March 2008 Pickups thread!

I know I'm a couple pages late...but...

Mic...Props on picking up those Knick Pennys!
I didn't like them when they dropped, cause I wanted the Orlando colored joints and didn't want tosettle. And I coulda' got them on sale too. DAMN...

I got to track those down to complete my set. (Orlandos, Chi-towns & Knicks)
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

Damn FLIP! Those kicks are just amazing.

yeah, but what did you mean that they are not the same as the final flip?
busyleung what's going on with those ie 11s? that black or blue?
2. are they customed or sampled?
Something for mini t21d, thanks a million UCASTA- always and will be my friend!

ahh damn T21D .. dope carbon fibers
and the jewels for the wee one are sick as well haha
Originally Posted by T21D

Originally Posted by donjuan513

Long time no see. Too many shoes and clothes to post.....but only one of these. Waiting on more tires.
circa 80's DonJuan. They stopped making Bridgestones. You better have some cannons for thighs to move that thing. Wait a minute is that a 48 toother up front? Cmon now, where's that 52 or 55

Sorry, I only rode mountain, cylocross, and single speeders. I occasional rode on the pavement as well. Its the bike geek in me.

How much did you drop on the frame?

I'm investing on a Softride so I can use it for my training and then competitions. I've tried it for a weekend and I really liked it. Anyway, just gotback mountain biking at the Fullerton trails. It was a pretty nice loop but not the best one. I fell bad going down hill and stumbled. Suffered a bruised rightquad, a strained left VMO (medial quad) with a superficial 1 inch laceration and I pretty much had my whole break assembly destroyed but it was all worth it.

Triathlon Training Guide-I really don't need it but it was on sale and it provides good info.
CB34 Godzillas- so sexy I had to cop it.
Sold my used Opium180s and HOA Ultramarine 180s to cop these...


I think someone needs to learn to spell check though... ^

^^^^^Nice Dizzy's KSMITH4768

Coretraining85- Hopefully the trail you were riding wasn't advanced enough for your skills and bike, but your Jamis is equipped to handle anything but thelocal park sidewalk. The tires you're riding on are great for dry fast courses and the adjustable stem plus the travel on your fork don't make a goodcombo. I haven't ridden on SoftRides because I wasn't into Tri. Alot of tri geeks love'm, but if I were you I'd get a reasonbaly priced roadbike, at least in the 900 to 1 G range. It's pricey, but you get what you pay for. Plus it's multi functional unlike a specialized tri bike.

Thanks for the compliments everyone.
T21D - you know i am not a big Af1 guy, but those carbon fibers are serious
. and your welcome for the michigan jewels, i had been looking to get the little one something for a while now, glad i found em.
Originally Posted by T21D

^^^^^Nice Dizzy's KSMITH4768

Coretraining85- Hopefully the trail you were riding wasn't advanced enough for your skills and bike, but your Jamis is equipped to handle anything but the local park sidewalk. The tires you're riding on are great for dry fast courses and the adjustable stem plus the travel on your fork don't make a good combo. I haven't ridden on SoftRides because I wasn't into Tri. Alot of tri geeks love'm, but if I were you I'd get a reasonbaly priced road bike, at least in the 900 to 1 G range. It's pricey, but you get what you pay for. Plus it's multi functional unlike a specialized tri bike.

Thanks for the compliments everyone.

TD21- Nice Graphites!

Anyway, the sad thing is that it isn't even my bike. I had to use an alternate one since I jammed my old one. I was hesistant at using it at first but whenI saw the trail I just got excited. lol The trail was ok, its just that I had the wrong bike. I'm on my way to the bike shop to get a newer mountainbike.

I've used road bikes on mini tri's mostly basic aluminum and some modified with carbonfiber. Softride was the last bike I've tried riding onout of 4 bikes and I must say its more than the brand. I really wasn't feeling it when I first saw it but riding it was a diffrent experience. NTers shouldhave a bike meet..
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