumb ***
. Someone is lunging at you with a weapon that could possibly be a knife and you want to ask questions first so you dont become a "scary as person"
Like I said u sound stupid.  I'm talking about shooting someone in the leg over going for a intentional kill shot, and your talking about asking questions.
So apparently you would wanna be stabbed repeatedly rather than shooting an attacker ?
You sound stupid.  Yea I'm gonna just stand there and get stabbed up with a gun in my hand.

The Dad didn't know that was his son, and if someone with a ski mask on lunges at you in your direction with a shiny object in his/her hand what are you supposed to do... try to talk it out.
Have either one of you every seen the reaction of someone shot in the leg they drop like a 10ib bag of potatoes. and start cry out for there momma.  S**t just the sound of a gun shot will give a person some act right real quick. 

People make dumb mistakes for whatever reason, and just because they did something stupid, crazy, and wild doesn't mean they won't grow out that mentality to do something great for the world.  But if you thought it necessary to take a kill shot on that person in the mist of there bad judgment when you obviously have the upper hand in the situation that persons potential will never be seen or felt.  I'm all about second chances. and getting shot when you where in the wrong at that time tend to be a pretty good interventions for reckless activity.  From talking to people some are itching to get the opportunity to legally kill someone, so there quicker to take unnecessary internal kill shots.

If someone was charging at me my first instinct would be to shoot to stop, center mass. I'm not going to contemplate on whether or not I want to give this guy a second chance at life.
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If someone was charging at me my first instinct would be to shoot to stop, center mass. I'm not going to contemplate on whether or not I want to give this guy a second chance at life.
Well God forbid you do anything to someone that they think warrants death.  So someone can say skew your second chances and your love ones that you leave behind.  Had this guy not been so quick to put one through someones heart  his kid would be nursing a leg wound, and thinking about how stupid he is.   Instead he's laying in the morgue right now
If someone was charging at me my first instinct would be to shoot to stop, center mass. I'm not going to contemplate on whether or not I want to give this guy a second chance at life.
Pretty much. Your second chance at life went by when you didn't think twice about the stupid thing you were doing. It's sad, but ain't nobody thinking about where to shoot somebody when they think they're being charged with a weapon. That's a "react on sight" don't get long to think about it.

There are those who have lived simply to teach people why they shouldn't do certain lurking around people's houses at night wearing a mask for no-*** reason.
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Like I said u sound stupid.  I'm talking about shooting someone in the leg over going for a intentional kill shot, and your talking about asking questions.
I didn't know I was suppose to read your mind about shooting someone in the leg especially when your initial post didn't even insinuate that. You clearly said

This is valuable lesson to why you don't shot first and ask questions later. All these scary as people out here with guns are really Fing things up.

It sounds like your just making **** up as you go along so you don't sound stupid based off your original post.Carry on though have time to argue with fools.
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It's not as easy as your trying to make it out to be to hit an arm or a leg when your scared for your life (hands shaking etc)....that type of situation is not the same as shooting in a gun range with no fears or split second decisions
I wish we could take away people's reps when they say something stupid. Yeah, i'll definitely worry about the safety of the person lunging at me with a knife first instead of my own safety. I'll shoot him in the leg to immobilize him, he'll cry on the ground like a little bia until the police arrive. He'll go to jail then become rehabilitated and never do that kind of stuff again.
i wonder out of all the ppl commenting on here has actually shot a man or even killed a man before... outside of video games..? how many ppl has been robbed had a gun and been in this situation..? or how many ppl are just talking based on a few rounds at a gun range. or what they seen in a movie.
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