Man ordered to pay child support even though DNA tests prove children not his

Apr 28, 2008

In her ruling, Madam Justice Katherine van Rensburg decided that even though Pasqualino Cornelio did not father twins - now 16 - with Anciolina Cornelio, hemust continue to pay child support because "he was the only father the twins knew during the course of the marriage."

Pasqualino demanded a DNA test. When the results showed Pasqualino was not the father, he asked to be excused from paying child support and demanded he bereimbursed for tens of thousands of dollars that he had paid in the past.

Because Anciolina can't remember the affair, she claims she has no idea who the twins' father is. The judge concluded that the children should notsuffer because of the parents' wrongdoings.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Because Anciolina can't remember the affair, she claims she has no idea who the twins' father is. The judge concluded that the children should not suffer because of the parents' wrongdoings.
its ridiculous that this judge is making him pay child support when he doesnt have a child to support. If it were me that %*+*! wouldn't see adime from me, not to mention i'd fight every single ruling stating that i had to pay. I'd take the case all the way to the Supreme Court if i had to.%@$+ that !#%*.
what? I see what the judge means but the man has absolutely no obligation to pay for kids that aren't his.
judge having a clouded viewpoint as a female.. i thought they were supposed to neutral in all instances.
The family court system is terrible from top to bottom. Just another instance in which the males are screwed over in the system. Now you see why cats bekilling people, @@%# like this. My man needs to file an appeal ASAP. How incompetant is the judge? Leave your bias at the door. She should be placed underreview.
what is that judge thinking. the dude should not have to suffer for the Parents' mistake (since he is not one of them).
Fam should've gotten those kids tested WAAAAAAAAY earlier than 16 tho. if i had ANY doubt i'd have that plastic swab ready before they could stretchout in the incubator.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

what is that judge thinking. the dude should not have to suffer for the Parents' mistake (since he is not one of them).
Fam should've gotten those kids tested WAAAAAAAAY earlier than 16 tho. if i had ANY doubt i'd have that plastic swab ready before they could stretch out in the incubator.
the judge is clearly a woman that is sympathetic towards the @%!% like behavior of the mother. Yea i do agree that the kids shouldnt be punishedbecause of their mother's mistakes. But he should in no way be FORCED to pay CHILD support when they arent his CHILDREN
Will be reversed on appeal, guaranteed. This is what happens when judges legislate from the bench. You get ******ed rulings like this. It's like the superliberal judges who give serial child molestors a couple months in prison and community service. The higher courts will take care of this.

Edit: whoops, missed the "in Canada" part of this. Well, I think it still applies, unless the Canadian higher courts are full of ******s as well.
I wouldn't pay %$!!. You would have to send me to jail to pay for kids that aren't mine. The #%%%@ doesn't remember the affair? **** seriously.That judge is garbage.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Can someone Cliff notes the reason or ground the Judge based their ruling on???

There are literally, like, four sentences in the original post that explain everything. If you can't read that much then that's prettysad.
what? that is ridiculous, i would not pay a cent and continue to fight that *%$!.
See ya'll didnt believe what I was saying about some females not having good objective reasoning.There is probably some rule that says you dont have to bea biological parent to paid child support(For instance when people adopt kids from a previous marriage) Anybody with sense would say that he shouldnt have topay for kids that arent his. This is basically fraud.
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