Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

^^The action scenes in 300 were cool but movie didn't offer much else imo. As for Watchmen, I loved the graphic novel and I appreciate Zack trying to doing a pretty faithful adaption but it was boring and lacked any kind of vision, it felt like dude was trapped in trying to be as faithful as possible instead of trying to do an interesting interpretation on his own. Rorscach was done great though, I'll give him credit for that. Also I think the best thing he's done so far is Dawn of the Dead, the first half of that movie is really good but then it gets too video gamey
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Stop it 5.
2006 film was not decent, it was the film equivalent to a can of Brisk. After it finished you're back at square one thirsty.
Mind you, you aren't thirsty because is wasn't enough, you're thirsty because what you just consumed did absolutely nothing for you, it left as soon as it came.

Overall the story was decent. It lacked action and didn't need the kid but it was a decent Superman film. I start to like it less the more I see it but it's a solid film. In the end, it got 76% fresh on RT so I am not alone in thinking it is decent to say the least.

^^The action scenes in 300 were cool but movie didn't offer much else imo. As for Watchmen, I loved the graphic novel and I appreciate Zack trying to doing a pretty faithful adaption but it was boring and lacked any kind of vision, it felt like dude was trapped in trying to be as faithful as possible instead of trying to do an interesting interpretation on his own. Rorscach was done great though, I'll give him credit for that. Also I think the best thing he's done so far is Dawn of the Dead, the first half of that movie is really good but then it gets too video gamey

I really have no clue what people expected from 300, it is practically a page for page adaptation of the book, there isn't much Snyder needed to work with w/o sacrificing the books story.

As for Watchmen, it really just needed the giant squid but I understood why he left that out. Overall is still got a 64% fresh at RT so majority did like it, my guess is if people knew or read the graphic novel the score would be higher. As a film by itself, it might not stand by itself but it really is a 5-6 hour film crammed into 2hour 45min movie. This is also one of those things that he won't win with the fans. If he changes too much from the novel, he'll get flack. Look at the outrage for not including the giant squid? Again, he made a good film from the source he was given and I commend him for sticking to the material while most steer away from it and fail miserably.
You gotta take that up with Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel man, Superman is the OG superhero so of course they gave him every superpower. He was meant to be a standard of goodness and power in an late Depression-era America one the brink of a world war. Every other superhero was based of the foundation that Superman set. We live in a society that demonizes greatness and frowns upon being anything but mediocre, let boy cook and give us something to look up to.
I understand that he was the OG and why he has the powers he does. But like I said in the rest of my post, there are ways to make him not such a god in the first movie without having him lose the essence that Shuster and Siegel created. In the grand scope of things, should there be sequels and such, he would still be powerful and badass while giving this era's audiences something more to work with. We after all dont have the same 'needs' as the Depression-era audiences of old so it couldn't hurt to not show him in his FULL glory in the first movie. Pacing is key.
I think this is where Superman would never win. He has his weaknesses and his villains has taken advantage to it but if they humanize him, people will complain that isn't the true Superman. The same way people want a darker Superman but others doesn't want that because that is not the real Superman but then the other half doesn't like it that he is such a boy scout. The hard part is finding that fine line, the middle ground that will make it likable by the general audience.
Very true, that fine line is hard to find. Like what I stated above, there are ways to humanize him enough that it creates the right kind of conflict in the film. How much to humanize him is the tricky part. That's why I stated maybe he doesn't discover ALL of his powers in this first film and hints that he's slowly but surely figuring things out. Imagine that as a teaser for future sequels and such. That being said I'm confident in Nolan's ability to make characters relatable, through backstory, pacing, reasoning, etc. He's done a great job with Batman and even tweaking the story a little bit. I even like some of the things I'm seeing already, like how his suit is a Kryptonian armor and not just some fit his mom knitted in a barn. He knows how much to stray. After seeing Batman Begins and the rest of the series, I'm sure Bob Kane aint turning in his grave that the Waynes weren't killed by the Joker.

