Manny Paquiao !! Hes bringing asians back

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

point is, who cares who's a fan or not? it isn't going to take away from you being an "OG" fan. btw, i'm not a hop on. i don't watch boxing enough to call myself a fan. but i've always hated that "i was a fan first" attitude, be it sports.. music or anything.
i agree

i mean, we all hop the bandwagon at some point. That's HOW you become a fan.

If we all like the same thing, why can't we get along?
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

point is, who cares who's a fan or not? it isn't going to take away from you being an "OG" fan. btw, i'm not a hop on. i don't watch boxing enough to call myself a fan. but i've always hated that "i was a fan first" attitude, be it sports.. music or anything.
i was calling the dudes who are talking about "PACMAN IS BRINGING ASIANS BACK!" "PACMAN CAN BEAT ANYONE" or the "PACMANWILL EAT ______ ALIVE" dudes the hypebeast hop ons. if you werent one of them, then my bad, i wasnt talking about you.

and im far from being an OG fan of pacman. im a fairly new fan myself, but can i sit here and vouch for dude like ive seen all of his matches? hell nah. thatswhy i played my position, i know way more about mayweather than Manny, do i think mayweather can take him down? hell yeah i think he can.

but Manny can also take down mayweather. im just siding with mayweather on this one.
this is a match we have to see to know.

i didnt come in this thread saying "PRETTY BOY LOYD WOULD BRUTALY DESTRONY PACMAN". why? cause PBF probably wont beat him that damn bad. Manny isfast as hell and has nice power while keeping that speed. so i know for a fact that PBF wont just walk onto the ring and beat him down to the ground.

but theres a difference between being a new fan, and being a new hypebeast. if youre a new respectable fan who just supports manny's fights, then all good.i respect your opinion. hell, i even respect a hypebeasts opinion. everyones opinion is respected, but dudes cant just walk in somewhere talking all this bigtalk when they hardly know %%*#.

and a lot of dudes on NT and outside of Nt do that. ive even gotten into arguments of Pacman with my boys. they saw dude win 1 fight and all of a sudden theywere OG fans. i saw manny win against De la hoya and was left with the
face. dude was lethal, and i was sold even more than i was before. but i didnt wake up the next day saying "PACMAN IS +*#%$+* UP ANYONE. BRIGN IT!!",cause dude could have lost his next fight... then wheres my big bad super hero now? knocked the #*%+ out

i need to stop tping these damn essays
TeeOh Owens wrote:
dyyhard wrote:
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

ggarvinXX3 wrote:
aint he Mexican ?



yup. a mexican - mexican killer.

he kills mexican fighters waaay past their primes.

Now this doesn't necessarily only go for Pacquiao... but I think it's funny when dudes be like "he'll body manny" or "manny isoverated, he aint seein' ___"

But as soon as that fighter loses to Manny... it's "ehhh... he fought them past their prime"

Wasn't Barrera or Morales still considered in their prime when they lost to Manny? Isn't JMM the second best lb4lb fighter, yet he lost to Manny? DLHloses and it's "he's to old" (which is true) but I didn't hear anybody saying that when he fought PBF.

It's usually AFTER a fighter loses, people start to automatically think they're over the hill
... age doesn't always mean everything! i.e. JMM, Executioner, Mosley...ect.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

point is, who cares who's a fan or not? it isn't going to take away from you being an "OG" fan. btw, i'm not a hop on. i don't watch boxing enough to call myself a fan. but i've always hated that "i was a fan first" attitude, be it sports.. music or anything.
The problem is that OG fans also never say "I was a fan from the beginning" the new bandwagon fans say crap like that, that's what's so annoying. Two real boxing fans would discuss in detail why they think Manny or Floyd would win, a bandwagon fan is the one that shouts "MANNY IS GOING TO KILL FLOYD LIKE HE KILLED HATTON, PACMAN IS A BEAST" then proceed to back up his claim with more fanboy yelling, fallacy filled arguments and whatever he remembers from the Manny Pacquiao wiki page.

i understand what you mean.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

TeeOh Owens wrote:
dyyhard wrote:
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

ggarvinXX3 wrote:
aint he Mexican ?


yup. a mexican - mexican killer.

he kills mexican fighters waaay past their primes.

Now this doesn't necessarily only go for Pacquiao... but I think it's funny when dudes be like "he'll body manny" or "manny is overated, he aint seein' ___"

But as soon as that fighter loses to Manny... it's "ehhh... he fought them past their prime"

Wasn't Barrera or Morales still considered in their prime when they lost to Manny? Isn't JMM the second best lb4lb fighter, yet he lost to Manny? DLH loses and it's "he's to old" (which is true) but I didn't hear anybody saying that when he fought PBF.

It's usually AFTER a fighter loses, people start to automatically think they're over the hill
... age doesn't always mean everything! i.e. JMM, Executioner, Mosley... ect.
JMM whooped Pacquio the first time
^^ My dude...

You quoted me just to say that? I wasn't even bashing JMM or anything, if anything I'd give him props cause he's one of those "over thehill" guys that still murk people. He's older than Barrera and he beat him. So, point is (JMM included)... "beating fighters past theirprime" don't mean %+$#.
Pacquiao is that dude. Because I know boxing better than I know sneakers, I do all my arguing on the boxing forums.
Ok, Who's saving all these quotes?...and plans on re-quoting them after the Pac man Vs Pretty Boy fight?....lmao...
Floyd and Pac will be a great fight...I am not a huge fan of boxing but that would def. be a an entertaining fight.
You guys are confusing me by referring to Manny as Pac. I'm thinking of 2Pac when you guys say Pac.
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