manglor is the greatest person ever but is a terrible seller (pics bottom of page 1 and 4 AND 14)

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....
This is the internet if you haven't noticed, Why would I be scared to say something
Kinda makes you wonder about other #@+% if you wouldside with a shady person such as this. Like all these "donations" that are supposedly being made. They may be legit for all I know, But after allthis, one could definitely question it.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

1. I don't go over to buy/sell at all.
2. I don't even see any stains in the pic above.

from sounds like
1. Manglor did an airfob
2. OP jumped on the price to make sure no one else got them

If anything..there's equal blame to go around... but, at the end of the day it's up to the buyer to know exactly what he's getting... it seems that he didn't do that.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....
Right...b/c we would take the time out to create fake organizations and their emails to us.
give me a friggin break... ya'll just on some idiotic level with your leaps of "logic"

As far as me "siding with someone shady"....I side with common far as I can see...the OP did not have any in thistransaction...regardless of which account you believe.

but hell.. question what you want... as far as I'm concerned my "rep" as an NT staff isn't affected by this...I've sold used shoes beforeand in both cases...the buyers were extremely happy considering how hard I graded the shoes
I've been on NT for years... if you want to assume that I'm shady, b/c I "side" with be it.... we all know what happens whenpeople assume though.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

so like I said and keep's up the OP/buyer to do their due diligence on what they're buying.
...regardless of it's NT staff or not.
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda hold NT mods/staff to a higher standard than everybody else. I wouldn't be surprised if an average NTertried to pull something off but NT staff? I'm in disbelief.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Right...b/c we would take the time out to create fake organizations and their emails to us.
give me a friggin break... ya'll just on some idiotic level with your leaps of "logic"

As far as me "siding with someone shady"....I side with common far as I can see...the OP did not have any in this transaction...regardless of which account you believe.

but hell.. question what you want... as far as I'm concerned my "rep" as an NT staff isn't affected by this.
I've been on NT for years... if you want to assume that I'm shady, b/c I "side" with be it.... we all know what happens when people assume though.

Look, Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Obviously the majority of NT is seeing Manglor at fault for not providing pictures of the flaws in theshoes. I don't know if the OP did research or not to check Manglor's credibility. However, If he did and saw that his B/S rep was Crystal clear, hewould have no other reason to turn these down being that the pics showed a pretty solid pair of CG XIs. And on another note, How do you not know that the solesof your shoes are falling off? Especially if you had to handle them to ship them. All I'm saying is that Manglor could have took better pictures, depictingevery flaw they had, and listed those in the description. I mean, if you're going to sell something aren't you going to inspect them first and see iftheirs things wrong with them that you didn't already know? I know I would. To me it seems like he just wanted to off them quick so he posted pictures withangles that made them look better then they were.
in truth i agree with dirty, obviously whatever deal manglor set up was to benefit himself
IT WAS UP TO OP to see something was up when the thread stated stains and none were shown..
and really hype beast gotta relax it was only a couple of days in between people live lives other than
funny how everyones siding with OP considering he didnt even know manglor was "NT Staff" until AFTER the transaction, if you go back and read thefirst few posts, he ended up changing his post title a few times, and he realized manglor was staff AFTER he made his original post
did yall not see the stain or rip on the tongue that could have been interpreted as "the stain" the seller was referring to? this is a open and closecase, the item was misrepresented and the pics were taken very very very carefully lol ...

and by the way, why doesnt the dude who sold them tell the dude who bought them how to "easily" get those stains out.......................................................................................................................................................

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

1. I don't go over to buy/sell at all.
2. I don't even see any stains in the pic above.

from sounds like
1. Manglor did an airfob
2. OP jumped on the price to make sure no one else got them

If anything..there's equal blame to go around... but, at the end of the day it's up to the buyer to know exactly what he's getting... it seems that he didn't do that.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....

Dirty you know I got mad love/respect on here for you, but I'll say it in the hopes that you'll take it from an objective observer: dude clearly didhim dirty (no pun). I was one of the first to tell him to take the L, but that's before I saw the pics manglor posted. The obvious conclusion based onthose pics and that description is NOT that there are horrible ink stains on the shoe that you can't see because of the positioning, but that the stainsare so slight that they don't even show in the picture. Especially since dude is a mod, you would have to be a straight up cynic when viewing the pics heposted to think they could be as beat as they actually were. Like I said, it'd be like me saying a car I listed has some dents and scratches, and thenshowing the clean side while the side that is hidden in the pictures is keyed to death. The assumption of a rational person seeing those pictures would be thatthe dents and scratches I mentioned are so slight that they are not visible. The fact that manglor is a mod adds to the likelihood of this assumption. Dude mayhave slipped up in not asking for extra pics, but let's not act like manglor didn't deceive, because he clearly did. So what dude was trying to implywas that you're bias in manglor's favor because he's a fellow staff member, and I would agree, again with mad love.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

1. I don't go over to buy/sell at all.
2. I don't even see any stains in the pic above.

from sounds like
1. Manglor did an airfob
2. OP jumped on the price to make sure no one else got them

If anything..there's equal blame to go around... but, at the end of the day it's up to the buyer to know exactly what he's getting... it seems that he didn't do that.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....