And for the record, I dont think Superman has to be dark like alot of people have been asking for. More realistic doesn't mean darker Superman. Nolan Superman doesn't mean darker Superman. Iron Man, Thor, Spiderman, The Avengers have been successes without having to be dark.
Dudes in here bad talking 300 now... word.

I remember that movie was the only one in the history that I've been on NT... and everyone was praising that movie... it was the GOAT in the offilcial 300 thread on here :lol:

I remember that thread quite well because myself, as well as others, were surprised everyone was feeling it... except for one dude. Out of the hundreds in that thread there was one dude who was talking smack and then we all pretty much came to the realization that he was trolling just to be different.

Now I'm not going to lie as time went on and I rewatched 300 like 10 times it didn't have the same effect on me like when I first saw it on opening weekend in the movie theaters, but still it's one of the only guy movies that when I put it on my girl leaves me alone and goes elsewhere :tongue:

What was you guys expecting from 300? An award winning storyline and plot, romance... take your behind and go watch the Notebook or one of them fairy tale chick flicks... while you're at it go listen to that new Frank Ocean.

The nerve to talk about 300 like that on a mostly male board.

I wasn't really feeling Watchmen like that, but it wasn't a terrible movie at all... it couldn't keep my attention.

I'm looking forward to this new Superman movie... I like this dude Nolan's work and 300 is one of my favorite movies.

So far from the trailer alone this new Superman movie looks alright.
I hate this speech. It shows a complete misunderstanding of what Superman is. He's been Clark Kent longer than he was ever Kal-El; it's something that happened to him when he was 13 long after he had already formed an identity and sense of self. Superman is his way of reconciling both sides of himself (its right there in the symbol too -- the red of Krypton's sun intertwining with the yellow of Earth's) and honoring the sacrifices made to allow him to live. Morrison has the best description of who Superman is:
“In the end I saw Superman not as a superhero or even a science fiction character, but as the story of the everyman. We’re all supermen in our own adventures. We have our own fortresses of solitude we retreat to, with our own special collections of valued stuff, our own super secrets, our own bottled cities that we feel guilty for neglecting. We have our own peers and rivals and bizarre emotional or moral tangles to deal with. That S is the radiant emblem of divinity we reveal when we rip off our stuffy shirts, our social masks, our neuroses, our constructed selves, and become who we truly are.”

1. Theres no official analysis of superman.
2. Grant Morrison the same writer had super man say


does that strike you as a character who views himself as Clark Kent, and superman as a creation? Even he last line grant says, "We become who we truly are" that sounds pretty inline with what the Kill Bill clip is saying. Clark is the mask, superman is his true self.
I have really high hopes for this Snyder/Nolan team up. I don't want to think that both of them would let this one slip away.
After the incredible strategy and success of "The Avengers"... assured that we'll see a Batman/Superman flick in the next 5 to 7 years.

Even I realize there's entirely too much money to be made from it...

...and I'm just a guy with insomnia posting on a sneaker forum.

heh not unless you want batman looking like the 9th member of the expendables. dude is 38. 45 yo batman is ancient. thats like wizards mj.

after 3 flicks, its too late to sub out Bale. dude is batman. JGL doesnt stand a chance. shrugs.
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does that strike you as a character who views himself as Clark Kent, and superman as a creation? Even he last line grant says, "We become who we truly are" that sounds pretty inline with what the Kill Bill clip is saying. Clark is the mask, superman is his true self.

No because in that line he's recognizing that if he ever abandoned being Clark Kent, which he totally could and just be Kal-El/Superman all the time, he'd been disconnected from his humanity which is more important to him than his Superhumanity
heh not unless you want batman looking like the 9th member of the expendables. dude is 38. 45 yo batman is ancient. thats like wizards mj.
after 3 flicks, its too late to sub out Bale. dude is batman. JGL doesnt stand a chance. shrugs.

