Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Can someone please explain to me why hollywood always messes with the costumes so much. What is this stupid honeycomb fabric they keep putting people in?

I get that some superheroes have ridiculous outfits that arent really screen friendly, but Superman isnt one of them.

But for the most part, I feel like superhero movies are like sports teams, Im really just rooting for the laundry. I dont give a F about Robert Downy Jr, but I sure has hell wanna see Iron Man wreck people. The suit is the only thing that matters, am i alone here?
Can someone please explain to me why hollywood always messes with the costumes so much. What is this stupid honeycomb fabric they keep putting people in?

I get that some superheroes have ridiculous outfits that arent really screen friendly, but Superman isnt one of them.

But for the most part, I feel like superhero movies are like sports teams, Im really just rooting for the laundry. I dont give a F about Robert Downy Jr, but I sure has hell wanna see Iron Man wreck people. The suit is the only thing that matters, am i alone here?

You aren't alone, the removal of the red briefs has been a big discussion everywhere and it is much of a bigger than you think. Lots are already saying the movie will flop due to the underwear alone.

To explain though why Hollywood messes with suits, it is mostly to sell merchandise. Alter the suit and most people would want to get it rather than the same one that other may have bought already in the older films (Iron Man for example).

For this film, the suit is supposed to be more base on his alien planet and it is what the soldiers wore in battle and that is why the texture is chainmail-like. From that explanation, it does makes sense so it is just up to the people whether they want to go with it or not. The red tights, well I guess they just feel that it needs to be updated. Superman has been w/o his red tights in the comics for a little over a year now.

But the real story on the red tights can be seen here:
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Can someone please explain to me why hollywood always messes with the costumes so much. What is this stupid honeycomb fabric they keep putting people in?

I get that some superheroes have ridiculous outfits that arent really screen friendly, but Superman isnt one of them.

But for the most part, I feel like superhero movies are like sports teams, Im really just rooting for the laundry. I dont give a F about Robert Downy Jr, but I sure has hell wanna see Iron Man wreck people. The suit is the only thing that matters, am i alone here?

You aren't alone, the removal of the red briefs has been a big discussion everywhere and it is much of a bigger than you think. Lots are already saying the movie will flop due to the underwear alone.

To explain though why Hollywood messes with suits, it is mostly to sell merchandise. Alter the suit and most people would want to get it rather than the same one that other may have bought already in the older films (Iron Man for example).

For this film, the suit is supposed to be more base on his alien planet and it is what the soldiers wore in battle and that is why the texture is chainmail-like. From that explanation, it does makes sense so it is just up to the people whether they want to go with it or not. The red tights, well I guess they just feel that it needs to be updated. Superman has been w/o his red tights in the comics for a little over a year now.

But the real story on the red tights can be seen here:

nolan's batman was briefless and that turned out ok (understatement).
But the real story on the red tights can be seen here:

nolan's batman was briefless and that turned out ok (understatement).[/quote]

haha great gif RFX45, :rofl:

My feelings about the suits are not a science, but I think Nolan gets away with the all-black, techie batsuit because Batman is already a more grounded gear-based character. Plus, Im no comics expert, but I feel like the batsuit has a long history of being altered, so there isnt one super iconic suit that he must always wear. He needs the cape and the Mantle and from there you can improvise somewhat. Superman on the other hand, has one single ultra iconic outfit. There is no need for Hollywood to change it, but I think RFX45 that your explanation about the marketing probably is true

The hollywood change that really grinds my gears is the lazy leather jumpsuits for the Xmen, and the honeycomb rubber and gold eyes for spiderman. Coincidently both Sony pictures.
It all seems related to the obsession Hollywood has with masked heroes taking their masks off constantly so we can see the actors face
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It all seems related to the obsession Hollywood has with masked heroes taking their masks off constantly so we can see the actors face

Not with Dredd, he never took his helmet of in the film (haven't seen it but the director said he isn't going to) so all you really saw is Karl Urbans chin.

I do like it when they get creative with the suits and make it "functiona" or makes sense. Like in Batman, he specifically asked for a new suit that has a separate helmet so he can turn, he asked for a lighter version so he could move around better. His suit is very tactical and it makes sense. I liked Captain Americas suit too where it is a padded blue army (para trooper) gear that just happens to make up the red/white stripes with the harness and straps. It's not just a cheesy cartoon spandex suit.
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It all seems related to the obsession Hollywood has with masked heroes taking their masks off constantly so we can see the actors face

Not with Dredd, he never took his helmet of in the film (haven't seen it but the director said he isn't going to) so all you really saw is Karl Urbans chin.

I do like it when they get creative with the suits and make it "functiona" or makes sense. Like in Batman, he specifically asked for a new suit that has a separate helmet so he can turn, he asked for a lighter version so he could move around better. His suit is very tactical and it makes sense. I liked Captain Americas suit too where it is a padded blue army (para trooper) gear that just happens to make up the red/white stripes with the harness and straps. It's not just a cheesy cartoon spandex suit.

Both good points. I didnt see Dredd, but I was pleased when I heard that they were never gonna remove his helmet, stay true to the source material. As far as Cap, I also thought that they did a great job with his suit. It blended his WWII background with his USO work and it looked very Captain America while also making sense. So far, Marvel has done a great job with the Avengers characters. Im not particularily bothered by the new Superman suit, its more just that I wonder why Hwood cant leave well enough alone. Now Green Lantern would have been a terrible movie anyway, but look at the nonsense they did to him
Im not particularily bothered by the new Superman suit, its more just that I wonder why Hwood cant leave well enough alone. Now Green Lantern would have been a terrible movie anyway, but look at the nonsense they did to him

As a concept, Green Lanterns suit made sense. I mean it is conjured up by his mind so it being what it is did makes sense. Was it executed well? Not one bit. What they should have done is simply cgi the suit to his body and then let Reynolds wear some spandex so your eyes didn't hurt or got distracted by the god awful cgi suit. Overall though, the suit was the least of the movies problems, such a simple story/plot and they couldn't even pull it off.