At first, I chalked it up as both of them were to blame, but once you think about it, OP got a pic of a stain and had no reason to believe the side was coveredin ink.

It is also up to the seller to provide accurate description and pictures of the item for sale. Afterall, he is the one with the shoes inhand.
OP SHOULDNT HAVE TO ASK FOR MORE PICS. PICS OF FLAWS SHOULD BE PROVIDED. If pics of flaws are NOT provided, dirty business is going on. (Pun intended)

Hell, you guys throw a fit if the date on the tags are 2 days old! Let someone do some dishonest business though, and everything is A-OK.

I mean, seriously, stains on the item youre selling, and you PURPOSELY dont take pics of them? YouPURPOSELY turn the shoes so the stains dont show? You PURPOSELY position the shoestring so the stain on tongue dont show? Nowonder he sold them on ISS and not here.... He thought nobody would ever find out. Grimey.

And the sole? I highly doubt they were fine when he sent them out. I LOL @ the thought of OP doing that as soon as he got them....

I have changed my mind - OP might have been able to get them cheaper, but he got ripped off. Point blank and simple. Dude went to ISS with pics he staged upand sold them dishonestly and expected nobody to know....

Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

1. I don't go over to buy/sell at all.
2. I don't even see any stains in the pic above.

from sounds like
1. Manglor did an airfob
2. OP jumped on the price to make sure no one else got them

If anything..there's equal blame to go around... but, at the end of the day it's up to the buyer to know exactly what he's getting... it seems that he didn't do that.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....

See that's the thing you don't really go over to buy/sell. No one should have to worry about a mod pulling a air fob that's what I've beensaying. A mod who pulls this kinda stuff isn't fit to be mod. It would be equal blame if Manglor was just another kid trying to make a quick buck. But fora mod to do this is unacceptable. I don't really buy on here anyway but this really does make NT's buy/sell look real bad if it's to the pointwhere you can't even trust the people in charge. Guess it's just a lesson learned though
its finaly over

Both have fault
but manglor knew what he was doing

Moral of the sory but buy from manglor
and do not sell to this kobe4threebang

Sorry to dig up this thread, its been over a week old since someone posted last, but manglor im not too happy about the infrared am 90s that i bought from you. the midsole seemed to be repainted. when i tried to use sneaker cleaner on it, the infrared paint ran. and it looks like the white part of the midsole hasbeen repainted. there is also some paint chipping on the back of the right shoe that you hid on your pics.

i would like a refund.

link to the original classified.
Originally Posted by oidreez

it would be a different outcome if manglor was just another nt'er


The moy, paint chippin on the back of am90's is expected. They weren't DS so...its gonna happen.
Originally Posted by themoy

Sorry to dig up this thread, its been over a week old since someone posted last, but manglor im not too happy about the infrared am 90s that i bought from you. the midsole seemed to be repainted. when i tried to use sneaker cleaner on it, the infrared paint ran. and it looks like the white part of the midsole has been repainted. there is also some paint chipping on the back of the right shoe that you hid on your pics.

i would like a refund.

link to the original classified.

What the hell is up with people posting complaints about USED shoes INSTEAD OF TALKING TO ME DIRECTLY?? That is just stupid. You think maybe if you hit up theseller BEFORE you POST complaining things would be smoother???

Anyway. There is no way in hell the midsole was ever EVER repainted. Those am's were purchased from another OG NTer not that long ago and i only wore thenonce but since they were too big for me i sold them. The back of one shoe was creased on the midsole but that happens to all am90s and there WAS NOT anychipping at all just paint creases on the midsole. The pics i took were in DAYLIGHT and showed the shoes PERFECTLY!!

Actually... why are you complaining NOW after you've had the shoes for weeks???

It would be different if you didn't like the shoes when you got them cause then i could at least assume they were in the same condition i sent them in andi could have EASILY sold them to one of the dozen other people that wanted them but after this long this is just ridiculous. How many times did you wear them?And you say you used a cleaner on them and ruined the paint and NOW you want a refund... seriously...? You NEVER use sneaker cleaner on vintage shoes, ever.Those things are pushing like 8 or 9 years old bro. The paint thins with age and if you use a harsh cleaner it COMES OFF.

I sent you awesome shoes. You had them for weeks and never complained. Now you made the paint run with your cleaner and you want a refund?

This is just stupid.
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