manglor is the greatest person ever but is a terrible seller (pics bottom of page 1 and 4 AND 14)

am I the only one that still thinks they aren't that bad? I mean yeah maybe overpriced but get some shoeglue, some paint thinner and you're good to go.
How are you gonna make a thread about YOU getting scammed and the seller is punking YOU into changing the title of said thread in order to get a refund?


Seriously, both of you dudes need to step your transaction game up. Buyer needs to be more thorough with the investigations into what he's getting. AndManglor needs to take pics that accurately SHOW what is wrong with the shoes. Yeah, yeah, yeah--you described it. But c'mon gee--you aint' foolinganyone with the angles you positioned those joints in, except the fool who bought them.
Damn OP I wouldn't even take that refund. How on earth are dirty and other mods siding with this guy? So somehow you missed all those flaws in your picsmanglor? If you were a average kid tryna cheat a kid out his money then yeah I'd say OP should take the L for not taking more caution , but from a mod?Really? Now dudes demanding this and that instead of just giving dude his refund for something he misrepresented? Shows alot about your character and about theother mods for allowing this kinda stuff and actually defending it.
i swear i knew this thread was gonna get ugly lol. atleast it is resolved tho. this thread will go down in history
sigh.. this is what i dont get when ppl post up used/busted up shoes for sale.. they dont put up pictures of the flaws only cuz they tryna get the most outtathere stinky crap.. manglor put a pretty precise description but didnt mention the scuffs on the top of the shoe but like i said.. a pictures worth a thousandwords.. if you just showed the severity of the stains or whatnot this would not happen.. and imo arent worth anywhere near 100+shipping.. hell i wouldnt evenpay 50 for those..
both took Ls.

Buyer still paid around $75 for some garbage.
Seller has a tainted image now.

I was one of the first to say dude should just take the L based on the description, but it's really funny that manglor is acting like he didn't getover on dude with those pics. It's like if I listed a car online and said it had "some scratches" and then took a pic of the clean side, whilethe other side had been keyed up and down and left and right.

And OP,
at you as well for changing the title for some petty cash. Dude did you dirty with the pics and you're gonna basically succumb to his demandsfor 50 bones?
Moral of the story.... buy DS..... or create a lame #$% thread calling out a staff member for e-fame and crank gifs
dudes like a prostittutte copped out with his tail between his legs and changed the title for that $50 the things people do for money.

i feel for dude and understand his frustation but him approaching this the wrong way from the get go caused the majority of the lack of sympathy he got.
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