"Manly" and "Girly" Drinks

Funny how the "colorful" and "fruity" drinks tend to be the strongest. Perhaps the manly men can't hold their alcohol well so they opt for something weaker.
Maybe if we start talking about how ridiculous it is that even things like DRINKS are given gender assignments, we can start to progress beyond these antiquated ideas that really do more harm than good. Drink whatever you like dude. Unless that drink starts increasing your estrogen intake or causes you to have a gender reassignment, your masculinity will remain in tact.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

so are long island iced teas consider girly??

I've never had any shame ordering that before but a glass of Tokyo Tea has been a pretty good ice breaker for me recently*shrugs*
I have no problem ordering a "girly" drink. But I drink is Hennessy mostly

Edit: I do enjoy Sangria. Come at me bro
i follow ryan gossling's advice of drinking drinks without a straw
mostly gin+tonic or chilled shots of vodka
Originally Posted by idrinkyac

Strictly Cognac only for me, well majority of the time
Word. Same for me. Preference wise, Hennessy. Hen and coke if I want to maintain a steady buzz.

In my opinion, forget what people think as to what they designate as a manly or girly drink. Drink whatever you enjoy and whatever tastes "good" to you. That's how I see it, never been a problem amongst my peers or where ever I'm at.
Originally Posted by hugebird

Maybe if we start talking about how ridiculous it is that even things like DRINKS are given gender assignments, we can start to progress beyond these antiquated ideas that really do more harm than good. Drink whatever you like dude. Unless that drink starts increasing your estrogen intake or causes you to have a gender reassignment, your masculinity will remain in tact.

Drink whatever the hell tastes good to you.
Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

as long as there's no umbrella in your drink, you're good

Um, no.  Not this.

So let me get this straight.  If you were drinking a Smirnoff Ice, an appletini or a Midori sour....it woulnt be considered a girly drink if there wasnt an umbrella in it?  LOL.  Sorry, but thats absolutely ridiculous.

Even with that being said, who really gives a *$%$ if you are drinking a girly drink?  If you are secure with yourself, drink what you want. 
Originally Posted by hugebird

Maybe if we start talking about how ridiculous it is that even things like DRINKS are given gender assignments, we can start to progress beyond these antiquated ideas that really do more harm than good. Drink whatever you like dude. Unless that drink starts increasing your estrogen intake or causes you to have a gender reassignment, your masculinity will remain in tact.

someone took a sociology class or two
but i agree with everything you just said.
Originally Posted by ssricky robot

Yesterday I was at a brewery and I had a cider because I had never had one before. My boss told me it was a "girly" drink.
It seems like the worse-tasting a drink is, the "manlier" it is considered. Why is that? Discuss.
Because most "men" will never achieve the mindset that is required to be a man, so they develop fictitious activities to define the parameters for being a man.
Whatever I'm in the mood for, or what tastes good I'll drink it

Really depends on the situation too, if it's with my boss in drinking it straight, if it's a party with some %@%+$+* I'll drink whatever I want, I'll inturn use a fruity drink as a ice breaker
drink what you like man, who cares.

out of habit, i never drink with a straw, but i guess somefolks consider drinking with a straw to be non-manly.

FWIW your boss is just a typical ignorant American. Cider is a widely accepted beverage of choice amongst the manliest of men abroad. You go to someplace like Ireland and you will see oldtimers drink cider and/or jameson. Only in America do they consider cider to be girly because they just dont know any better.
So from my many years of drinking experience (i don't drink that much, I'm just old) I've found that the folllowing drinks are usually safe:

Scotch or Whiskey
Vodka and Soda (club or coke)
Gin and soda (club or coke)
Gimlet (with Gin. With vodka is a little girly. Dont' know why)
Gin and Tonic (in the US it's safe, in Ireland and other parts of Europe, it's kinda girly.)
Cognac (Coke and Hennessy or Hennessy on the rocks is pretty safe. Usually one of my go-to's.)
Martini (dry or dirty)
Cuba Libre (rum and coke, nothing fancy)
A few classics:
Old Fashioned
Mint Julep (only in the summer, and only in the daytime, like out for brunch on a date or something. Don't be out with your boys at the club this weekend and walk up to the bar asking for a Mint Julep.)
Mojito (same rules as above.)
Beer (almost any beer is pretty safe, but beer is pretty wide-ranging and complex. Generally if your beer comes with a fruit in it, it is kinda girly, but it'll do. I recommend trying different beers as much as you can until you get a taste for what you like and don't like. That way you can always safely order a beer no matter where you are.)
Wine (red if you're a guy and that's what they're serving, white if all they have is white or if your girl wants to share a bottle of white.)

Drinks that are considered feminine (doesn't mean they're not good, but you'll lose your man-card if you order one of these. Also, girls do notice if you're on a date and this is what you get for yourself.):

Fruity Margaritas (especially frozen. Only exception is BBQ's and only if she's getting one too.)
Daquiris (same as above)
Apple Martinis (self explanatory)
Chocolate Martinis
Basically any fruit-flavored "tini"
malibu and pineapple
Smirnoff Ice, Mike's Hard Lemonade, Mike's Hard Tea, etc... (if you want to drink down something that starts with "Mike's Hard" you gotta question it.)
Jack and Coke (contrary to some misconception this isn't that manly. It's what you load up sorority girls with when you want to seal the deal.)
Anything with Bailey's
Anything with a garnish or fruits floating around in it
Anything, I mean ANYTHING with a sugared rim
Anything with whipped cream or chocolate sauce

This isn't really my own opinion just the opinions of others I've collected over the years.
I don't really +$#! with fruity drinks, do like a long island ice tea though. Manly or girly, what drinks taste best to y'all? Tired of henny 
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