manglor is the greatest person ever but is a terrible seller (pics bottom of page 1 and 4 AND 14)

I only have one NT staff member *cough* Manglor *cough* on my list of references, but now it looks like I'll have to take him off.
@ this thread.
That gif was AWESOME.


Dude was unhappy with some shoes he bought for 100 bucks. NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND OF ANY KIND. Posted a thread here then finally told me about it once it waslike 9 pages long. STILL NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND OF ANY KIND. Finally after pages of needless yet hilarious stupidity dude said he wanted 50 bucks back but ofcourse he really really wanted to keep the shoes he claimed he disliked so much.

I said sure thing if he apologized and changed the title of the thread.

He apologized and changed the title of the thread and i gave him what he wanted.

Now i need someone to turn that GIF into an avatar for me...
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

$125 is actually a good price if the kicks were in the condition he provided in the first pics . That definitely would have been a steal .

They go for $300+ DS ... chill y'all .

You didnt read everything did you
No actually I did , but dudes was saying $125 isnt a good price for the Cool Greys that Manglor posted , because they definitely are .

But unluckily, the shoes weren't in that condition .

Dudes are crazy if they think that Cool Greys aren't going for way more than $125 in the condition they were "supposed" to be in .

Manglor is bogus & grimey though , that's ridiculous for sending him those shoes like that , he worked those angles .
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

How are you gonna make a thread about YOU getting scammed and the seller is punking YOU into changing the title of said thread in order to get a refund?


Seriously, both of you dudes need to step your transaction game up. Buyer needs to be more thorough with the investigations into what he's getting. And Manglor needs to take pics that accurately SHOW what is wrong with the shoes. Yeah, yeah, yeah--you described it. But c'mon gee--you aint' fooling anyone with the angles you positioned those joints in, except the fool who bought them.
couldnt have said it better.
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics ofsaid stains is a MUST.
Originally Posted by Manglor

That gif was AWESOME.


I worked the angles to make my shoes look as best as possible, dude was unhappy with what actually came in. Dude wanted a refund or partial refund.
I said sure thing if he apologized and changed the title of the thread.

He apologized and changed the title of the thread and i gave him what he wanted.

Now i need someone to turn that GIF into an avatar for me...
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.
Dirtylicious wrote:
tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.

Why would the OP think a buy/sell mod would pull a fast one on him though? Basically OP's mistake was trusting NT staff. Some one who should be helpingmake things better who SHOULD be trust worthy and honest. Yet the fault lies only on OP's shoulders. Ok dirty your right it has nothing to do with yourfellow staff being shady
what fast one?.. the shoes were described as used and having ink stains
yet, you can't see any stains in the where do you think they would be?.

whoever's account regarding additional you want to believe OP's or Manglors....there were definitely enough reasons for OP to not go through with thetransaction.

I don't know Manglor from the next person... and the fact that he's a buy/sell guide doesn't sway my decision.

so like I said and keep's up the OP/buyer to do their due diligence on what they're buying.
...regardless of it's NT staff or not.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of theflaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

what fast one?.. the shoes were described as used and having ink stains
yet, you can't see any stains in the where do you think they would be?.

And he didnt describe them as Ink stains he just said stains that would come out easily. Reread the 1st post for description...
And yes you can see a stain in the pics provided to the OP, so he figured that this was the only stains:
This is what happens when people beast and get all hyped thinking they got a steal. I mean what did you pay for them, you probably got your money's worth.You should have just saved your $ and copped a DS pair or waited like the rest of us patiently and copped the retro when ever it releases again.
tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of thatflaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I wouldthink it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more picsor not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes areobviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites Ifrequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put histrust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has beena perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But Iguess I was wrong.
Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....
Originally Posted by Wade187

tree4twenty wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

tree4twenty wrote:
LOL @ that Gif. Should have thrown a couple little ink stains on the shoes....

@ people saying "Well he had stains in his description." Stains on anythng you are selling or buying is a BIG part of the transaction. Pics of said stains is a MUST.
but yet OP(according to Manglor) didn't request any pics.
or if you want to go by the OP, he requested some, but Manglor did not want to provide

either way... the OP STILL went through with the transaction. now...where does the fault really lie?

Caveat emptor.


If seller declines more pics, then something is up and OP isnt too bright.
At the same time, denying pics cause you know that the buyer wont buy them just to make the sale is shady. (IF he denied the pics)

Honestly, I dont see OP asking for more pics based on the fact that one of the pics showed a stain, so he figures Manglor isnt hiding anything.
Well, Manglor WAS hiding things and that is just wrong. Flaws in anything you are buying selling sways the buy/sell price drastically and hiding half of the flaws ON PURPOSE for extra money is being dishonest.

If he said they had a stain in the description and one of his pics showed a stain, I wouldnt ask for more pics either....

In the end, Manglor was shady and OP should have gone about it different.
The soles coming off is another story....

And LOL @ Manglor saying the stains should come out easily. Ink is far from easy to get out....

Exactly. Dirty maybe you don't really go over to buy/sell much but when there is a certain flaw in your description you are suppose to have pics of that flaw. If a mod who should obviously know how to make a proper listing states that there is minor stains, and puts up those pics like Manglor did then I would think it's that little bit that's in those pics. Him having these pics and having that description is deceiving regardless of if OP asked for more pics or not. If you have those kinda pics it's to make it seem as if those stains are so minor that you can't really see them. In that pic the shoes are obviously used but it says nothing about the back material coming off. I don't know about I S S cause I have never used that site but on the other sites I frequent and have bought shoes from the mods are nothing like this and conduct them selves and handle business in a proper way. So I see why dude would put his trust into the mod regardless of him knowing him or not because I personally would have done the same seeing as how every mod I have ever encountered has been a perfect transaction. Especially with NT being as strict as it is I would expect the mods on here to meet to the standards of some of the lesser sites. But I guess I was wrong.

1. I don't go over to buy/sell at all.
2. I don't even see any stains in the pic above.

from sounds like
1. Manglor did an airfob
2. OP jumped on the price to make sure no one else got them

If anything..there's equal blame to go around... but, at the end of the day it's up to the buyer to know exactly what he's getting... it seems thathe didn't do that.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Well put. I really can't believe Dirty is siding with Manglor on this one.
Kinda makes you wonder....

be a man and say it straight up what you're trying to imply...or don't say anything at all....
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