I'm thinking if they ever made a JL or Superman/Batman flick, it would be better if they can just have Bats in his mask. I mean, no Bruce Wayne whatsoever so they can just go with any actor they would like. But an old Christian Bale would be uber fine with me. That would have Miller's The Dark Knight Returns written all over it.
In addition, I am also certain that after Schumachers Bat nipples, dim-witted Bane, Governator as Mr Freeze, etc... everyone is likely saying the same thing when Batman Begins was about to come out in 2005. "Another reboot and who the hell is Christopher Nolan?"

They were and I was one of them and I was still mad at Christian Bale from his Shaft performance. He was such a believable bigot I wanted to slap dude.

But after 1 viewing of Begins in theaters, actually when Ducard aka Ras was in Bruce's cell at the beginning I was sold. The quotables in that part alone.....:smokin

From that point "In Nolan I trust."

Not a bad film done by his hands yet.
Would anyone please do me the favor of posting a working link to the comic con footage? I would really appreciate it :-D Thank you
John Williams' Superman Theme NOT in Man of Steel

When talking to Total Film magazine (via Coventry Telegraph), Snyder let it be known that John Williams' theme will not be appearing in the movie.

"We decided to act as if no Superman film had been made - even though we love the films that have been made. We had to say this is a Superman movie for the first time and you can't then go 'Oh, now let's steal a little music. So, yes it's awesome music but Hans Zimmer is going to do something awesome."

Talking deeper about his approach to the character, Snyder offered this: "We have great respect for the canon. I would say it is a clashing of stories and ideas. Superman is the king-daddy of all superheroes - to make him work is a big deal. The big challenge is if you can make people feel 'What would you do if you were Superman?' That's what we went out to do as far as we could. Superman's always been this kind of big blue boy-scout up on a throne that nobody can really touch, so we tried to make him relatable."

Pretty bold move right there. Still, that's the right one to take. I really do hope they get this one right.
Just read that and can't believe anybody's surprised. Since this is a new take, I dont know why it shouldnt have its own theme and I like Zimmer so I'm not too worried anyway. Athough its always funny reading the comments on SHH.
Just read that and can't believe anybody's surprised. Since this is a new take, I dont know why it shouldnt have its own theme and I like Zimmer so I'm not too worried anyway. Athough its always funny reading the comments on SHH.
Ehhh....I could get why people would be surprised. They might assume change = radically different. Like, the Batman 1989 theme and the Batman Begins theme are very different from each other, but they're in the same family. They share chords, but the latter's been molded to be less fantastical and regal, and more grounded and restrained.

I think when they say they won't use John Williams' score, they mean, we won't do what Singer did and give you, every step of the way, a jerkoff of the og films. We'll make it our own.

Never really watched Lois and Clark - but I love how this scene basically poops on the logic of Superman Fans the past 30 years

I clap the effort because I'm sure everyone who's ever heard of superman and clark kent has wondered how the hell do world class reporters not put this together?

Disclaimer: I think the new Nolan Produced Superman film will be very well done. I saw returns - thought it was OK - fell asleep wasn't so good. :smh:

Never really watched Lois and Clark - but I love how this scene basically poops on the logic of Superman Fans the past 30 years
I clap the effort because I'm sure everyone who's ever heard of superman and clark kent has wondered how the hell do world class reporters not put this together?
Disclaimer: I think the new Nolan Produced Superman film will be very well done. I saw returns - thought it was OK - fell asleep wasn't so good. :smh:

for the most part, the average person wouldnt know who he is, because they probably dont know who clark is. Now for those who are around clark, yea, they should realize it, especially lois. but then again, the character was written a long time ago, so we cant use are logic, in a sense to analyze it

as for Superman returns, it wasnt that it was bad, just very boring and donner esque. It wouldve worked in the early 80's, but would lose people nowadays
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Zack Snyder Opens up about Man of Steel, not using John Williams' famous Superman music and more -
Always makes me laugh when people try to rationalize the realism of Clark's disguise.

You're reading/watching a story about an alien being from another planet who looks completely human, who can fly, see through walls and shoot fire from his eyes.....

And it's his disguise that's unrealistic? 
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