As for the Superman change, it really seems like a "stab at it" kind of thing. Like I said, in the comics, he has been briefless for more than a year so it makes sense for it to be gone in the film. And even though it is a step away from the tradition, they still want to kind of erase the past Supermans from peoples mind and that is why they got someone much more brolic this time around, someone who actually looks like a superhero and not just a lanky reporter/dork.
was at the Man of Steel panel at SDCC, too dope and really excited for this. really love how they humanized superman

henry cavill though
I'm digging the suit they chose for this film. I love the original a lot, but its been used so so many times.
Christopher Nolan Talks Man of Steel and Justice League Role

Christopher Nolan is a busy man. After finishing up his Dark Knight trilogy for Warner Bros., he stepped in to oversee and produce the upcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel, which he says won't exactly be like his Batman series.

"Well, somewhat," Nolan told The Playlist. "But I wouldn't want people to think we're doing for Superman what we did for Batman.

"It's very much Zack's film and I think people are going to love what he's done. I think it's really remarkable to take on that character. Superman is a completely different character than Batman. So you can't in anyway use the same template. But David Goyer had this, I thought, brilliant way to make Superman relatable and relevant for his audience. Zack has built on that and I think it's incredible what he's putting together. He's got a lot of finishing to do on that. Superman is the biggest comic book character of them all and he needs the biggest possible movie version which is what Zack's doing. It's really something."

Ever since the announcement of the Justice League film, Nolan's involvement has been long rumored. When asked if he could take on a Joss Whedon-like role for WB, he laughed and gave the non-answer of "Well, as I've said, and I'll say definitively again, I am done with the Batman films, the trilogy is completed. It ended in the manner we had envisioned."

Even though we won't get to see Man of Steel until next summer, and Justice League for a few more years, the folks involved are very proud of what they've done even if they won't say what it is.

"It afforded me a wonderful opportunity to put a specific thing in the minds of 14 year-old boys," said Russell Crowe to MTV about playing Superman's father, Jor-El. "And that is that the bravest thing you can do, the most important thing you can ever do, is love."
Superman toys unfinished commercials, might contain some spoilers.

Looks like Zod might have a big robot army? If true, should be a good action sequences for Snyder to play with.
Im not particularily bothered by the new Superman suit, its more just that I wonder why Hwood cant leave well enough alone. Now Green Lantern would have been a terrible movie anyway, but look at the nonsense they did to him

As a concept, Green Lanterns suit made sense. I mean it is conjured up by his mind so it being what it is did makes sense. Was it executed well? Not one bit. What they should have done is simply cgi the suit to his body and then let Reynolds wear some spandex so your eyes didn't hurt or got distracted by the god awful cgi suit. Overall though, the suit was the least of the movies problems, such a simple story/plot and they couldn't even pull it off.

As for the Superman change, it really seems like a "stab at it" kind of thing. Like I said, in the comics, he has been briefless for more than a year so it makes sense for it to be gone in the film. And even though it is a step away from the tradition, they still want to kind of erase the past Supermans from peoples mind and that is why they got someone much more brolic this time around, someone who actually looks like a superhero and not just a lanky reporter/dork.

I do agree with that. It was a good concept that was just not executed well. Honestly, I'm really not sure if they can make a GL movie that is not hokey though. I hope they can prove me wrong,
I think a good GL film can be good, all they really needed to do was get rid of that CGI body suit and make Sinestro the main villain, him turning on the GL Corps. Parallax is a good villain but not for an origins story and not if they will not do him justice, which is exactly what they did. They also made Parallax a stupid being/form that was so easily defeated. It was just all stupid, a good writer and good director like Whedon could make a great GL film for sure.
True. And I would only like to see Parallax on screen if they'd show Hal's slow descent into madness. For me though, if they'd make another GL movie it has to be Kyle this time. I do like Hal as a GL but I think Kyle can carry his own in a movie and I'd guess casual movie goers won't tell the difference as well lol
I have a feeling that if they do go away from Hal, they'll go with John Stewart first before they go with Kyle.
They went with Hal because he is the quintessential GL and is the most popular so they hoped that would help.
Next to him, John Stewart is the only on that even comes close to being popular as far GLs go, the JLA animated series really helped in that regard.
The first "proper" theatrical trailer will premiere next week (14th December -set to be shown with The Hobbit: An unexpected journey)

Obviously it should be online soon after.
It'll likely be out (leaked) a day or two before, really looking forward to it.
I have a feeling that if they do go away from Hal, they'll go with John Stewart first before they go with Kyle.
They went with Hal because he is the quintessential GL and is the most popular so they hoped that would help.
Next to him, John Stewart is the only on that even comes close to being popular as far GLs go, the JLA animated series really helped in that regard.

Come to think of it, I guess you're right. That JL series really made Stewart kind of a household GL name.
It'll likely be out (leaked) a day or two before, really looking forward to it.
 Yep -Just wondering if I'll be tempted to watch the leak, or wait for the official WB one as to make it more "special" 

Magazine cover without the text (photoshopped)...
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